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As far as I can see, there are 4 main ways of dealing with Mosquitos.

Sprays..... very effective, but unpleasent when you're in the same room.

Those blue/purple light electric things which attract them, and zap them.

The plug in high pitch sonic gizmos, do they work. I think that if they do, they would be the best. There are so many different ones on the market.

The mesh screens on the windows. I've rented in the past, and had these, but the blighters still get in somehow!.

Anymore ideas? Recommendations?

The mesh screens on the windows. I've rented in the past, and had these, but the blighters still get in somehow!.

No what you mean. I think they wait outside the door, and when openned, all rush in!! :o


I have only ever used the spray and did all my body but the soles of my feet then woke up in the morning and was bitten all over the them. My advice for getting bit less is when going out in the night time to wear long trousers and socks. Mossies tend to hang out under tables in bars and restaurants. The amount of time spent in the country also has an affect. I find the longer I am there the less I get bit plus if you do get bit it does not have the reaction on your skin the same as if you have just arrived. I do not think there is any full proof way to get rid of the pesky things.


Mosquito Repellent Plants


Plant Name Translation En-th usuful plants against mosquitos


Five Plants That Repel Mosquitos


(Not mentioned in those threads - as far as I can see - is "mosa"......... straggly plant that has leaves a bit like French marigolds. Effectiveness seems variable.)

Re the aerosol sprays - there are "odorless" versions. Still best to stay out of the room for a few minutes while it settles - but no lingering smell. I've tried two of the (not cheap) sonic gizmo's - no detectable effect. The "Black Hole" electric traps do seem to work - up to a point.

From observation elsewhere and use at my house, the common Thai approach seems to make sense. Have a really bright and ugly fluorescent strip light outside the house and keep the interior less well-lit; most of the mossies will congregate there - or fly onto the inside of your screened door to get to it. Zap them there with the tennis bat - very satisfying. If you are going to sit outside at mossie time, there doesn't seem to be any alternative to having plenty of those noxious coils smouldering.


Listerine Mouth wash sprayed around the affected area from a spray bottle or such will keep them away. For some reason, they really hate the stuff.


Love this thing. I hunt for mozzies inside the house and keep on in the bedroom. Love that zapping sound when I get them. Those black light contraptions are indiscriminate killers. These racquet type devices are ultra selective.


15 / love..


Avon, Skin so Soft, is good as a repellent as is listerine (noted above) I use sprays, coils, have screens on windows/doors, leave light on in carpark (decoy), geckos (inside and out), wear long pants, and do not remember the last time I was bitten. Daughter says she is the mossie favorite as they bite her and she uses repellent plus enjoys all of the aforementioned precautions. Maybe it helps to be a grouchy old man.


I'm miserable with mozzie bites.

Some of things I've tried and have had some successes with:

Fan outside the door to blast the ones that tries to sneak in with a human.

White-painted door and white mesh screen. Easy to see the buggers.

Check every screen, window, and door for leakages/openings. Even the ceiling light fixtures.

Spray the screen with citronella oil or anti mozzie liquids (don't use DEET, it'll melt the plastic screen :D )

Cover drains (many homes here don't have U type turns in the plumbings).

Have a light colored walls and floor, easier to see the bastards.

Tennis zappers in every room.

Listerine spray for outdoor sitting areas.

Keep the bedroom door closed all the time, day and night. Also paint door white.

Mosquitoes net for bed (don't like this one, but will use if a mozzie somehow infiltrate the room defenses and I can't find him)

Keep those ideas coming. I'm always looking out for more.

Now, can someone give some thoughts about the ants?


Love this thing. I hunt for mozzies inside the house and keep on in the bedroom. Love that zapping sound when I get them. Those black light contraptions are indiscriminate killers. These racquet type devices are ultra selective.

15 / love..

I think the raquets are good and effective, and my wife, like you goes all over the house hunting them so she can here the Zapping sound.


I'm miserable with mozzie bites.

Some of things I've tried and have had some successes with:

Fan outside the door to blast the ones that tries to sneak in with a human.

White-painted door and white mesh screen. Easy to see the buggers.

Check every screen, window, and door for leakages/openings. Even the ceiling light fixtures.

Spray the screen with citronella oil or anti mozzie liquids (don't use DEET, it'll melt the plastic screen :D )

Cover drains (many homes here don't have U type turns in the plumbings).

Have a light colored walls and floor, easier to see the bastards.

Tennis zappers in every room.

Listerine spray for outdoor sitting areas.

Keep the bedroom door closed all the time, day and night. Also paint door white.

Mosquitoes net for bed (don't like this one, but will use if a mozzie somehow infiltrate the room defenses and I can't find him)

Keep those ideas coming. I'm always looking out for more.

Now, can someone give some thoughts about the ants?


Ants? you just have to live with them I think.



