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A Cat Attacked My Partner


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haha i know i shouldnt laugh but that p***ed of cat is exaclty the noise it was making whilst chewing at his leg. and yes think it was a siamese breed.

we do know we will most likely to get nothing from the owner to cover the bills, but we want to check if the cat has had its injections so we know wether or not to continue with dans course .

as to the hospital bills, i agree we were ripped off on reflection - we have only been living here for 5 month and have been lucky enough not to have had to go to hospital yet, untill now, we are still learning about thai ways - hence one of the main reasons we use this forum.

I am wary as another post mentioned that we could be greeted with a vets bill so may backfire on us, he did give it a good kick but i think anyone else ould have done the same. plus it did run a mile so hopefully its ok.

anyway with all the stray dogs i never expected it would be a bloody cat that bit one of us :o

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File a police report, claim from the owner and try to get the cat destroyed.

I hate cats :D


Should have perhaps gone back to the restaurant straight after the attack to show them and then back after with the bill. You've done the right thing in getting the shots though. Not getting them on the say so of owners that said cat had been vaccinated is perhaps not the best advice. Owners coughed up straight away after my boy was bitten by a dog - 5 rabies shots over the fortnight or so period was around 2k in CM. Going for the payback after a pussy attack will probably draw fits of laughter from the locals but worth a shot. :D

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I did, however, end up sicker than hel_l and had to take antibiotics.

Cat wounds are particularly prone to a host of infections.

And thus the term cat scratch fever. Also a great song too!

Sorry to hear about Dan, hope he doesn't get "the fever".

Knew a guy who was a park ranger, he once told about an incident where a squirrel freaked out and ran up a park visitors's trouser leg. Well of course the guy freaked out, the squirrel was freaking out and shredding his leg with it's claws, couldn't find its way out, it was a bloody mess. The guy, a retiree, was taken off in an ambulance... Yikes!

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Glad you got the treatment in hospital - this is really serious. Cat saliva is very dangerous and deadly to mice.

It reached your blood - so Dan can expect about 4 to 6 weeks of discomfort and sickness.

The cat was defending her litter - she would have given her life!

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One of my cats sank her teeth into my arm after hearing what she thought was another cat inside the house. I had a tetanus injection and a full course of rabies shots knowing full well that I did not need them but the nurse was so cute and the course of injections protect you for a good number of years should you ever get bitten by a mad dog or a even a rancid pussy, I am sorry I do of course mean a rabid pussy. :o

Edited by Rimmer
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  • 7 months later...

I can certainly testify how sharp cats claws can be. Occassionally when either my ex or myself was standing by the kitchen sink doing the washing up, our cat would jump up just above the knee, climb up to our waist, have a look at what you were doing in the sink and then jump off.

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i;d just like to add my two cents that cats are totally useless and pointless being kept as pets. i would've booted that cat to Burma and then flew to Burma to find it again and boot it to India.

Could not of put it better, well said

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I would say the cat was protecting its litter from the dog.

It associated the humans with the dog.

i;d just like to add my two cents that cats are totally useless and pointless being kept as pets.

Just like almost every other animal kept as a pet then.... fish, parrot, lizard, mouse, etc.

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I would say the cat was protecting its litter from the dog.

It associated the humans with the dog.

i;d just like to add my two cents that cats are totally useless and pointless being kept as pets.

Just like almost every other animal kept as a pet then.... fish, parrot, lizard, mouse, etc.

no, just cats.

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A cat attack can be vicious. All those claws and that hissing. It is like some demented animal coming at you and there seems no defence against this manic behaviour. When the claws rip into your flesh it is agony.

I had some idiot put his 'ratting terrier' over my gate one day (back home). He thought it would be fun for this dog to attack my cat. What he did not realise was we called her Animal for a reason :)

She also had kittens.

That terrier never stood a chance. She ripped it to pieces in seconds.

The jerk then tried to have us pay compensation for the vets bills until witnesses came forward to say what he had done.

You gotta love cats. Independent, give you a fuss when they want to and you can rarely tame them.

Maybe this cat (in the topic) was protecting her kittens and when it saw the dog it attacked and when he picked up the dog, the cat attacked him.

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