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65year Old African American Beaten In Rawai

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Five days ago, an african American woman. was plulled by her hair from behind. dragged to the ground

then kicked in the head and back, she was talking to her next door friends dog. opposite his house

[he sits on a balcony Lording it over lesser beings ]] when he attacked her

He is a swiss national .This man has a history of threatening, to kill people. beating women,and property , his first girl friend was often found on the soi with a few carrier bags in tears

this many years ago,since that time he has managed to evade any form of real justice. he once ran down a young child and ran away and hid inthe Evason but was pursued by residents

there were witnesses to his latest attack. but none were called,

do the police in chalong keep records ??

he claims he has a friend in the Chalong police station.

sure seems like it as this time he has evaded justice again ,

he Was found guilty AND FINED 500 baht

i saw photos of the women taken yesterday and now the bruises are out plus the bumps

he claims to be medicly unfit and had a bad accident but he has a house he rents out drives etc

and gives out advice on many subjects so i understand

This is not good for Thailand certainly not good for the American women

he should be deported riley 76


I wouldn't normally promote mob justice, but when the law clearly wont do what's right then someone else has to. I despise people like this. I vote he gets a good kicking. If the woman was a friend of mine I would have done it already.


I have heard rumors of a guy who lives close the Evason down one of those side streets who drives around with a swastika on his helmet. wonder if it is the same guy.. he should deported. Can she not do anything else? She is probably scared being that he knows where she lives. Terrible!!

Normally you don't have to worry about random attacks of violence with other foreigners!


I have heard rumours about this guy before, wish i knew what he looked like.

you have to be a pretty pathetic man, to throw down an older lady, or any lady for that fact .

Just 3 nights ago, down near Mama's and Papas Restruant ( nang's Massage ), a Farang(drunk) kicked over my girlfriends bike, then tried to hit her, only to be stopped by some thai guys passing by. I was so angry, that I went down to look for this guy when she called me, i know people like this , you dont call the cops, you have to take care of it yourself. She tells me, he is a resident of Rawai.

Wonder if this is the same man?


What a t0sser. People like this need to get what's coming to them. If it's the same guy with a swastika on his helmet then he sounds like a right piece of work. This thread should be kept open until justice of some sort is served!

I have heard rumours about this guy before, wish i knew what he looked like.

you have to be a pretty pathetic man, to throw down an older lady, or any lady for that fact .

Just 3 nights ago, down near Mama's and Papas Restruant ( nang's Massage ), a Farang(drunk) kicked over my girlfriends bike, then tried to hit her, only to be stopped by some thai guys passing by. I was so angry, that I went down to look for this guy when she called me, i know people like this , you dont call the cops, you have to take care of it yourself. She tells me, he is a resident of Rawai.

Wonder if this is the same man?

=1000baht date 2009-01-05 post 2447619

I dont think the same person. but if it was, and you got him to chalong police station ,as has happened in the past he acts like a dumkof , and it seems to be accepted that he can do what he wants.

as he is demented, he tells people who have got him to the Chalong police staion.

"I know some one who will protect me" but here we have a very clever person .who runs many scams

and is not as he claims to his insurers Sick

The black American woman was unable to take up her teaching job due to this attack and is a bad state finance wise.

he is not mad. - the mouth as locals call him , is an adroit user of the thai system !!!!!!!

There should be away to redress the balace here , and stay within thai law

his modus is to throw stones, and when retaliation happens,

he has allready called the police, to say he has been attacked

he lives on a shall branch off Soi Saiyuan 1 called sung tong 1

i am told he considers it to be his turf

just down from the Muey Thai school

any future attacks will be solved by the use of law.

away from chalong police station, [a disgrace to thai law]

he has had too many chances, hurt and threatened, too many people,

who have found them selves the victims of "peculiar cicumstances"

So if you are over sixty male or female keep away from this area riley76


No surprise that the local police will not care when it comes to lower income farang crime victim. However, I have to wonder that if he was convicted of an assault (500 baht fine) that this wold appear as a conviction and impact his immigration visa, right? You cannot commit violent crimes and stay according to the immigration department. So maybe, that's the place to start. If the fellow is antisocial, then they would want to know. The woman is an american citizen. She does have the right to consular services. This is a hot button issue for americans and the department of state will react to hate crimes no matter where. Has a report been made to the US embassy?

Yes, I know in reality, there is not much one can do with thugs that skirt the system, but if this guy is as bad as he sounds, then he will have pissed off alot of Thais as well. I am surprised that he would have lasted this long without someone complaining. I don't care how much money our emmisary from switzerland has, it won't help if he beats on a Thai national.

Failing that, I almost feel like going down to Rawai today with some of my scurvy lowlife crew and having a discussion about f'ing civility. I'm just in the mood to do it too.


There is something strange about this story.

A farang is violent towards other farang and pisses Thai off? And he has no problems because he has a friend in the police department?

There must be more to it.


I have had to delete personal details as well as abusive and aggressive posts.

This forum is not the place to air ones grudges nor is it a place to promote illegal activities.


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