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Pattara Mansion, Don't Rent Over There


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Pattara mansion in Pattaya Naklua must be the worst apartment for rent ever in Thailand! Run by an meddlesome family who will squeeze every last baht out of you once you signed your contract.

They also seem to think that when you signed a contract with them that they own you. We wanted to move out before newyear but they just wouldn't let us go and called a police-friend of theirs (we found out afterwards) telling us we had to pay a rediculous amount of money for cleaning and electricity, while they still had 1 month deposit (which they also kept).

Our songthaew was already packed with our stuff when the family seized it and would not let us go anywhere. After we went to the police station, the real police summoned the family to let us go or they would face a jail term. So we could finally go after being stuck for 6 hours.

Needless to say I was shaking from anger and adrenalin about these people. We really did nothing wrong.

I can go on and on about them, but this should be enough to keep people away from it.

Stay far away from them.

I dedicated a small blog to them, out of anger and to warn people: room-for-rent-pattaya.blogspot.com


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Didn't find your blog listed in Google, maybe it's still pending, if so then just ignore this post.

A search on Google for good/bad reviews of accommodation in Thailand would be the first place people will search.

I made the blog just a few days ago thus google did not crawl it yet. I'll make sure it'll be linked to properly to increase pagerank.

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