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Now That You Live In Thailand, Do You Still Keep Up To Date With The Music Charts Back In Your Home Country.


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Music has always been an important part of my life and while I sort of detested chart music I still always knew what was in the charts. Now that I am older and living away I have less of an idea although I do download the latest 'now' albums. I think that it is good for the mind to not always be listening to songs from the past. What about you guys?

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Ahhh, the charts from the 60's !!! LOL. I must have 300+ albums stored on the computer from home so little need for anything new.

Never bothered with 'pop' music charts back home. Maybe my mind is in very bad condition :o

I do have to d/l a few albums for the g/f though. Currently d/l Linkin Park as she has taken a shine to them.

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Music has always been an important part of my life and while I sort of detested chart music I still always knew what was in the charts. Now that I am older and living away I have less of an idea although I do download the latest 'now' albums. I think that it is good for the mind to not always be listening to songs from the past. What about you guys?

I stopped keeping track about 30 years ago when I realised I didn't know anyone in the top 20 :D. I remember it came as quite a shock as I always knew every single in the top 30 during the 60s - and still do - and have them all now as mp3, but after about '72 other things became more important. Plus there was all that glam-rock, punk and other crap that came along after the 60s, so I lost interest.

I'm a proud member of SLITS - still living in the sixties :o.

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Not me, i moved to get away from that rap type rubbish !,. no for me music depreciated and went downhill in about 1988,and i find myself tuned into 60-70=80 music stations, suits me fine,.i probably sound like my parents, i remember my mother saying of The Rolling Stones "why cant they keep still when they sing " :o

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I was never into the pop charts but I could always name around 75% of the top ten. The sixties was, like many here, when I first really started taking an interest in popular music plus it was the time I got my first transistor radio. However I don't think much of the music from that era has aged all that well and I prefer the stuff from the 70's and 80's with some from the 90's.

I stopped taking an interest in the charts back in the 90's just as I moved to Thailand. These days when I go back I'll look at the chart line up in the music stores and, unless some aging rocker has done another relaunch, I don't recognise one name. I don't mind the new stuff, except for rap and it's various morphs, but it doesn't light my fire. These days though the leading quality for a singer or band is pretty looks, boys and girls, and lack of talent is electronically corrected.

I guess I've become a grumpy old man just like my old man was before me. :o Jeez if he'd have seen the likes of Boy George I think he'd have thrown an apopleptic fit and then thrown the TV out into the street.

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I was never into the pop charts but I could always name around 75% of the top ten. The sixties was, like many here, when I first really started taking an interest in popular music plus it was the time I got my first transistor radio. However I don't think much of the music from that era has aged all that well and I prefer the stuff from the 70's and 80's with some from the 90's.

I stopped taking an interest in the charts back in the 90's just as I moved to Thailand. These days when I go back I'll look at the chart line up in the music stores and, unless some aging rocker has done another relaunch, I don't recognise one name. I don't mind the new stuff, except for rap and it's various morphs, but it doesn't light my fire. These days though the leading quality for a singer or band is pretty looks, boys and girls, and lack of talent is electronically corrected.

I guess I've become a grumpy old man just like my old man was before me. :D Jeez if he'd have seen the likes of Boy George I think he'd have thrown an apopleptic fit and then thrown the TV out into the street.

Your old man sounds ok Phil ! :D ,actually if you look at boy george now seems he is in the street, or actually gutter,. :o Edited by imaneggspurt
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Same here, still living in the sixties, and in the fifties, when I was a radio DJ for a short time. Other than Guns n' Roses, I picked up very little after 1979.

neither did i (Country & Western excluded). as far as the other "music" is concerned i don't think we missed a lot.

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These days though the leading quality for a singer or band is pretty looks, boys and girls, and lack of talent is electronically corrected.

I guess it might seem that way to someone who admits to having lost interest at least 10 years ago.

Plenty of great musicians out there. Real, innovative, exciting acts. But then, this type of band have never really bothered the Top 10, not even in the hallowed Sixties when The Monkees and Freddie and the Dreamers et al only had to smile to sell 20,000 singles.

