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Wow blacks in Thailand hold the front page,Just becouse some might have something to do with crime .Does not mean they all do .How does that saying go,dont tar everyone with the same brush .

Clayton you must have a borring live if you think taking pics of folks with to much baggage is interesting man you need to get out more .Some of the things said on this thread, makes me laugh .

I have some friends who are Nigerians,and they are some of the most friendly and plight folks i have the pleasure to know.

And i trust them alot more than say some of my white friends .

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Well put, some people just cant tolerate any form of dialogue in taboo subjects.

However there are some people who really shouldnt be allowed to post out right disgracefull comments! and i belive its these ignoramus which make it hard to approach these types of subjects in a mature light!

Wow blacks in Thailand hold the front page,Just becouse some might have something to do with crime .Does not mean they all do .How does that saying go,dont tar everyone with the same brush .

Clayton you must have a borring live if you think taking pics of folks with to much baggage is interesting man you need to get out more .Some of the things said on this thread, makes me laugh .

I have some friends who are Nigerians,and they are some of the most friendly and plight folks i have the pleasure to know.And i trust them alot more than say some of my white friends .

Yep, that is a very valid point as well, can't tar the whole nation with the same brush, becasue a significant number are crooks.

I agree though; there are good people, and bad people in every country, sadly Nigeria does have a shocking reputation for it's prominent criminal element, which is widely documented.

Just like Germany has a reputation for fat blokes wearing speedo's. :o

The last comment about Germans is said in total jest.


You dont get many people fighting the side of "not all english people are football holligans and binge drinkers."

There are alot of them but not all.......do those that dont moan incessently about being victimized?


We've disagreed on a number of things in different topics, but I'm in agreement with Clayton on a number of the points.

BTW, Clayton I'm still waiting for those pics in my PM. :o

You'll be waiting a long time - the Wife came home from work & found the camera on the sofa, I'll say no more. :D


Well put, some people just cant tolerate any form of dialogue in taboo subjects.

However there are some people who really shouldnt be allowed to post out right disgracefull comments! and i belive its these ignoramus which make it hard to approach these types of subjects in a mature light!

Mojo80, i don't know you. You are just an anonymous poster on an internet forum. It is quite possible you are just on the wind up and are attempting to be ironic - It is also however, possible you are genuinely the cretinous moron your posts suggest you are... let's reflect upon the three posts prior to the one decrying the lack of mature debate...

1 - If i had known posting was this entertaining and informative, id have started a long time ago! For my next post, i think ill be targeting all the anal Politically Corret Crowd.......would that be ok DONNA?

2 - You cant talk! Get of your high horse! better yet fall off it "reeves style".

3 - havent even begone to disscuss the new dating scam ( not so new) men posing as thai women, and m oney being sent via wu to thailand for certain people involved in the scam

in your defense, you were clearly drunk when writing number 3...

anyway, I'm full of anticipation for your next contribution.

Many if not most Africans in BKK jails are there on drug smuggling charges.

The majority of Farangs in Jail in Thailand are there on drugs charges also.

So what's the difference ?

Nigerians have been executed in Thailand for drugs charges, white boys have never been executed for the same offence.

That's the difference.

Clayton you must have a borring live if you think taking pics of folks with to much baggage is interesting man you need to get out more .Some of the things said on this thread, makes me laugh .

It certainly made me laugh watching them bickering & being scolded by the Chinese officials. :o

Nigerians have been executed in Thailand for drugs charges, white boys have never been executed for the same offence.

Yes, that is wrong, on that score the white boys should receive the same privileges.

Nigerians have been executed in Thailand for drugs charges, white boys have never been executed for the same offence.

Yes, that is wrong, on that score it should be equal privileges for the white boys.


Many if not most Africans in BKK jails are there on drug smuggling charges. Typically they are from an incredibly poor background and are prepared to take the risk and become the drugs 'mule' as their lives are desperate and they want to help their family. Unlike Western prisoners they get no help from their embassies (if they have one) and often have no access to any worthwhile legal representation - put in prison, forgot about and rot away.

Some of the comments on this thread are moronic. You would think being a minority in another country would at least open peoples eyes to racial stereotyping - even if most on here have the 'fortune' to be white - and thus perceived to be economically appealing! i guess the ones making the more ridiculous generalisations are the first to post on here when they feel slighted by Thai ignorance.

I'll delete the risible attempt at humour and stick to the beef.

So, are you saying we should excuse drug mules because of their poor background? Isn't that 'racial stereotyping'.


