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P.a.d Wants To Evict Foreigners


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really do not know how true this could be ,but heard it from a fairly reliable guy who has some influential friends .P.A.D want to get foreigners who live in Thailand out.what are your thoughts,cant really see it myself.

The global village we live in would make this very difficult for any country that dependes on trade with others or as Thailand does on tourism. What they need to do is like any other country clear out the illegals. Even closed countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia still have a large number of non nationals living there.

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really do not know how true this could be ,but heard it from a fairly reliable guy who has some influential friends .P.A.D want to get foreigners who live in Thailand out.what are your thoughts,cant really see it myself.

Usual unsubstantiated BS. We haven't had a PAD thread for sometime, so I suppoe it was inevitable.

As the PAD are not a political party, I find it pretty hard to beleive, although I suspect that a number of their supporters do hold anti-foreigner sentiments.

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really do not know how true this could be ,but heard it from a fairly reliable guy who has some influential friends .P.A.D want to get foreigners who live in Thailand out.what are your thoughts,cant really see it myself.

Usual unsubstantiated BS. We haven't had a PAD thread for sometime, so I suppoe it was inevitable.

As the PAD are not a political party, I find it pretty hard to beleive, although I suspect that a number of their supporters do hold anti-foreigner sentiments.

of course its unsubstantiated,so why flame ,i was just asking if anyone else had heard?

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I heard this rumour a while ago so asked my Thai mate. His reply was that they only wanted the trash out not the decent ones. (He didn't eloborate on what criteria they would use).

Interestingly, tho' a bit off topic, I also heard a report of the embassy (Consulate?- not sure) in Laos giving the exact same reasoning for the tightening up in the teaching industry here.

All pure heresay, of course from this source at least.

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One of my occasional golf partners is a retired Immigration Police major general. He, like many Thai men, particularly considering his past duties, is quite critical of foreigners but much more so for the rude, arrogant and churlish types that seem to be drawn to Thailand...and naturally must periodically come in to request immigration services. It is these lower strata of visitors and long-stay expatriates that they would like to see go elsewhere. He cited countless stories of sloppily-dressed, crass and testy farangs who visited Immigration offices where he devoted his career. We all know the type and they are among us. If foreigners would clean up their act, we would have a far easier time here but the bad apples spoil it for the rest of us who harbor friendly intentions and attitudes. This unfavorable consideration of certain foreigners transcends any political dogma or social group in Thailand, be they PAD followers, Democrats, UDD, elites/intelligentsia, poor Isaan farmers and so on. We naturally exhibit the same negative feelings back in our home countries towards selected immigrants and tourists who seem to go out of the way to call the wrong kind of attention on themselves.

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I heartily agree that most foreigners in Thailand are their own worst enemies.

I hasten to add, lest the flaming get out of hand, that a goodly amount of the wrong kind of foreigners here don't necessary come from Europe or North America. We have all seen plenty of certain northeast Asians who must have arrived into this world from the rock bottom of the gene pool...with a strong streak of racism mixed with national arrogance...and then they come to Thailand to rub everyone's nose in it. Sorry, but I needed to make that clarification.

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One of my occasional golf partners is a retired Immigration Police major general. He, like many Thai men, particularly considering his past duties, is quite critical of foreigners but much more so for the rude, arrogant and churlish types that seem to be drawn to Thailand...and naturally must periodically come in to request immigration services. It is these lower strata of visitors and long-stay expatriates that they would like to see go elsewhere. He cited countless stories of sloppily-dressed, crass and testy farangs who visited Immigration offices where he devoted his career. We all know the type and they are among us. If foreigners would clean up their act, we would have a far easier time here but the bad apples spoil it for the rest of us who harbor friendly intentions and attitudes. This unfavorable consideration of certain foreigners transcends any political dogma or social group in Thailand, be they PAD followers, Democrats, UDD, elites/intelligentsia, poor Isaan farmers and so on. We naturally exhibit the same negative feelings back in our home countries towards selected immigrants and tourists who seem to go out of the way to call the wrong kind of attention on themselves.

Would imagine that your friends job at immigration would have been a lot easier if there were less foreigners disturbing his daily work. The same way a policemans job would be a lot easier if there were less criminals.

But, i know what you mean. I have been at immigration offices where a smartly dressed foreign pensioner has become upset and began banging his fists on the desk. Very embrassing to see. It is the general farang rudeness (western concept of rudeness and Thai concept of rudeness very different) and lack of ability to be able to speak the Thai language that most upsets these officials.

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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<deleted for brevity>.

Would imagine that your friends job at immigration would have been a lot easier if there were less foreigners disturbing his daily work. The same way a policemans job would be a lot easier if there were less criminals.

But, i know what you mean. I have been at immigration offices where a smartly dressed foreign pensioner has become upset and began banging his fists on the desk. Very embrassing to see. It is the general farang rudeness (western concept of rudeness and Thai concept of rudeness very different) and lack of ability to be able to speak the Thai language that most upsets these officials.

Yes, very sad but true. And you are right about the immigration staff's dissatisfaction that most expats cannot speak adequate Thai...my police friend told me the same thing. This ability really goes a long way here, but is undone quickly by the kind of volatile behavior you witnessed.

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<deleted for brevity>.

Would imagine that your friends job at immigration would have been a lot easier if there were less foreigners disturbing his daily work. The same way a policemans job would be a lot easier if there were less criminals.

But, i know what you mean. I have been at immigration offices where a smartly dressed foreign pensioner has become upset and began banging his fists on the desk. Very embrassing to see. It is the general farang rudeness (western concept of rudeness and Thai concept of rudeness very different) and lack of ability to be able to speak the Thai language that most upsets these officials.

Yes, very sad but true. And you are right about the immigration staff's dissatisfaction that most expats cannot speak adequate Thai...my police friend told me the same thing. This ability really goes a long way here, but is undone quickly by the kind of volatile behavior you witnessed.

Yes, and apart from the language, its simple things like walking slowly, offering a wai to the appropiate person at the appropiate moment and having all the right docs and not losing your temper.

Most farangs could learn all this in an afternoon. The guys that can't be bothered, as you say, give the rest of us a bad name.

But back on subject. If the PAD want to evict all farangs, then let them try. They are not a polictical party.

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heard it from a fairly reliable guy who has some influential friends .P.A.D want to get foreigners who live in Thailand out.

This is not a big secret to those of us with well-educated Thai friends who are willing to speak about it. They want to go back to the old ways.

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Not A political party YET, but as recent events have shown, they are backed by the QUEEN, not accountable to the law, (i.e. no retributions for holding the airports or country to ransom) and the rest of the elite, it is just a matter of time..North Korea No II...wait and see!

And as for the Thai Language rubbish...what a pile of SHIT..the last thing in the world they want is for you to be able to understand them or communicate with them..it makes them appear superior, as long as you cannot understand.

If we could all be fluent, it would show them to be the furking idiots that they are!!!!!

In regard to the language, i find that most locals are relieved when you can converse in the mother tongue. Would go so far as to say that they really quite like a foreigner to make the effort to try to learn the language. But yes, there are some Thai's who are suspicious of foreigners that can speak the language. Mainly these are Thais that work in the main tourist hubs and provide tourist services. They have to make a living from tourists. Not so easy to make money as a tour guide or whatever when the person knows the place and speaks the language. Outside of the tourist areas a knowledge of the language is very important.

Oh, and I fail to see a connection with the political situation in N. Korea and Thailand's current polictical situation. Please explain.

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