My wife does not get bit while our daugther and me do. Wondering if it all that red chile she eats? Gonna experiment with grinding chile up. try a bit at 1rst, as it might burn the skin? might even start eating it before the next trip over, get it in the blood.

I can stand some bites in fatty areas, but HATE when they get the thin skin of my ankles at night. itching and scratching all day. 2nd trip I took sports socks and wore a pair every night. It was a big relief.

In the army we burnt dried cow paddies in the field. smells nice and keeps them away.

Oh,,, those sand flea bites are 100 times worse. Those poor suckers who nap while the sun goes down and get covered in bites! If you feel a tickling on your ankles while sitting at a beach table, sit cross legged and or put socks on! Somebody in Thorntree the muscle rub that boxers use soothes them bites, maybe good for moscs as well?


I think the best tip when you get bitten is not to scratch it. Put some of Thai balm on the bite and resist scratching. Takes a while for a westerner to get used to doing it. The irritation soon goes.

I find that not using perfumed stuff means that I get bitten less. So buy natural soaps and perfumes for people you live with :o

I'm miserable with mozzie bites.

Some of things I've tried and have had some successes with:

Fan outside the door to blast the ones that tries to sneak in with a human.

White-painted door and white mesh screen. Easy to see the buggers.

Check every screen, window, and door for leakages/openings. Even the ceiling light fixtures.

Spray the screen with citronella oil or anti mozzie liquids (don't use DEET, it'll melt the plastic screen :D )

Cover drains (many homes here don't have U type turns in the plumbings).

Have a light colored walls and floor, easier to see the bastards.

Tennis zappers in every room.

Listerine spray for outdoor sitting areas.

Keep the bedroom door closed all the time, day and night. Also paint door white.

Mosquitoes net for bed (don't like this one, but will use if a mozzie somehow infiltrate the room defenses and I can't find him)

Keep those ideas coming. I'm always looking out for more.

Now, can someone give some thoughts about the ants?


Moved into rented house last October every month the Landlady has a pest control man visit sprays all round the floor of all the inside and outside walls and in the floor there are metal inserts which he fills up I have not seen an ant since I have been here

I think the best tip when you get bitten is not to scratch it. Put some of Thai balm on the bite and resist scratching. Takes a while for a westerner to get used to doing it. The irritation soon goes.

I find that not using perfumed stuff means that I get bitten less. So buy natural soaps and perfumes for people you live with :D

Yes you are right, good advice, Thai balm and no perfumed soaps, deods,etc.

I've lived here in the LOS now for 12 years, and this was one of the first things my wife taught me soon after we arrived.



I dont know why But some people including me, Attract Mosquitos

We usually leave the fan on directed over the bed area,

They don't fly fast like the other types I have been in contact with, ,And a breeze is enough to keep em at bay.

Not at the moment Too cold up in Chang Mai

It does appear to be true that you don't react as badly as you spend more time here.

Personaly I have a bad reaction to Thai Balm Now my wife uses, That orange coulored root. She calls it Cumin.

I dont know what it's called in the west. Just want to say if you get bitten try it. It works for me

As for keeping the little devils out of your rooms. I think it's almost Impossible.


I'm from NZ, where the mozzies and sand flies battle it out every year for the title of National Bird. The natives tend to eat a slice of toast with vegemite - y'know, the stuff that's basically rotted yeast - and they don't get bit. Can't stand the stuff myself, so instead, I started taking a multi-vitamin-B complex once a day. After a week, no more mozzie bites; no more scratchies from the sand flies. I mean, shorts and sandals and walk on the beach through clouds of those little buggers. Worked for me, YMMV.


Personaly I have a bad reaction to Thai Balm Now my wife uses, That orange coulored root. She calls it Cumin.

I dont know what it's called in the west. Just want to say if you get bitten try it. It works for me

It's called Cumin mate. :o


Ants. Don't they use that 'yellow chalk' around the perimeter to stop them from enetering? I understand it works well.

Stuffed if I can remember the name of it.

Or simply use the ant spray. Works a treat. Ants dead in seconds and do not come back for a while.


1. Buy the spray that is just for spraying onto the mosquito screens. Stops any making any attempts to rush through gaps. :D

2. If they make it in, turn on the air conditioner (obviously, close the window) and take the temperature down to 17 degrees-- it will kill them all :o

2. If they make it in, turn on the air conditioner (obviously, close the window) and take the temperature down to 17 degrees-- it will kill them all :o

17C will kill me too :D

I'm miserable with mozzie bites.

Some of things I've tried and have had some successes with:

Fan outside the door to blast the ones that tries to sneak in with a human.

White-painted door and white mesh screen. Easy to see the buggers.

Keep those ideas coming. I'm always looking out for more.

Now, can someone give some thoughts about the ants?


Good ideas Mac, thanks. :D

I'm not used to bites, and I'm covered in 'em after my 1st night out West. :o

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