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Why No British Restaurants Anywhere?


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I know a number of Pakistani English guys and they all told me that Paki is a derogatory term.

SO WHAT ? Other countries cope well with their assigned nicks based on nationality. Kiwi's cope with sheep shaggers. A truncation of the national name is nothing. REST IT

The fact that people find it offensive it good enough reason not to use it.

Truncation has got nothing to do with it...

Would you call someone a nigger?

Get light hearted or get out.

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I know a number of Pakistani English guys and they all told me that Paki is a derogatory term.

When I was working in the Middle East there were many pakistanis with British or Canadian passports. So they were Pommy Paks and Candy Paks. We even had one whose name was Stan, so of course he was Paki Stan :o

None of them were affended by the terms..

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I know a number of Pakistani English guys and they all told me that Paki is a derogatory term.

SO WHAT ? Other countries cope well with their assigned nicks based on nationality. Kiwi's cope with sheep shaggers. A truncation of the national name is nothing. REST IT

The fact that people find it offensive it good enough reason not to use it.

Truncation has got nothing to do with it...

Would you call someone a nigger?

Get light hearted or get out.

What is that supposed to mean?

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I know a number of Pakistani English guys and they all told me that Paki is a derogatory term.

SO WHAT ? Other countries cope well with their assigned nicks based on nationality. Kiwi's cope with sheep shaggers. A truncation of the national name is nothing. REST IT

The fact that people find it offensive it good enough reason not to use it.

Truncation has got nothing to do with it...

Would you call someone a nigger?

Get light hearted or get out.

What is that supposed to mean?

Think about it. Then run and lend money again.

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I know a number of Pakistani English guys and they all told me that Paki is a derogatory term.

SO WHAT ? Other countries cope well with their assigned nicks based on nationality. Kiwi's cope with sheep shaggers. A truncation of the national name is nothing. REST IT

The fact that people find it offensive it good enough reason not to use it.

Truncation has got nothing to do with it...

Would you call someone a nigger?

Get light hearted or get out.

What is that supposed to mean?

Think about it. Then run and lend money again.

You are too deep for me.

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Jeez mate...Oz has ( or used to have, pie floaters ... and real mushy peas were there in bulk )

pie floaters !!!!

sounds like something you get after too many mouthfuls of faggots.

is that why they call australia "down under"?

anyone for black pudding?

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Jeez mate...Oz has ( or used to have, pie floaters ... and real mushy peas were there in bulk )

pie floaters !!!!

sounds like something you get after too many mouthfuls of faggots.

is that why they call australia "down under"?

anyone for black pudding?

You made my mouth water reading that. After a night on the raz, it would be down to pie cart (post office Adelaide) for a couple of floaters and a farmers union ice coffee. mmmmmmmmmm.

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Pizza is Italian   :D 

Pizza (the kind you eat nowadays) was invented in Chicago (by Italian Americans), making it as American as apple pie and marshmellows.

And British food isn't served in Thailand because it sucks. Not even Brits would eat it.


I'm fairly sure there as at least as many "British " food outlets in Los as "American junk " Outlets...

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Pizza is Italian  :D 

Pizza (the kind you eat nowadays) was invented in Chicago (by Italian Americans), making it as American as apple pie and marshmellows.

And British food isn't served in Thailand because it sucks. Not even Brits would eat it.


I'm fairly sure there as at least as many "British " food outlets in Los as "American junk " Outlets...

McDonalds is a good old Scottish restaurant :D:D


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Dr P, here are the forum rules, not sure if you wrote them but you certainly dont adhere to them.

By using this service you agree;

1) You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy , or otherwise in violation of any law. Posting another members personal details or web site details is forbidden and will result in being banned. Excessive, aggressive posts against other members, moderators and admin; or flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is best defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, rants, and/or for launching personal attacks, insulting, being hateful, useless criticism, name calling, swearing and other bad behavior or comments meant to incite anger. Racial slurs or remarks, rude and degrading comments towards women, or extremely negative views of Thailand will not be tolerated. Discussion of moderation issues, actions or moderation policies concerning individual cases are not allowed in the forums. Such comments should be directed to a moderator or administrator, and not discussed on the forum.

