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Background Check

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I am going through the process of getting a TEFL certification here in Thailand and before I am employable I need to get a background check letter from (don't laugh) Lithuania AND Canada. Does anyone have any notion what exactly they are expecting with this?

I have paid for a Canada criminal background check through some online company but now I understand that this may not be what they are after either. Can anyone point to a letter online of what my letter needs to look like? I.e. "Name: John Doe" "Place: Alberta" or such...

My mother was from Lithuania and I am dual citizen and everything I find associated with this is pure spam.... not looking forward to trying to get that mess tangled out or even what I should look for. Anyone here no if say interpol or something else woudl suffice?

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This won't help much but,

It was mentioned to me once, and it turns out, as a Brit, very difficult to get. The embassy couldn't help (no surprise there then) and getting in touch with the local police (something to do with the official secrets act) turned out to be arduous and may have required a trip back to England which I wasn't prepared to do. In the end I said that I can't get it, which was accepted Thai style.

I think that Americans can get this check relatively easily from the FBI - some FBI check service...

Each country seems to work differently with regards to these checks and how you get them. Try your embassies (who I doubt will help, but may point you in the right dirrection) and your local police in your home countries - in the UK they have a good website, probably true in Canada too. Lithuania?

I'm not sure that the Thais really know what they're after, some kind of criminal check from the most offical source possible. But, as I said, I think each country has a different process...

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I think that Americans can get this check relatively easily from the FBI - some FBI check service...

Each country seems to work differently with regards to these checks and how you get them. Try your embassies (who I doubt will help, but may point you in the right dirrection) and your local police in your home countries - in the UK they have a good website, probably true in Canada too. Lithuania?

I'm not sure that the Thais really know what they're after, some kind of criminal check from the most offical source possible. But, as I said, I think each country has a different process...

My understanding, flawed as it may be, is that for those countries with a national police force, a form letter is sent out saying you have no criminal convictions (and possibly no arrests) - or that you have been convicted on a certain date of a certain crime.

In the USA, you get a similar letter from your local or state police. While you can obtain your FBI dossier, that option was only opened after the ACLU (I'm pretty sure it was them) sued the FBI under the Freedom of Information Act many years ago. But your FBI file is not what Thailand is looking for.

When I got my letter from the NZ police, it simply stated that I had no convictions. But it also said that under their privacy act, certain convictions could not be made public. A lot of good *that* would do. I was advised to have the NZ Embassy officially sign the document, and I thought, yeah right. I went in, and the Embassy officer in charge said, no, they never sign such a document. Then he asked me to wait and called back to NZ, got a ruling, and came back with the signed and stamped original and two copies! Nice bloke, he should go on my Christmas card mailing list :-)

So, with Lithuania, I would think that the national police force could give you a letter - best of luck with that. And you should have no problem in Canada either. I suspect any province would be able to issue such a letter to you.

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I think that Americans can get this check relatively easily from the FBI - some FBI check service...

You are right about the FBI check...I did it twice: once as a test run for my visa and the second time to get my O-A Retirement Visa since the check results can only be so old when applying. Each time, from mailing out the request to the answer being in my mailbox, was less than three weeks. And the check is low cost. Below is the web site. Although this info won't help the OP, this FBI check info may help an American trying to do the same thing as the OP.


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  • 6 months later...
The point is not dual citizenship, but the different countries where you have lived. If you have lived in more then one country you have to get a police chack from each country you have lived in.

The OP doesn`t actually say he lived or worked in both countries but I concede your point as this is implied.

Had it been purely a case regarding dual citizenship then the old Arab proverb would apply:-

`The wise man sits on the hole in his carpet`

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