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Haggis....Yuck....I passed some roadkill on the way home this afternoon, it looked just like that, I can go back and scoop it up & mail it to you if you want :o

Sorry I can't help you with the Haggis, but I was talking to a fellow once before that wanted some in Bkk & he came up empty handed too....what is it with you scots & ur haggis?

Edited by neverdie
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Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face,

Great chieftain o' the puddin-race!

Aboon them a' ye tak your place,

Painch, tripe, or thairm:

Weel are ye wordy o' a grace

As lang's my arm.

(English translation).

Fair is your honest happy face

Great chieftain of the pudding race

Above them all you take your place

Stomach, tripe or guts

Well are you worthy of a grace

As long as my arm.

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Haggis the height of the Scottish culinary art. Does anyone know where I can get one in Chiang Mai? Is there a specialist who could make one to order?

Any advice appreciated. :o


The height of Scottish culinary art. hmm.

Not a clue but the logical thing to do would be to track down whatever outfit in town renders Sheep meat and then intercept the "pluck" before it's made into stew or fed to hogs, dogs etc. The rest is fairly simple onions, potatoes etc. I would think if you find who slaughters sheep then the ingredients would be near free and just have to hire someone to prepare it... I can't say I have seen sheep parts for sale in CM but I suppose you could substitute goat innards.

I have seen a goat farm to the east of Huay Tung Tau lake. All you need is a pickup truck, a few thousand baht and you could be in the goat Haggis business.

Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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Can;t help you with that one. If you could locate someone who butchers sheep or lamb, you could get the parts you need to make it yourself. It isn't that difficult to cook . . . but, who would want to? :o

Haggis Poem

Much to his dad and mum's dismay

Horace ate himself one day

He didn't stop to say his grace

He just sat down and ate his face

"We can't have this!" his dad declared

"If that lad's ate he should be shared"

But even as he spoke they saw

Horace eating more and more:

First his legs and then his thighs,

His arms, his nose, his hair, his eyes

"Stop him someone!" Mother cried

"Those eyeballs would be better fried!"

But all too late for they were gone,

And he had started on his dong...

"Oh foolish child!" the father mourned

"You could have deep-fried those with prawns,

Some parsley and some tartar sauce..."

But H was on his second course;

His liver and his lights and lung,

His ears, his neck, his chin, his tongue

"To think I raised him from the cot

And now he's gone to scoff the lot!"

His mother cried what shall we do?

What's left won't even make a stew..."

And as she wept her son was seen

To eat his head his heart his spleen

And there he lay, a boy no more

Just a stomach on the floor...

None the less since it was his

They ate it - and that's what haggis is

From: Monty Python's Big Red Book

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makes me laugh all these people that look at haggis in horror , worried because it contains offal and then they quite happily stuff sausages of any description into their faces. sorry cant help you locate any though , had some cooked for me this year in chiang mai but it was canned and brought over from scotland .

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I know some bars in bangkok and Patts had Haggis last year. I believe they had imported from Scotland. Many butchers now will deliever any where in the world but you will pay for it.

Just a thought but a mcsweens haggis can deliver world wide.

scottishfoodoverseas web site delivers world wide and you can get a 4kg haggis for £25. Not bad

There are many other companies as well. Failing that get a mate to send it and tell him you will get him a beer next time you see him.


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will ya hav tatties'n' neeps?!

yum, haggis!! Up the lowlanders!


I was told by a an old American Scot here, that in the Vietnam war, hunting trips were made on Doi Inthanon for the Thai cousin " Haggit " - but i suspect they are extinct by now.


Haggis siamicus

Edited by whiterussian
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