Now I know rules are made to be broken and Ive broken many of them, just thought that as a mod maybe you should try to follow them. As for your remarks about where I come from, well Ive heard that all before and laugh it off as I do most of the time reading your banal replies.

There seems to be a somewhat childish click in this forum whereby certain people support others whether they agree or not, Dr you seem to have a few followers of this ilk. It reminds me of my schooldays all over again. :D

Constible Jones -

bet Pablo H is working for a NGO saving girls from men.. Twirp. 

On the contrary, when in Thailand I often find that I have to save myself from the girls. Please if you are going to attempt to insult me can you use a better word than 'Twirp' :o

Its O.K. hiding behind your keyboard but I would gladly meet you so that you could insult me to my face, better all round I think.

Im not a pc fanatic, I just think using racist words is unnecessary, thats just my opinion, agree or disagree we are all adults here, there is no need for people to fly off the handle and fling insults about.


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Dr P, here are the forum rules, not sure if you wrote them but you certainly dont adhere to them.

By using this service you agree;

1) You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy , or otherwise in violation of any law. Posting another members personal details or web site details is forbidden and will result in being banned. Excessive, aggressive posts against other members, moderators and admin; or flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is best defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, rants, and/or for launching personal attacks, insulting, being hateful, useless criticism, name calling, swearing and other bad behavior or comments meant to incite anger. Racial slurs or remarks, rude and degrading comments towards women, or extremely negative views of Thailand will not be tolerated. Discussion of moderation issues, actions or moderation policies concerning individual cases are not allowed in the forums. Such comments should be directed to a moderator or administrator, and not discussed on the forum.

Now I know rules are made to be broken and Ive broken many of them, just thought that as a mod maybe you should try to follow them. As for your remarks about where I come from, well Ive heard that all before and laugh it off as I do most of the time reading your banal replies.

There seems to be a somewhat childish click in this forum whereby certain people support others whether they agree or not, Dr you seem to have a few followers of this ilk. It reminds me of my schooldays all over again. :D

Constible Jones -

bet Pablo H is working for a NGO saving girls from men.. Twirp. 

On the contrary, when in Thailand I often find that I have to save myself from the girls. Please if you are going to attempt to insult me can you use a better word than 'Twirp' :D

Its O.K. hiding behind your keyboard but I would gladly meet you so that you could insult me to my face, better all round I think.

Im not a pc fanatic, I just think using racist words is unnecessary, thats just my opinion, agree or disagree we are all adults here, there is no need for people to fly off the handle and fling insults about.


PabloH, you are the idiot of all idiots. I am Dr P's champion! I will meet you anywhere you little maggot! You are taking the piss and being an utter ######. Put your insults into something of substance and fly your ass over here you pedantic shit head. :o

Do you realise what is happening here? get a life!

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in light as to what has happened I can understand your anger. I have no wish to meet either you or Dr P and have never in any post expressed that.

I dont have to fly anywhere as am in KL at the moment but will be in Thailand sometime next week. I to have been worried about friends over in Phuket, although I have been in contact with them and they are O.K. but I am still waiting to hear from friends in Sumatra, Indonesia who Im worried about.

Please dont confuse your anger and sorrow about the terrible disaster that has struck with the discussion on this thread.

If everyone were to follow your example the whole forum would discuss nothing but the disaster.

I dont know you and I would like to keep it that way, Tornado, there are hard men but there is always someone harder around the corner, you cannot fight the world my friend, so keep your juvenile threats to yourself. You seem to make a habit of threatening people in this forum, it really doesn't belong here, we are all adults, no.

The matter is closed as far as I am concerned, peace to you and and all Thaivisa members.

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back on topic again

Say, is there really a toad cooked in that hole?

By Tom Leonard

(Filed: 29/12/2004)

British art, fashion and music may have conquered New York over the years but the city's taste buds are proving harder to win over.

Despite a string of "British" restaurants opening in the city this year, New York's traditionally adventurous diners are proving reluctant to embrace the notion that British food can ever be more sophisticated than fish and chips, say restaurateurs.


