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Does Your Thai Partner Go Everywhere


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I was speaking to a guy today who told me that as he can't speak a word of Thai, he must go everywhere with his Thai girlfriend!. What a thought, if I had to take my wife everywhere with me!!!!!!!!!

When I went to the labour department a few years back, they told me to come back with someone from my workplace as they were not comfortable talking with a farang. When I went to get my driver's license, the boss said, "ma khon dieow, mai?, "pariya yoo nai?". I replied, "pariya mee bai khap kee laew". I guess they are used to us "useless farang" not doing the talking and sitting there while the missus does the talking for us.

Even when I couldn't speak a single sentence, I used to try to venture around by myself. I am glad I did now.

Do you take the partner everywhere with you or go it alone?

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I was speaking to a guy today who told me that as he can't speak a word of Thai, he must go everywhere with his Thai girlfriend!. What a thought, if I had to take my wife everywhere with me!!!!!!!!!

When I went to the labour department a few years back, they told me to come back with someone from my workplace as they were not comfortable talking with a farang. When I went to get my driver's license, the boss said, "ma khon dieow, mai?, "pariya yoo nai?". I replied, "pariya mee bai khap kee laew". I guess they are used to us "useless farang" not doing the talking and sitting there while the missus does the talking for us.

Even when I couldn't speak a single sentence, I used to try to venture around by myself. I am glad I did now.

Do you take the partner everywhere with you or go it alone?

My Thai is limited but i can get by. I dont need to missus to come with me all the time. It does help sometimes though. She would love to go with me wherever i go. But i like to get out and about on my own. I've here on and off for a couple of years or so. I like the freedom of getting out about without the gf. I still cant have big conversations in Thai but thats my fault for being so fukcing lazy at times. But i see no need to take the gf everywhere. She also walks so slow. But then so do most Thais.

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Most times she does.... Thats more out of spending the limited time together...If she wants to go visit her mates or get her hair done....I usually head off somewhere on my own. Its no big deal really, I enjoy spending time with her...whether its just walking around, going to a movie or going to a bar.

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I learned Thai long before I met my wife so I have never had to rely on her or, for a very long time now, anyone else to translate for me.

Independence is one of the great benefits of learning Thai, the other is being able to come to my own understanding of what is being said or going on around me.

In relationships before I met my wife and perhaps before my Thai was as it is now, I had several instances where I was being told a sanitised version of events.

I sometimes play dumb these days to see exactly what people say when they think we don't understand - It is quite remarkable just how often quite offensive comments are made.

Some of my happiest momments in Thailand have been while travelling around the provinces by myself, discovering Thailand my own way.

During these trips I've often come across foreigners with their Thai partner, he trying to encourage her to walk aorund some historical site, or visit some place of interest, her sitting sulking and moaning that the weather is too hot, they want to stay in the restaurant or they don't like visitning 'old stuff' or some other excuse to do as little as possible between meal times.

Why bother?!

I stayed single until I found someone that enjoyed the same things I do and enjoyed the fun of the visit.

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I have enrolled in a language school in January..to learn thai (actually business motivated).....well then again i dont se the problem..because me and my thai wife enjoys to spend as much time as we can together ayway.....

So whats the problem....you marry someone you dont want top spend time with....or u just enjoy being a "Butterfly"?

Edited by toyicebear
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I think it is a lot more complex than 'if you are not with your Thai partner you are out butterflying'.

There are times when it is not practical to have a Thai partner along with you, if you are totally dependent upon someone then that dependence will always give rise to problems down the line.

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Well..maybe i am not "normal"...but basically--exect for business....i have spent 24 hour a day with my girl..for the last 4 years....2 in Norway and 2 in Thailand... and i do noit regret any second of that time...

And i understand this is not the norm..........

My point is..if you meet theright one--race, creed, preferances..osv...

referances, and so one..does not mather in the end.....

