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Don't delete this. I haven't been convicted of any crimes. (Innocent until proven guilty, chai mai)

burglary 1st




malicious destruction of property


Only the trespasing, malicious, and 4th are even remotely legit. (Cop wants to fuc_k whore sister of my ex-girl friend. Probably providing her "protection" right now. Keep in mind I didn't touch anyone nor threaten.) Will they come and try to get me if I don't appear for the hearing and subsequent trial? Will it be possible to live a normal life in the rest of the world? (travel, work, school, etc...)

I understand that becuase these are my first criminal charges, I'll probably be able to make this "all go away" with a decent lawyer. But there are complicating issues. So I need to at least consider different options.

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These all seem like fairly minor offenses, which i'm assuming if it's your first time charge then would probably not face any jail time? Probably fines and some community service? And that is worth skipping the country over?

Edited by dave111223
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It's not about what you have or haven't done, or to use your term, what is legit. It's a matter of how things are handled, who knows who and how much money is paid to the right people at the right time. Since you have mentioned the word "cop" and he doesn't appear to be on your side, you are probably at a major disadvantage from the outset. To get out of the problem from this point on you need to forget about what you think is right or wrong by your home country legal standards, or even by your own - I would also suggest that adding lawyers into the scenario may only complicate and make things more costly. If you don't show for the hearing, assuming you are not Thai, yes, you will have a problem when you leave the country or if you are stopped by the Police. As for the impact of these things on your ability to live a normal life overseas, probably it's not a problem, but best not come back to Thailand!

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Don't delete this. I haven't been convicted of any crimes. (Innocent until proven guilty, chai mai)

burglary 1st




malicious destruction of property


Only the trespasing, malicious, and 4th are even remotely legit. (Cop wants to fuc_k whore sister of my ex-girl friend. Probably providing her "protection" right now. Keep in mind I didn't touch anyone nor threaten.) Will they come and try to get me if I don't appear for the hearing and subsequent trial? Will it be possible to live a normal life in the rest of the world? (travel, work, school, etc...)

I understand that becuase these are my first criminal charges, I'll probably be able to make this "all go away" with a decent lawyer. But there are complicating issues. So I need to at least consider different options.

Agreed, you have complicating issues - reading between the lines. But here's a *very* complicating issue: if you don't show up at court, or at least have a lawyer show up representing you, the judge will issue a Bench Warrant for your arrest. Generally, in the US, these things are not taken lightly - pissing off the judge who may ultimately try your case is a really bad start to things. That being said, and computers being linked the way they are today, you may have a wee problem try to board an airplane for an international flight after the Bench Warrant is issued. And if you want to obtain residency or citizenship in another country, you have to get a police report from your home country, and guess what will show up on it? A Bench Warrant. Chances are you won't be whisked off in handcuffs to 'Gitmo. But chances are you will not have your visa renewed either...making you a man without a country. Lousy way to live your life, imnsho.

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Don't delete this. I haven't been convicted of any crimes. (Innocent until proven guilty, chai mai)

burglary 1st




malicious destruction of property


Only the trespasing, malicious, and 4th are even remotely legit. (Cop wants to fuc_k whore sister of my ex-girl friend. Probably providing her "protection" right now. Keep in mind I didn't touch anyone nor threaten.) Will they come and try to get me if I don't appear for the hearing and subsequent trial? Will it be possible to live a normal life in the rest of the world? (travel, work, school, etc...)

I understand that becuase these are my first criminal charges, I'll probably be able to make this "all go away" with a decent lawyer. But there are complicating issues. So I need to at least consider different options.

Think you are creating more problems by not going to court. How are you going to travel the world when they call in your passport because you have a warrant out for your arrest? Go home face the music and get it sorted out.

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It is 50/50 if they will try to revoke your passport, or not. There is a good chance that you can use it with no problems until it needs to be renewed, and it is possible that they will issue you a new one after that.

There was a guy hanging around in Chiang Mai for months telling eveyone that he was wanted for fleeing the US after breaking parole and he was still getting his social security check every month as he had no other money.