Fiona Carmichael

Fiona Carmichael, the chef at the upmarket Manhattan restaurant UKNewYork, said that since opening in July pressure from customers has forced her to water down her menu with more "middle of the road" food such as chicken and, of course, fish and chips. Many Americans associate British food solely with pub food and, in a city offering hundreds of national cuisines, they still have trouble with the idea of a "British restaurant", she added.

Dishes such as spotted dick and toad-in-the-hole "frighten the life out of most Americans", with some diners actually believing that the latter contained a cooked toad, said Miss Carmichael.

The owner of the Chip Shop in Brooklyn, Chris Sell, said some customers assume that steak-and-kidney pie contains kidney beans and are not reassured when they discover the truth. Mr Sell said he had to drop plans to put dishes such as stuffed pork loin on the menu as customers wanted only fish and chips or shepherd's pie.

"It's depressing. I'd love to start up a fancy British restaurant but I daren't," he added.

Mr Sell blamed "frugal" Victorian eating habits, wartime rationing and advice on making food go further for perpetuating the impression that British food is dull and unappetising.

He believes Americans like fish and chips because when they have had it in Britain "they are usually drunk and it's usually the best thing they have ever eaten".

The restaurateurs' problems were reported by the New York Times under the headline "Nothing Frightens a New Yorker Like British Food".

However, Miss Carmichael insisted that American diners enjoyed British dishes when they actually tried them. "It's insulting to dismiss them all as unadventurous," she said.

Her policy is to give traditional dishes a twist. Beef Wellington is topped with caramelised marmalade and stuffed with goat's cheese, black pudding is twinned with scallops and bacon replaces batter in toad-in-the-hole.

Nicola Perry, who has run the British-themed Manhattan restaurant Tea and Sympathy for 14 years, said customers were keen on Bird's custard and Branston pickle.

Even if they have a problem pronouncing treacle and order spotted dick so they can snigger, most New Yorkers no longer labour under the impression that Britain is a culinary desert, she insisted.

"They all know who Jamie Oliver, Nigella Lawson and Gary Rhodes are. This is a very foodie town."

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Who can honestly say they enjoy openly being called 'fahrang' to their face everywhere they go?

But the reality is - its an identifying label of the race to which white caucasian's belong, which we have (learned to live with) and to accept. Even my family call me dah-fahrang. (See my nick-name).

In Hong Kong I was called a gwei-lo to my face - including by overseas educated Chinese lecturers in the University at which I worked. (Bang goes the meathead theory, then!)

Point is, every ethnic minority is labelled by others, and most know it and acept it.

just that some countries - such as Thailand and Hong Kong haven't got round to political correctness yet. ( And, I hope they don't)!

C'mon, 'fahrangs' let's get back to the reality of how (most) of the world is!

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in light as to what has happened I can understand your anger. I have no wish to meet either you or Dr P and have never in any post expressed that.

I dont have to fly anywhere as am in KL at the moment but will be in Thailand sometime next week. I to have been worried about friends over in Phuket, although I have been in contact with them and they are O.K. but I am still waiting to hear from friends in Sumatra, Indonesia who Im worried about.

Please dont confuse your anger and sorrow about the terrible disaster that has struck with the discussion on this thread.

If everyone were to follow your example the whole forum would discuss nothing but the disaster.

I dont know you and I would like to keep it that way, Tornado, there are hard men but there is always someone harder around the corner, you cannot fight the world my friend, so keep your juvenile threats to yourself. You seem to make a habit of threatening people in this forum, it really doesn't belong here, we are all adults, no.

The matter is closed as far as I am concerned, peace to you and and all Thaivisa members.

BTW, half was in jest and half wasnt, you have made something small into something silly. You did threaten the Doc and you have pissed many of us off. Yes there are hard men around every corner, you just happen not be one be one off them :o Stop baiting people on this forum as you look like the idiot.

You go to say we should act like adults, well look how you have acted on this thread.

I meet many idiots like you and none of you have been up to the task. :D

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QUOTE(marquess @ 2004-12-28 23:55:58)

I am from England so I know how bad the food is.

Go and get your mother to cook you one of the superb myriad of dishes we have! 

I woud have thought that after 30 years of that stuff, I pretty much know what is around. Believe me it's not very tasty, apart from the Apple Crumble, and a few other pasteries. Which I think the English excel at.

