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Missing Rain & Snow?


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I surely don t miss snow because I ve had to deal with it for 40 years and the coldness that comes along with winter in Canada. A useless season if you ask me... Most trees would agree as they drop their leaves in the fall only to grow them back months later when spring is around. Bears also hibernate for the season.

Another shorter explanation could be:

Ottawa minus 15Celsius

Chonburi 33 Celsius

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Because it usually signifies cold and building a snowman is not enough of a joy compared with living in a permanently warm and wellness-giving climate.

Btw, are you male or female Anna? May sound a silly question but don't know many women-folk who pst avatar pictures of a woman's crotch...or is it yours? If so

:o:D:D when are you in town next?

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Snow without the bad things about winter then... :D

Car iced over,sometimes have to dig it out of a big pile of snow,must have a good battery otherwise it won't start,takes a while to get the car warm inside,slippery roads,cold,long list really,too long to type. :o

Did I mention that it gets cold in the winter?

Nice to look at snow covered landscape from indoors or at a postcard though.

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I miss snowboarding on the lightly snow dusted artificial ski slopes!! but i guess Japan is not too far away! It would be nice to be able to wear more than 1 layer of clothing sometimes but since i am off to China for the new year i guess that will happen!

Merry Xmas everyone!

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Because it usually signifies cold and building a snowman is not enough of a joy compared with living in a permanently warm and wellness-giving climate.

Btw, are you male or female Anna? May sound a silly question but don't know many women-folk who pst avatar pictures of a woman's crotch...or is it yours? If so

:o:D:D when are you in town next?

Uuuhhhhhh...... I have looked at that avatar too. Maybe I see things different from you. That looks like an oversized crotch volvo. I mean... Is that a dong in the thong?

Snow.. I don't miss it. I had 22 years of that.

Edited by Head Snake
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From where I'm sitting (Victoria) I can see snow on the Olympic mountains, and the hills to the north. That's close enough. My Canadian home is one of the few parts of Canada not to get any real snow and I'm not complaining, though I still prefer to be in Thailand for the winter and here in the summer, not the other way around. :D

On the news now I'm seeing people spending one of the country's busiest travel days stranded in airposts due to a snow storm. 400 traffic accidents in Ontario makes me homesick for Chaing Mai :o .

Okay, I could complain about being stuck working here in the winter but I guess it could always be worse.

Happy holidays everyone!


Edited by cdnvic
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I dont miss snow one bit. great when you're a kid growing up in Scotland. Sledging down the hill, snowball fights and rubbing your mates face in the snow. Ah! To be a kid again. But as for being an adult. Working on building sites freezing your balls off. No thanks. I dont miss it one bit. I love the sun. In Oz. Getting up in the morning and getting the BBQ going. only a pair of shorts on and nice cold beer in hand. Ahhh! Bliss. So you can keep your snow. I've had my fair share growing up. :o:D

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Snow without the bad things about winter then... :D

Car iced over,sometimes have to dig it out of a big pile of snow,must have a good battery otherwise it won't start,takes a while to get the car warm inside,slippery roads,cold,long list really,too long to type. :D

Did I mention that it gets cold in the winter?

Nice to look at snow covered landscape from indoors or at a postcard though.


right on the point!

I'm living in the mountain now and we have to deal with snow, this ain't nice :D

and freezing cold ...

must be kinda bababobo to miss snow when living in LOS ... I never missed it when living there, missing Thai winter a lot :o

merry Xmas to you all lucky ones being in LOS now :D


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Glad to be far away from the cold and dank british winter. I have a few broken bones along with knocks and bangs, the cold and damp seems to twist my joints.

Radio 1 (british national radio) had a report of thousands of motorists stuck after a fatal accident. Once again the British councils roll out the lame excuse that they were caught out by the bad weather. My hint for them is " winter comes at the same time of year, every year."

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That I miss snow doesnt mean I wanna suffer the whole freezing winter. Just wanna play with snow a while and see the white scenery, only 2 days is enough.

I feel bkk is getting warm these days. Is its winter over? I always feel something is missing this yr and it is the freezing wind and cold winter and coats.

btw, what's the lowest temperature of Bkk?

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