My advice is..take care..use our brain....afther that...who knows.. ;-)

Edited by toyicebear
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This was about going everywhere with your Thai partner due to lack of language skills ....I thought . For the record I do not butterfly but i'll be darned if I will go shopping everytime her and her family want to go out and take all day . I find something to do even though my Thai is not that good . I know enough to get around ...sort of . Actually its fun to get yourself somewhere and figure out how your going to get back . Thats when you really start to remember words .

Just my to baht .

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My girlfriend helps out now and again but there is no way I could take her everywhere with me and Ive no doubt she feels the same. I think my learning Thai has been hindered sometimes due to the fact that if we go out to a local restaurant etc the person will always ask my gf what I want and not me, but hey its nothing to get angry about, lifes too short.

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I must be living in another dimension of Thailand, a paralell universe of CM, as I have little or no difficulty doing anything I want or shopping anywhere and I speak only three phrases of Thai. If the Thais I come in contact have no English, pantomime works wonders.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, I love my Thai and we spend as much time together as possible, thus I very rarely go out of the house unaccompanied.

My Thai goes unaccompanied for karioke evenings and Thai dinners with friends, I am always invited but decline as I like airconditioning and smoke, drinking and karioke are not the ambiance I enjoy.

Tomorrow night is new years with Thais and perhaps a coupe of falang, some speak English, I will stay only so long as I enjoy myself. The new years gift will be generous enough that I will be forgiven for leaving early. if that be the case. Of course, I have my advanced age as an excuse. To explain, I am advanced enough in life to not do anything I do not enjoy and have no tolerance for fools. Lest you worry, I am considered by Thais to be extremely polite and kind and that is perhaps because I am always "putting them up", by word, act and deed.

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sometimes play dumb these days to see exactly what people say when they think we don't understand - It is quite remarkable just how often quite offensive comments are made.
I hear you there mate! I won't repeat what I heard some Thai Vocational students saying about the disaster and farang. Fcuknig disgraceful though, and lucky(for me probably) I never heard about some of the Thai casualties at that time.
Some of my happiest momments in Thailand have been while travelling around the provinces by myself, discovering Thailand my own way.

And me. :D

During these trips I've often come across foreigners with their Thai partner, he trying to encourage her to walk aorund some historical site, or visit some place of interest, her sitting sulking and moaning that the weather is too hot, they want to stay in the restaurant or they don't like visitning 'old stuff' or some other excuse to do as little as possible between meal times.

Why bother?!

I stayed single until I found someone that enjoyed the same things I do and enjoyed the fun of the visit.

Same here, sometimes I wish I had done it for a bit longer though :o

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Well..maybe i am not "normal"...but basically--exect for business....i have spent 24 hour a day with my girl..for the last 4 years....2 in Norway and 2 in Thailand... and i do noit regret any second of that time...

And i understand this is not the norm..........

My point is..if you meet theright one--race, creed, preferances..osv...

referances, and so one..does not mather in the end.....

My advice is..take care..use our brain....afther that...who knows.. ;-)

osv. skrives etc. på engelsk.... :o

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Well..maybe i am not "normal"...but basically--exect for business....i have spent 24 hour a day with my girl..for the last 4 years....2 in Norway and 2 in Thailand... and i do noit regret any second of that time...

And i understand this is not the norm..........

My point is..if you meet theright one--race, creed, preferances..osv...

referances, and so one..does not mather in the end.....

My advice is..take care..use our brain....afther that...who knows.. ;-)

osv. skrives etc. på engelsk.... :o

Eh? I thought only English and Thai was accepted on this forum. Something about the English maybe?

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Hi, Hi,

I guess "theviking" makes some references to some typoes...probably due to the fact that i was quite drunk when i wrote the last post... :D (I am not quite sober now eighter)

And he/she is writing back in norwegian so i guess its someone from the old country too... :o

have fun... :D

Edited by toyicebear
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