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Marquess, what about whole meal bread and good mature cheese. Asia is full of sweet white bread and something i call the Devil's work, Craft slices.

Good food bursts from Britain like my buttons after a good sunday roast. As kids, how many times did we call out "how much longer mum?" when the pans and pots stoped rattling?

British food is not to many peoples liking as it is so stodgy but who (from Britain to be fair) can turn their nose up at thick back gammon, good country greens, welsh butter, trout, a rack of lamb, backed beans on toast, Sunpat peanut butter, quality fish and chips, lamb casserole, and not forgetting roast spuds and bubble and squeak, not on the same plate of course.

Pork pies, faggots (like meat balls) and jellied eels aside of course.

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Marquess, what about whole meal bread and good mature cheese.  Asia is full of sweet white bread and something i call the Devil's work, Craft slices.

Good food bursts from Britain like my buttons after a good sunday roast. As kids, how many times did we call out "how much longer mum?" when the pans and pots stoped rattling?

British food is not to many peoples liking as it is so stodgy but who (from Britain to be fair) can turn their nose up at thick back gammon, good country greens, welsh butter, trout, a rack of lamb, backed beans on toast, Sunpat peanut butter, quality fish and chips, lamb casserole, and not forgetting roast spuds and bubble and squeak, not on the same plate of course.

Pork pies, faggots (like meat balls) and jellied eels aside of course.

Good post , most people who slag off our food haven't ate in decent restaurants recently , I'm, talking about 2 and 3 star Michelin rated restaurants.

The likes of Gordon Ramsey are amongst the worlds leading chefs , try asking him for Apple crumble , Marquis , he'd love your silly italics as you were removing them from your back door.


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I find the concept of British cuisine an interesting one.

Is it all about the traditional stodge with its school dinners image or is there more to it than that, and in what way does it differ from American, Australian, or Kiwi cusine?

While its not considered as sophisticated as French or even Italian food this is only down to snobbery pure and simple.

I bet most people could sit down to a leg of slowly roasted Welsh Lamb with Rosemary; served with buttered New Lincolnshire Potatoes, Carrots, finely sliced Cabbage with Fennel, and Fresh Garden Peas and find it as gratifying as any cusine in the world.

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Genuflect before the exquisit taste of real food, you baying savages!!

Ahem :o right, to get serious here's a link to a site crammed full of recipes for outrageously good stuff, all from our wonderful country. Click here to start salivating or remain ignorant forever.

The reason why people think our food is crap is that people can't be arsed to both cook the stuff or go to real restaurants that serve it as it's meant to be cooked. For example: how can anyone slag off mashed swede mixed with butter and black pepper? Deadly simple and it's making my mouth water just thinking about it.

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Yeah, you're right about there being good breads and cheeses and beers. These things are great when you're in a pub having a ploughmans etc. But as far as cocked meals go (which is what most people go to a restaurant for), there isn't much. The food tends to be flavourless, in that it doesn't have any spices. Too many boilded and mashed things.

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Yeah, you're right about there being good breads and cheeses and beers. These things are great when you're in a pub having a ploughmans etc. But as far as cocked meals go (which is what most people go to a restaurant for), there isn't much. The food tends to be flavourless, in that it doesn't have any spices. Too many boilded and mashed things.

:D " Cocked meals " Freud lives on :o

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.........While its not considered as sophisticated as French or even Italian food this is only down to snobbery pure and simple..........

spot on.

traditional english food is down to earth good wholesome peasant fare.

no frills , no bullsh1t , no fancy french embellishments , just a good plateful to fill you up on a cold winters day. its exactly what is needed there.

hot porridge , ploughmans lunch , a good roast , fish and chips , golden roast potatoes , a thick meaty stew with some doorstep slices of farmhouse bread , a full english breakfast and a cup of hot tea , bacon and eggs , steak and kidney pies , treacle sponge and custard , yorkshire puddings , thinly sliced medium rare roast beef , tate and lyles treacle on hot buttered toast , devon cream teas, tangy mature cheddar,wensleydale,stilton or red leicester cheeses.huge baked potatoes with butter and black pepper.....etc.etc.etc.

french food ??? vomitous bilge.

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