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Long Yang Club Has Big Pot-luck, Huge Attendance, Etc., In Chiang Mai Lakeland


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Bruce and Tom were there, and host David, and guys named Max and Fred, maybe 15 Thai names I forgot how to pronounce. Lots of folks could not follow the excellent map through the long klongs of Chiang Mai Lakeland, and assumed all those pretty balloons must be leading them to a gay party. No. But David's massive house held everybody, all the food and drinks, several cats, and a duck. Some guy with a long blond pony-tail drove his CBR150 all the 250 meters to David's house. Thanks to all. Excellent food.

I don't see the latest pictures posted yet, but the public website is http://lyccnx.110mb.com/

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Bruce and Tom were there, and host David, and guys named Max and Fred, maybe 15 Thai names I forgot how to pronounce. Lots of folks could not follow the excellent map through the long klongs of Chiang Mai Lakeland, and assumed all those pretty balloons must be leading them to a gay party. No. But David's massive house held everybody, all the food and drinks, several cats, and a duck. Some guy with a long blond pony-tail drove his CBR150 all the 250 meters to David's house. Thanks to all. Excellent food.

I don't see the latest pictures posted yet, but the public website is http://lyccnx.110mb.com/

Shockingly, and very sadly, David's body was found today in his house; apparently he'd been murdered. It appears he was killed by an intruder or someone he knew not long after the party. David was a friend, a gentlemen and genuine nice guy who will be sadly missed by many. RIP

Take care everyone, incidents like this should serve to remind us of our own mortality, and that Thailand is not the safe paradise some like to believe.

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That's very sad indeed. What's more sad is that David is being murdered for a second time in the Chiangmai forum by people accusing him of having had dealings with underage males. That's really shameful and TV shouldn't tolerate the bashing of a dead gay man.

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That's very sad indeed. What's more sad is that David is being murdered for a second time in the Chiangmai forum by people accusing him of having had dealings with underage males. That's really shameful and TV shouldn't tolerate the bashing of a dead gay man.

Thankfully the thread has now been deleted, and I'm embarrased to have started it given the complete rubbish that was being posted there. This would be a far better location for anyone wishing to post a tribute to David to do so. I'm sure our mods will maintain the thread in that vain.

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Nothing to feel embarrassed about. I didn't know David but from what I have read he seems to have been a good guy. The word "gentleman" has been used several times to describe him and that is quite an honor for there are truly very few "gentlemen" left in this world. Rest in peace Gentleman David.

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I closed the thread, at Paagai's request, but it is still visible. What you will not see is the worst crap that was deleted by mods who were on duty whilst I was offline, literally moving out of the very same moobahn where my good neighbor and friend was murdered. If you read nothing else, find peekint's post.

We miss David much. This is a big shock to our community.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks to the tireless work of the Thai Police and the unselfish input from a large number of LYC members with information to give, on February 29 Thai police arrested the fellow who was living at David's house during the LYC party there. He confessed that he and his friends killed David, robbery the motive, but says he is not the one who use the knife. One of the three suspects is still at large.


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