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Belly Removal


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The wife would like her little post baby belly trimmed. Any information on the best place for this proceedure in chiang mai? Any one out there gone under the knife? please share your experience, like how long did it take to recover and such. Thanks

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The wife would like her little post baby belly trimmed. Any information on the best place for this proceedure in chiang mai? Any one out there gone under the knife? please share your experience, like how long did it take to recover and such. Thanks

Hi Sparrow

Clinic Soi 1 have got a surgery both in Bkk and Chiang Mai and you can make an appointment for a free consultation on all manner of procedures. I would ask around though, not so much for price, but for personal recommendations on the surgeons themselves.

Here's a link to their site: Plastic surgery in Chiang Mai

It always tickles me when folks post about cosmetic surgery for others. I’m not saying they’re not genuine posts, but it’s just funny how those wanting the surgery never seem to post for themselves on forums. It’s as if there’s some humongous shame in wanting a little cut and a tuck here and there :o

Such posts often start with ‘A friend of mine’, or one I saw a few months back removed the original poster even further from the one wanting surgery by starting, ’A friend of mine’s got a friend who……. Eeeeee, there’s none funnier than folks :D


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I dont know much about tightening up post baby belly as Ive never had a baby, but surely if its just a small amount then she could do something less drastic than surgery?. Of course, by all means she should do what makes her happy but, may i suggest she (or you on her behalf) really take time to think it over. Several factors to think about, such as if just post baby, shouldnt she wait a while for her body to re-adjust? Another, should she really be having surgery like this so soon after having a baby? (Stitches could rupture maybe on picking up the baby, and she may have pain after such a surgery). I think that because it seems relatively common now to have some kind of cosmetic surgery, that it is forgotten that its still major surgery where you are putting your body through something quite drastic (Im not saying it not something people should do, but just to carefully think before putting a body through something which may not really be necessary).

Maybe consider some alternative treatments first such as exercise if her skin isnt loose, and/or tightening treatments at a good quality beauty clinic. Just to see if her body will "bounce back" before going under the knife. If her skin has really loosened post birth, then i can understand her concern and probably exercise wont do much as exercise doesnt tighten skin. But maybe a combination of exercise, tightening treatment, cream and massage ,may encourage her body to improve itself.

Sorry if my comments are ignorant, as, as i said, im not a mother, so although i know having a baby can change a womans body, im not sure if the only way to combat something unwanted is only via surgery. All im saying is might be worth looking into alternatives first before doing something as drastic as surgery (plus I imagine she will end up with a lower abdomen scar from surgery too).

Best of luck to you wife in this. Hope she will feel good about her body/belly again, surgery or not.

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Well, Aitch, I'm interested in this topic and for myself. See, I admitted it! Like many women my age, I've got some belly scars from female procedures and a pouch that won't go away, even with dieting and exercise. My "protruberance" makes it difficult to find clothes that fit properly. It's been with me all my life and I look forward to exploring plastic surgery options in Thailand.

I visited a few doctors in the U.S. to learn more about the procedure and costs. Eek raises some very good concerns. This is major surgery, not like having a few snips to tighten your chin. They make a long incision just above the groin from starboard to port, even around into the back if you don't have a "waist". They loosen the skin, remove the belly fat, pull the skin back down, snip off a few inches of "excess" skin across the bottom, reposition your belly button and sew the new edge of the skin to the incision at the bikini line. The skin is so tight that you want to remain curled up for a few days after the surgery, but they make you get up and move around, of course.

The doctors I talked with in the US said they don't like to do this procedure to a woman who thinks she'll get pregnant again. Also, they don't suggest this procedure as an alternative to a weight loss program. It has a role in removing excess skin and "figure flaws" after someone has lost weight and is close to their ideal weight. As with pregnancy, they say it's a very bad thing to gain weight after you have this surgery, so "yo-yo" dieters aren't candidates for the procedure. The recovery takes about six weeks and during the first three or four weeks, activity is very restricted. That could be a problem for a mother of a young child.

Yet even with all this information, I want to go ahead with the procedure. I'm way past the days of having children. The cost at the best hospital is Thailand is about half the cost of a U.S. tummy tuck and it looks like better care -- more days in the hospital and more days in physical therapy afterwards. I'm fairly new to retirement in Thailand, so I don't have any family or work responsibilities that would preclude six weeks of "down time". It's something I'll check out during the hot season, so I can use the hospital's aircon and won't miss outdoor activities.

Edited by NancyL
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