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How about when you take a story from someone else's website you include the WWW internet link to it as a rule.

You see, when members click on your copy and paste job, without even the possibility of an easy link, then the originator, the firm who PAYS for the reporter, at least stands a chance of getting some hits, some follow-on ads, and that helps pay that reporter's salary.

Then reporters don't get fired, the profession is helped and reporting standards in general are not diluted.

I'm not sure it even occurs to members that by their not clicking on the originators site, they are KILLING the news gathering industry - and taking food out of my son's mouth. I'm not getting any pay rise this year.

By your encouraging people to click on originator's webstories, it becomes a symbiotic relationship instead of a parasitical one.

I think this would be a very constructive move.

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I think the majority of posters who reference a news story include a link to the source.

Like GD I do, if I don't a reminder is in order. Invariably if a source is not quoted there is a 'source?' request within the first few posts :o

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Some forums and news re-distributors actually will quote 3 paragraphs of a copyrighted story and then print the weblink so that the rest of the story can be read if needed. Then they get their click on their site.

That way everyone benefits. The copyright holder of the story (the one who is paying for it) appreciates the Forum for sending traffic his way.

Alternative idea: ......don't reprint stories 30 seconds after the originator site puts it up. Then they get a crack of the whip, reader-wise. As this is a discussion forum not a news wire, a brief delay won't hurt.

Edited by Journalist
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Somehow I don't think that a few news articles being copied and pasted into a few forums like this, is going to make even a minor contribution to the downturn of the news media conglomerates.

If anything, posting some articles on sites like ThaiVisa, gives them a much wider viewing audience than they would otherwise have had. It is courteous to post a link to the original article of course, and helpful when one doesn't wish to copy and paste large articles with embedded photos and advertisements.

I read 5+ online news websites every morning, and one thing I've noticed is that many of the items all originate from either AP or Rueters, and are reproduced (sometimes with new bylines or minor editorial changes) by other news organizations.

So a lot of the "reporters" for those other organizations aren't actually doing any reporting any ways. They are simply taking a feed from the actual reporter, and amending it to fit their personal (or editorial) views.

But of course, the global financial crisis has no bearing what so ever on the downturn of the media enterprises. It's all because a few stories are copied and pasted on sites like these.

Wow. Who would have thought that a couple dozen people copying and pasting news stories that may be viewed by a couple thousand other people, are "KILLING" the news industry.

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I read 5+ online news websites every morning, and one thing I've noticed is that many of the items all originate from either AP or Reuters, and are reproduced (sometimes with new bylines or minor editorial changes) by other news organizations.

So a lot of the "reporters" for those other organizations aren't actually doing any reporting any ways. They are simply taking a feed from the actual reporter, and amending it to fit their personal (or editorial) views.

If, say, the Nation, takes a story from say, Agence France Presse, Associated Press, Reuters, among others......

It has to pay for them !

I used to work for such a newswire, United Press.

All originators including the wires, have copyright statements, there is one on the Nation's website saying their work can't be reproduced in any other commercial website. Copyright rules are quite transparent. You're either in compliance or you're not.

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I am on the internet to get what I want, others are there to get what they want, or make money, happens in everyday life too.

From a journalist points of view I can understand, but I am not a journalist.

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Ahhh I see. It's not that a couple dozen posters are "killing" the news industry by re-posting news articles, it's about copyright violation.

So what you are saying is that if those couple dozen posters were to pay a fee to the wire services, the news industry would be saved and you'd get a raise ?

I had no idea that the news industry was in such a fragile state that the actions of a tiny few people on the internet would be enough to bring it all crashing down !

Maybe they (the news industries) should be lining up for some "bail out" cash too ! Right behind the banks, financial companies, auto makers and porn industry leaders ! :o

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Ahhh I see. It's not that a couple dozen posters are "killing" the news industry by re-posting news articles, it's about copyright violation.

So what you are saying is that if those couple dozen posters were to pay a fee to the wire services, the news industry would be saved and you'd get a raise ?

I had no idea that the news industry was in such a fragile state that the actions of a tiny few people on the internet would be enough to bring it all crashing down !

One person in isolation buying a pirate copy of Tom Cruise classic "Cocktail", isn't going to stop him buying a gold plated jacuzzi.....

...but if everyone does....well you know the rest.

I'm not suggesting that The Wall Street Journal feels deprived of Baht&Sold's ad contract. Forums bring in a new layer of advertisers and that is good. I think the advertisers here are very good and i've used their services.

All i'm suggesting is put in links. Then readers can find stories and sources - and in some small way it helps the originator, who can then afford reporters who aren't all 19 years old and ask to be paid peanuts !

Readers will still use Thaivisa, because Thaivisa happens to be a very good consolidator of Thai news stories. Its a win-win solution.

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As you can see from my previous post: #6 I don't disagree with the idea of posting links to the original articles:

If anything, posting some articles on sites like ThaiVisa, gives them a much wider viewing audience than they would otherwise have had. It is courteous to post a link to the original article of course, and helpful when one doesn't wish to copy and paste large articles with embedded photos and advertisements.

However, claiming that not putting links in is causing all manner of grief, with statements like this:

I'm not sure it even occurs to members that by their not clicking on the originators site, they are KILLING the news gathering industry - and taking food out of my son's mouth. I'm not getting any pay rise this year.

is nothing less than sensationalism and poor tabloid journalism at best.

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