He went to the US Consulate several times for new pages for his passport and such with no problem.

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Two pieces of advice for anyone moving overseas (not just to Thailand, but particularly to Thailand since it seems to attract a disproportionate number of guys running away from stuff back home).

1. Don't burn your bridges back home

2. Don't leave unresolved problems back home, they only rot and fester until they catch up with you.

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Don't delete this. I haven't been convicted of any crimes. (Innocent until proven guilty, chai mai)

burglary 1st




malicious destruction of property


Only the trespasing, malicious, and 4th are even remotely legit. (Cop wants to fuc_k whore sister of my ex-girl friend. Probably providing her "protection" right now. Keep in mind I didn't touch anyone nor threaten.) Will they come and try to get me if I don't appear for the hearing and subsequent trial? Will it be possible to live a normal life in the rest of the world? (travel, work, school, etc...)

I understand that becuase these are my first criminal charges, I'll probably be able to make this "all go away" with a decent lawyer. But there are complicating issues. So I need to at least consider different options.

You`re probably the same idiot that started the skip community service thread.

You are definately guilty of being a loon and hope you are banned from ThaiVisa very soon.

Edited by sassienie
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Don't delete this. I haven't been convicted of any crimes. (Innocent until proven guilty, chai mai)

burglary 1st




malicious destruction of property


Only the trespasing, malicious, and 4th are even remotely legit. (Cop wants to fuc_k whore sister of my ex-girl friend. Probably providing her "protection" right now. Keep in mind I didn't touch anyone nor threaten.) Will they come and try to get me if I don't appear for the hearing and subsequent trial? Will it be possible to live a normal life in the rest of the world? (travel, work, school, etc...)

I understand that becuase these are my first criminal charges, I'll probably be able to make this "all go away" with a decent lawyer. But there are compicating issues. So I need to at least consider different options.

These all seem like fairly minor offenses, which i'm assuming if it's your first time charge then would probably not face any jail time? Probably fines and some community service? And that is worth skipping the country over?

These are NOT minor offences. Burglary in the first degree is a felony and can result in the neighborhood of 6 to 8 years in prison, depending on the state where the charges are filed. Stalking also has potential for prison time.

Non-appearance will very likely result in a guilty finding. Non-appearance on multiple charges will very likely make the punishment more severe.

If when he is found guilty and his whereabouts are or become known to the Courts... potential for cooperation in seeking his apprehension from the local authorities increases. It may not result in a formal extradition request, but there are lesser avenues than that which will achieve the same objective.

This is a all a Pattaya Daily News clipping waiting to happen.

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A friend of mine went to the US embassy to have pages put in his passport. The embassy confiscated his passport and accused him of not making child support payments. His daughter was 18 years old and he had paid the last support payments before he made the move to Thailand. It was eventually straightened out without his having to return to the US but it was a lot of hassle for him. He had failed to run his final payments through the court system so they had no record of his final payments. If not for his daughter helping him, he would have had to go back. Needless to say, his ex wife thought it was funny.

Another friend ran away from a driving while intoxicated charge. Years later and broke, he returned to the US and was arrested at the airport on arrival. His passport was flagged and no way could he enter the US without getting caught and arrested.

I'd advise you to straighten things out now and not to allow that cloud to hang over your head.

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If these charges indicate the op's reaction to breaking up (ex girlfriend), he could have a grand old time here dealing with some of our more experienced and clever ladies. Come on down, just remember to pack your bag with currency enough to support yourself in the style you are accustomed to and you may want to check on statue of limitation.

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These all seem like fairly minor offenses, which i'm assuming if it's your first time charge then would probably not face any jail time? Probably fines and some community service? And that is worth skipping the country over?

Stalking is not a minor offense. It's a felony. Stalkers have been known to harm their victims, even murder them. Law enforcement authorities take stalking very seriously. Also, this guy has a lengthy rap sheet. If caught, he would certainly face extradition.

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