Blah, blah, blah.

People who love music put the effort in to check out new acts. People who have lost their passion for music, or are only interested in it as background noise look back to the last time they actually cared.

This reminds me, I must phone my dad.

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I must admit I've not really listened to any chart music in the last 10 or so years. I sometimes hear a current song on an advert or somewhere which I might like, heard the band the ting, tings on a music programme a week or so back and thought they might be worth putting on my mp3 player for when I go jogging.

I went to the night baazar in Chiang Mai to get a copy of the album and the conversation went like this:

seller: what are you looking for?

me: the Ting-Tings

seller: [looking at me as if I'm crazy] what Ting-Ting?

me: mmm.... mai pen rai.

I'm now jogging to the stones.

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Music has always been an important part of my life and while I sort of detested chart music I still always knew what was in the charts. Now that I am older and living away I have less of an idea although I do download the latest 'now' albums. I think that it is good for the mind to not always be listening to songs from the past. What about you guys?

70% of all the western chart music now days is just a mix of cheesy, plastic R&B, simple europop, and some light/thuggish/hiphop. Extremely boring most of the time (as usual) :o

Although, in all fairness i must say, some early hip/hop was kinda cool, now days, the whole music scene is so full of that stuff, i have in recent years got allergic to all that ghetto thug, rap bling-o-blong-boing-yo-yo-stuff. Remember the "explicit lyric" sticker found on some cd´s? It might be a good idea, to reprint those stickers with a text saying, Warning, contains hip/hop-elements.

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They play chart music on local FM radio, don't they? I tried listening to it once, when I first bought a car here, but gave up quickly.

Then I found davidbyrne.con/radio - now I let him to select cool tracks for me, I trust his taste. This month playlist is rather pleasant, let's see how long I can listen to his station.

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I'm not in Thailand but live in Saudi. I try to keep upto date with the current music back home and although they might not all be my cup of tea, there are the occasional gems.

The Script - Man who can't be moved has been one of my favs this year.

I was actually teaching the latest song from 'The Script' to my home-room class today.

They definitely seemed to like it.

I can make a sound track for most of my life connected to the music that was playing at the time and what I was listening to. Funnily enough it is often the tracks that I least liked that seem to bring up the most memories. I want my recent memories to be connected to new songs too - if that make sense.

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Then I found davidbyrne.con/radio - now I let him to select cool tracks for me, I trust his taste. This month playlist is rather pleasant, let's see how long I can listen to his station.

Thanks David


Your avatar reminds me: I've been meaning to listen to the fall for about 20 years. I think a trip to the library is due.

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I guess it might seem that way to someone who admits to having lost interest at least 10 years ago.

People who love music put the effort in to check out new acts. People who have lost their passion for music, or are only interested in it as background noise look back to the last time they actually cared.

This reminds me, I must phone my dad.

Well of course you are correct there. Back in my late teens and twenties I used to go to around two live gigs a week either locally or in London. Never made it as far as Manchester as my funds wouldn't stretch that far. Most of the bands I saw were certainly not main stream and a lot were experimental modern jazz. Some of the music was not to my taste but there were some gems.

Some of the best venues were the small clubs and pub halls. Used to go to a blues club at The Angel hotel, Godalming. Although it was strictly a blues club most genres of music were represented. One week we had a band nobody had heard of, Jethro Tull :D , they went down so well they came back following week. Next time I saw them was at the Albert Hall.

Oh well, happy days. :D

As for "background noise" it is a sign of getting old when the music of your rebellious youth resurfaces as mutilated elevator muzac. :o

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I try to keep up, but what we are served here is rather not my taste at all....

There is a broadcast on TV5 (French) called Taratata, which is the best stuff in my opinion. Unfortunately, not more than once a month...

Usually, fantastic duet, great bands (famous or not), 100% live .

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I try to stay on top of it, but there are heaps of bands I have never heard of who my sisters tell me are wonderful, who sound like rubbish to me. I must be getting old...

However, I did enjoy Snow Patrol's "Chasing Cars" track (the album is good too) but Im not completely sure if that was even released this year!

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