Enoch Powell and the incidence of crime in Lagos have nothing whatever to do with Thailand. If this thread veers off-topic again it will be closed.

Many if not most Africans in BKK jails are there on drug smuggling charges. Typically they are from an incredibly poor background and are prepared to take the risk and become the drugs 'mule' as their lives are desperate and they want to help their family. Unlike Western prisoners they get no help from their embassies (if they have one) and often have no access to any worthwhile legal representation - put in prison, forgot about and rot away.

Some of the comments on this thread are moronic. You would think being a minority in another country would at least open peoples eyes to racial stereotyping - even if most on here have the 'fortune' to be white - and thus perceived to be economically appealing! i guess the ones making the more ridiculous generalisations are the first to post on here when they feel slighted by Thai ignorance.

I'll delete the risible attempt at humour and stick to the beef.

So, are you saying we should excuse drug mules because of their poor background? Isn't that 'racial stereotyping'.

no! (did you read it?)

anyway, even if that was so, it would possibly be racial discrimination, not stereotyping which means something different!

Many if not most Africans in BKK jails are there on drug smuggling charges. Typically they are from an incredibly poor background and are prepared to take the risk and become the drugs 'mule' as their lives are desperate and they want to help their family. Unlike Western prisoners they get no help from their embassies (if they have one) and often have no access to any worthwhile legal representation - put in prison, forgot about and rot away.

Some of the comments on this thread are moronic. You would think being a minority in another country would at least open peoples eyes to racial stereotyping - even if most on here have the 'fortune' to be white - and thus perceived to be economically appealing! i guess the ones making the more ridiculous generalisations are the first to post on here when they feel slighted by Thai ignorance.

I'll delete the risible attempt at humour and stick to the beef.

So, are you saying we should excuse drug mules because of their poor background? Isn't that 'racial stereotyping'.

How can they afford or buy a airline ticket if they are poor??? :o


I've selected a few snippets from the CIA website. There's no question that Nigerians, both at home & overseas, are heavily involved in crime. It's hardly surprising that when you see them around Soi 5, one has to wonder, why are they in Thailand?

  • Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore have emerged as both a market and transit routes for heroin destined for Europe, Australia, and the United States. Nigerian and other African trafficking groups based in Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, and Singapore use couriers to smuggle 1- to 2-kilogram quantities on scheduled flights to Europe and North America.
  • Nigerian criminal cells in countries around the world are engaged in narcotics trafficking and significant financial fraud activities.
  • While narcotics production and trafficking are expanding, so are money laundering, financial crime, alien smuggling, and criminal involvement in the gray arms trade, challenging governments and law enforcement authorities worldwide. Russian, Nigerian, Italian, and ethnic Chinese criminal networks, in particular, have become worldwide in scope and more sophisticated and multifaceted in their operations.

There's no question that Nigerians, both at home & overseas, are heavily involved in crime. It's hardly surprising that when you see them around Soi 5, one has to wonder, why are they in Thailand?
Again, you fall into the common false logic responsible for much of the world's racism. It does NOT FOLLOW that just because it is true that many drug traffickers are Nigerian that all Nigerians are drug traffickers.
Again, you fall into the common false logic responsible for much of the world's racism. It does NOT FOLLOW that just because it is true that many drug traffickers are Nigerian that all Nigerians are drug traffickers.

And again we see racism falsely perceived by those who would be politically correct. I'll give you an example, buy a guide book for Spain, if it advises you to beware of pick pocketing by gypsies, does this mean the guidebook is being racist? Is the tourist being racist when he heeds the warning & tries to stay clear of them? By your logic it is.

Please highlight any of my posts where I have said that all Nigerians are drug traffickers. Nigerians have a terrible reputation & until that reputation improves, people will view them with a certain degree of suspicion & not without good reason.


I hate to say it, but I've been around the world enough and have read enough to conclude that racism exists everywhere, has always existed, and will continue to exist because it is human nature in so many cultures to behave this way.

There are so many examples that one could write volumes. We can start with the no-Gaijin exclusions in Japan, which are racist interpretations of the age old innkeepers law. I've personally experienced racial hatred in several American cities, simply because of the color of my skin. Several Arab countries treat third country nationals from places like India, Pakistan and Bangledesh like shit simply because of race or feelings of racial superiority. In Zimbabwe and other African countries, there are numerous tyrannical dictatorships which are based entirely upon racial hatred. Of course there are many examples already written about in Thailand. The list goes on and on.

