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When they say "young man" or "young lad" about how they shouldn't do something or other. As if they are so high and mighty. Many of them were probably far worse players than the young lad they are talking about when they use those words. It's annoying.

Also, when I hear "Rooney" or "Ronaldo" follwed by "goal." :o

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When they say "young man" or "young lad" about how they shouldn't do something or other. As if they are so high and mighty. Many of them were probably far worse players than the young lad they are talking about when they use those words. It's annoying.

Also, when I hear "Rooney" or "Ronaldo" follwed by "goal." :D

you should be used to it by now JJ :o

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  • 1 month later...

Pet hates:

1. "He just about kept that out" - when a goalkeeper actually HAS kept it out. There's no "just about" needed.

2. "The manager will be disappointed they've lost" - no sh*t Sherlock.

3. "Absolutely."

But so far this season, no-one has topped Paul Parker's retort when asked as to his opinion of the Tottenham fans verbally abusing an injured Arsenal player. "It only takes one idiot to start the chanting then the rest join in like... sheeps."

Indeed Paul.

Edited by Groover
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"At this moment in time" gets me writhing in my seat.Curse the day Glen Hoddle uttered it for the first time.

"Just a tad wrong."Shut up,Wilkins.

"The Rooneys,the Ronaldos and the Kakas of this world."How many are there then and what other world do they live on.

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I gotta admit I don't listen too much to commentators actually preferring to listen to the music and watch the action. But some years back there was an Irish commentator who, particularly when they showed the replays of goals, would come out with "and there's the bulge in the old onion bag". Used to irritate the hel_l out of me.

Oh, and virtually anything Shevi Singh uttered.

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I just hate Steve McMahon period.

John Dykes to Steve McMahon,"Well Macca,do you think a Premier League club can win the Champions League?"

McMahon to Dykes,sweating profusely,loosens his tie,rolls his eyes for inspiration,"Ermmm.......Could be."

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I just hate Steve McMahon period.

John Dykes to Steve McMahon,"Well Macca,do you think a Premier League club can win the Champions League?"

McMahon to Dykes,sweating profusely,loosens his tie,rolls his eyes for inspiration,"Ermmm.......Could be."


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Pet hates:

1. "He just about kept that out" - when a goalkeeper actually HAS kept it out. There's no "just about" needed.

that one is up there with 'almost too good' and 'he's really hit that almost too well' in the logic stakes.

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I gotta admit I don't listen too much to commentators actually preferring to listen to the music and watch the action. But some years back there was an Irish commentator who, particularly when they showed the replays of goals, would come out with "and there's the bulge in the old onion bag". Used to irritate the hel_l out of me.

That will be Tommy Smyth, the pompous bag of wind who festers on ESPN. Takes the devil's advocate position and thinks he's controversial. Useless.

Mind you, few are as bad as Gary O'Reilly. Describing a player, he will always have to speak in threes in that manner beloved of politicians e.g. "They need to have that commitmen, that desire, the will to win." Yes Gary, I think we get the message.

Got to agree with the earlier posters re "the Rooneys of this world". A classic commentator pain in the ring.

And another to join the bunch - the constant use of the term "the football" as in "He's in perfect control of the football."

I think I need to lie down... "you feel". :o

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'territory' used when a team wins a freekick around the edge of the area, particularly 'ronaldo territory'. the plum presenting the champions league on ITV last week pointed out that lyon's juninho could be the new ronaldo because he scored a dipping direct freekick. that'll be the juninho who was banging in amazing freekicks when ronaldo was still in pampers.

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You've not heard bad commentating until you watch a game covered by ESPN Asia's team - i'm talking about the likes of Des Corkil, Paul Masefield, PJ Roberts... It's absolutely cringe-worthy and does give you greater appreciation for the job professional commentators do, irritating though they might be at times.

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I just hate Steve McMahon period.

steve McMahon was an hero of mine when i was growing up, now listening to him week in week out, I picked bad choice to hero worship. he talks some right S*#t.

liverpool have more ex-players working in the media than any other club, and the vast majority of them are absolute gobshites.

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You've not heard bad commentating until you watch a game covered by ESPN Asia's team - i'm talking about the likes of Des Corkil, Paul Masefield, PJ Roberts... It's absolutely cringe-worthy and does give you greater appreciation for the job professional commentators do, irritating though they might be at times.

I heard these guys doing some Asian Cup stuff - is it just me or does it sound funny to have an Aussie commenting on football, keep waiting for PJ to say something Rugby or Cricket Related.

No offense to Jstar who of course is an upstanding citizen from Down Under. :o

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The foreign commentator who did the English commentary on the Barcelona match last week and spent the first 10-15 minutes giving details of the other matches played in the Spanish League that weekend and then followed that by listing the fixtures coming up for all of the top teams, all of this instead of commentating on the match in progress. When he finally did some commentary he always predeceded a player's name with "is" such as "is messi" or "is Henry".

Then there was a classic comment by one commentator in a match in which Ronaldo hit the bar with a free kick which was "he hit that ball just right, what bad luck". No he didn't you pratt, he didn't score.

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Then there was a classic comment by one commentator in a match in which Ronaldo hit the bar with a free kick which was "he hit that ball just right, what bad luck". No he didn't you pratt, he didn't score.

hehe. one of that <deleted> andy gray's favourites is 'that was almost a foul'. that's like being slightly pregnant.

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  • 2 weeks later...
anything that comes out of andy gray's mouth annoys me (sky sports UK).

some knob decided to have him do voiceover on the FIFA game too - aaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!

Don't you just love it when he starts patting himself on the back."I knew that would happen,Martin" or "I told you that before the game,Martin."

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