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Neem Oil?


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OK I did a search and came up with zilch. Anyone know what's the Thai name and pronunciation for NEEM OIL???


Sadao. The active ingredient is azadirachtin. The tree it comes from traditionally, I believe, is Sadao India, Azadirachta indica. But there is another sadao in Thailand, I think it is called sadao baan, Azadirachta siamensis. They are beautiful trees, with an amazing deep green color of the foliage.

M.M.P.N.D. Sorting Azadirachta names


Any forum members growing sadao and/or producing neem oil pesticide? Or know more about culture and production? I'd love to know more from someone with experience. don

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Hi rice. Yeah still breaking my back hand-watering haha. I gotta build a drip system one of these days. Still washing the coco too??? These days I cut a 1" hole in top of the bag, stick a hose in and run water thru for 30 minutes and voila! no more salt!

A word of warning...don't waste your money on the "CocoWorld" products that were discussed here a while back. It's absolute garbage and nothing like advertised. EC of 4-5 and texture of sawdust.

My neighbor has several Sadao trees and mixed me a gallon of Neem oil in trade for my cornbread pie!

You ever find any Habanero chillis?

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Ask her to make an infusion from the leaves, it works wonders, make it like strong tea. :D

I forgot to add: DO NOT DRINK THE INFUSION! :o

Gunga et al, my experience the trees where such thatif you saw one and travelled over and under its shade the temperature was nearly 10 degrees cooler Faren. Aazingly pleasant. What's the oil for and the use of the infusion. thnks

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello kbvicar, how did the neighbors neem brew work out? I tried one of the neem products I got at at the Korat ag show for chilies, sort of a fungicide. Can be sprayed on the plants or when watering newly seeded plug trays.

I also am still hand watering too, but have 1/4 of the new irrigation system main line in place, with micro tubing cut, drippers and drip sticks ready to install.

I'm sorry to hear about Coco World coir, as I was going to use it.

I was going to get the 1kg briquette to use as it would fill one bag nicely, and can do it all in place in the rows, what size and mix did you buy?


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Hi rice

My neighbor didn't really make neem oil -- it was some kind of Sadao tree leaves extract. It works well. This is the recipe I ended up with for 1 litre of foliar neem

1 litre of warm, neutral-PH water

5 ml of pure neem oil, cold pressed

2 ml of emulsifier, Safer soap, insecticidal soap, even dish soap as long as it's not antibacterial

Combine, shake like crazy before using, it's good for ~8 hours so don't make too much.

Sounds your ready-made product is the way to go.

CocoWorld was a huge disappointment. Two months of excuses and delays explaining why it was SOOOO difficult to sell me anything. When it finally arrived it was old, non-draining, had the texture of dust and #EC of 4-5. I threw it away (50 kilos) after trying it and killing some test plants.

Don't waste your time & money.

These days I just run a hose (well water) into the unopened 20 kg bags of coco and flush for 30 minutes... The runoff comes out less than 50-100ppm. Too easy and ~50 baht a bag...

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plachonubon, get the neem oil base from soaking the leaves of a Sadao tree in water overnight or longer. Then, like I said:

1 litre of warm, neutral-PH water

5 ml of pure neem oil

2 ml of emulsifier, Safer soap, insecticidal soap, even dish soap as long as it's not antibacterial

Combine, shake like crazy before using.

OK, got it? Now please answer me this: Somewhere on this site I saw you mention that blackstrap molasses was available at Villa Market in Bangkok. Do they still have it and do you know if Villa in Pattaya have it also (or can order it) ??? Thanks

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anyone know how to make the oil?

The oil is made from the 1st cold pressing of the neem fruit/seeds.

Neem "tea" is made from the leaves.

Better to buy the oil in a bottle! :o

I brought neem oil and the horticultural emulsifier with me from Aus, if you want some, PM me.

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Thanks rice and GD

A friend says she buys the real-deal neem oil at the agriculture center on HW 3 just outside of Laem Sing in Chantaburi so that's sorted. I hope...

Yeah, UNSULPHERED blackstrap molasses is gonna be a bit harder to find methinks. I had a 32 ounce jar sent from the states last year. $4.50 for the product and $22.75 for shipping...


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plachonubon, get the neem oil base from soaking the leaves of a Sadao tree in water overnight or longer. Then, like I said:

1 litre of warm, neutral-PH water

5 ml of pure neem oil

2 ml of emulsifier, Safer soap, insecticidal soap, even dish soap as long as it's not antibacterial

Combine, shake like crazy before using.

OK, got it? Now please answer me this: Somewhere on this site I saw you mention that blackstrap molasses was available at Villa Market in Bangkok. Do they still have it and do you know if Villa in Pattaya have it also (or can order it) ??? Thanks

I bought blackstrap mollasas in villa mart about 6 months ago (off the shelf)

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