Why don't people just take their heads out of the sand and admit that racism exists all over our little blue ball? We're not just one big happy kum-by-yah family and in fact, far from it. If racism is a part of one's culture and beliefs, then it is what it is and there ain't a dam_n thing anyone can do to change it. If racism is not a part of one's culture or beliefs, then all we can do is live our lives in accordance with those beliefs, and make the best of our decisions to avoid or deter racial hatred or conflict.

Call it jaded pessimism or call it a fact of life. It's not going to change reality.

Enoch Powell and the incidence of crime in Lagos have nothing whatever to do with Thailand. If this thread veers off-topic again it will be closed.

They most certainly do - what a truly bizarre conclusion. The impact immigration has on Thailand is one of the main reasons FOR ThaiVisa is it not? Criminality committed in Thailand by non Thais SHOULD be a prominent reason for TV, no?

Anyone who has ever lived/worked in Nigeria knows that it is the worst country in the world. I don't just mean the random violence and bribery against white people, but the way injustice is so deep-seated in the ruling classes.

the Mrs and me have lived in Nigeria for 4½ years. for the record, looking back we feel that we spent the happiest time in our life there and we never experienced any anti-white resentments. the contrary was the case!

disclaimer: we did not live in the horror city Lagos but in a state capital of one of the nigerian states bordering Cameroun.

To say i am disgusted at some of the comments on this thread is an understatement. i wonder if they all sit at the back of the plane on the way over?

Jesus Christ. where do you people get off crucifying someone because of their nationality or the colour of their skin? For those of you ranting about HIV and AIDS spread and violence, take a look at some stats from Thailand. One of you said that you wanted to have a little 'fun' with some of their 'service providers'. Well, if you stick a condom on, you should lessen the risk. Or were you perhaps considering going bareback and taking back whatever you pick up back home to your next conquest?

I befriended a nigerian bloke in bangkok and he has been there for years now working in the rag trade. he is legal, and rarely drinks, hates drugs, and is quite religious (christian - not that THATS got anything to do with anything). Hes not a criminal.

If there are africans down khao san road, so bloody what? You don't like them because they are african?

Get back on the plane to wherever you came from, and hand your passport in to immigration on the way in. you clearly shouldn't be traveling anywhere.

Rant Over!

BIG thanks Donna!

We've disagreed on a number of things in different topics, but I'm in agreement with Clayton on a number of the points.

BTW, Clayton I'm still waiting for those pics in my PM. :o

You'll be waiting a long time - the Wife came home from work & found the camera on the sofa, I'll say no more. :D

maybe exactly that is the problem...


Well, speaking as i find the only times i have had any interaction with Nigerians in Thailand have been when they approached me wanting to sell me something worthless or offering me their sister,.so combined with that and the enormous amount of emails offering me millions of dollars from them id say (in my experience ) most are up to no good,. this is not a racist statement,just facts based on my dealings with them,. :o

If i had known posting was this entertaining and informative, id have started a long time ago!

For my next post, i think ill be targeting all the anal Politically Corret Crowd.......would that be ok DONNA?

providing you stick to the forum rules, you can open whatever you like, mojo80.

i am not normally a member of the PC crowd, but when anyone slurs a whole race of people, i see this as very unjust.

someone commented that the majority of nigerians in prison are on drugs charges. so what are the majority of brits, australians and americans there for? not shoplifting, i imagine!

another poster asked how they can get their plane ticket if they are so poor. one might also ask how a poor isaan girl/guy can afford to pay their agent to go to korea or the maldives for work. THEY BORROW THE MONEY.

and mojo80, your sick joke about 'falling off a horse reeves style' is very distasteful.


Cannot believe, that some expats have the same attitude like tense neurotics, who spent most time of their life in one and the same bourgeois flat, making notes of car plate numbers from behind their windows to report someone not respecting the red traffic light.

this is not a racist statement,just facts based on my dealings with them

So what is your point? That you are unable to understand any issues beyond your own limited experience?

If your only dealings with Nigerians in Thailand have been when you're stumbling round Nana or reading your emails, maybe you don't have that much to contribute.



Interesting that there is a broad assumption here that the Africans seen on Khao San road are necessarily Nigerian. And it seems to be the argument that since they must be Nigerian, they must, by and large, be criminals.

Let me point out that nowhere did the OP mention Nigerians but rather African men.

So, it would seem that there is quite a bit of "tarring with the same brush" going on here.

It seems rather that the equation for many posters is that these men are black, ergo they must be criminal Nigerians. Pathetic.

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