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On The Golf Course

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Bill went to the local golf course and found few cars in the lot and knew he could get in a quick round. He teamed up with Bobthe only other guy that was there and off they went with the course wide open. On the eigth hole they ran into a slow playing twosome of women. No problem he said we'll pass them after the 9th. To their dismay they beat them out to the 10th and were playing very very slow and didn't offer to let them play through. Bob said enough is enough and angrily went to tell them they were playing through. A minute later he came back all hang dogged and his partner said what is the matter. He said I've got a big problem one of the women is my wife and the other is my girlfriend. After a couple more holes Bill said I know how to get by these two no good women and marched forward to signal Bob to play through when he got there. Unfortunately he didn't signal him up and started the long walk back to join Bob. Bob asked what's going on? All Bill said was, "Same problem".

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