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To My Fellow Americans!


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I hope you all have the opportunity to see your new president's awesome inauguration speech! Our new leader is an amazing orator, and I am so proud of my country when I hear him speak. We've been beat down by the last regime long enough, now the overhaul and clean-up can officially begin.

I will be moving back to LOS for a couple of years (again) in the near future. I am not so apprehensive to leave my home as I have been in the past years. The Bush administration scared the hel_l out of me - long before even before the credit crises and housing meltdown. I don't even care so much about my home being worth less, or the large debt. I want stability, peace, and hope for my children and the planet's children. The 'hope' has now arrived!

Peace and love to all :o

Edited by Tamik
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I hope you all have the opportunity to see your new president's awesome inauguration speech! Our new leader is an amazing orator, and I am so proud of my country when I hear him speak. We've been beat down by the last regime long enough, now the overhaul and clean-up can officially begin.

Ugh, another koolaid drinker joins the fray. Come on, get real.

All Barry has ever done is orate. He has no track record of ever doing anything, except reverse almost every post-election opinion from his pre-election opinion as the cold face of reality sets in. The guy doesn't stand for anything except more interference from a completely inept federal government.

Mark my words, President Obama is a deer in the headlights and will likely be that way for some time to come. If he accomplishes only one thing, I hope that he reins in the incompetent, out of control, socialist Congress. For the sake of the US citizens, I hope that he does well, but I'm not optimistic. I'll lay 4-3 that he is a 4 and outer.

In the hopes of keeping this thread remotely related to Thailand, has President Obama actually taken any position whatsoever on Ameri-Thai relations? Or is he just going to cut Madame Clinton loose and let her worry about keeping Hill-Billy out of the Soi bars? (oh yeah, that'll go over really well)

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has President Obama actually taken any position whatsoever on Ameri-Thai relations?

There was an item in the Bangkok Post about this. It was more or less that there would be no change in relations. The relations are good. Not everything needs change.

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I hope you all have the opportunity to see your new president's awesome inauguration speech!

I read it. Seemed to cover all the bases, but was pretty strange in parts. For example:

"... and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet."

Where did that come from and <deleted> is it supposed to mean?

Same thing goes for the multitude of paragraphs where he spoke about more, more and more government programs, and then in between spoke about reining in out of control federal spending. Hate to break up the honeymoon but the President can't have it both ways.

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has President Obama actually taken any position whatsoever on Ameri-Thai relations?

There was an item in the Bangkok Post about this.

Pre-election or post-election? Link?

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I hope you all have the opportunity to see your new president's awesome inauguration speech!

I read it. Seemed to cover all the bases, but was pretty strange in parts. For example:

"... and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet."

Where did that come from and <deleted> is it supposed to mean?

....overuse of oil is making our enemies wealthy and ruining our planet...duh!!

What is so strange about that simple statement??

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As a Disabled Veteran whom left parts of myself in the Desert of Iraq, I can honestly say I am yet again ashamed, and embarrassed of my fellow countrymen.

No I was not a Bush supporter.

I'm one of the few but growing Libertarians. Our Candidate Ron Paul would have provided the education, and the chance to begin setting things straight that our nation needs so bad.

But yet again in true American form, the huddled masses we're spoon fed lies and schemes, that which was exactly what they wanted to hear: Hope.

Let me tell you about hope.

Hope is the PERFECT word for a politician to use.

Hope requires NOTHING to exist. It provides nothing but an imagined sense of something better.

Hope wont get up in the morning to deliver your mail, fight fires, build schools, teach children or any one of the occupations that keeps a country progressing.

No, hope is nothing more than a pacifier. It was stuck in the mouths of the overweight the lazy the afraid the uneducated the illegals and the buffoons that have multiplied to form the greatest mass of entitlement minded people which unfortunately have the right to vote......a right I gave blood for Im now sad to say.

So enjoy your Hope....as it will probably be the only thing you will have if this keeps up.

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I am a very cynical person and don't think Obama is a messiah but he does have the power to inspire and unite and you shouldn't underestimate how important that is as a first step. More than anything a president has to be persuasive and command respect. Obama can do this. Also he won't be worse than Bush!

You gotta give 'em hope

Edited by wasabi
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I hope you all have the opportunity to see your new president's awesome inauguration speech!

I read it. Seemed to cover all the bases, but was pretty strange in parts. For example:

"... and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet."

Where did that come from and <deleted> is it supposed to mean?

....overuse of oil is making our enemies wealthy and ruining our planet...duh!!

What is so strange about that simple statement??

Because it is pure steer manure. If President Obama and the American leftists were really interested solving the oil problem, they wouldn't be stone-walling the exploration and explotation of America's own natural oil reserves.

Oh and by the way, contrary to popular opinion amongst the koolaid drinking set, oil fuels the WORLD economy. It helps to create opportunities for BILLIONS of people to become wealthy, or at least earn enough money to live in peace in their desired lifestyle.

The effect on the planet is hypothetical hogwash. The last ten years of global cooling and this year's historically severe northern hemisphere winter are making this point abundantly clear.

Jeez, wake up and smell the coffee. President Obama's speech was precisely like his campaign, all things to all people, which everyone knows only makes sense to brain dead zombies.

I hope for the sake of all that he does well, but let's check back to this same channel in another six months after reality has set in.

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Clearly, President Obama is destined to be a president of great consequence, the greatest since FDR.

That FDR was a great President is one of the major myths of written history. His economic policies only served to make the depression worse and extended it by many years. Contrary to popular opinion, his policies did not put an end to the depression. He was also a horrible wartime President. He planted the seeds of the Cold War by bending over to accommodate Stalin, which resulted in death and hardship to more people than the Nazis ever dreamed of harming. It was Truman's post-war policies that put an end to the depression and put America on the path to decades of economic boom, which also benefited many other countries, such as Japan, Germany and European allies.

President Obama has visions of pursuing economic and social policies similar to FDR, only far far greater in magnitude. Should these policies come to fruition, America will be doomed to big government socialism for generations, and the vast majority of Americans will be worse off for it. One can only imagine the effect on the rest of the world. While I wish for President Obama to be successful, I do not wish for him to cause massive acceleration along the path of big government socialism.

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President Obama is a principled pragmatic genius whose is an inspiration to most Americans. His excellent oratory skills used today are just one facet of this diamond in the rough of humanity. This man can lead but we all have our work cut out for us due to hole we are in thanks to the irresponsible former administration and corporate executives who lied, cheated, and stole from us and future generations.

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President Obama is a principled pragmatic genius whose is an inspiration to most Americans.

Really ???

Pray tell, what exactly are President Obama's principles ???

I can only remember the one where he talks about being his brother's keeper, and then can't even throw a bone to his half-brother who lives in dire poverty in Africa.

Perhaps you can enlighten the world as to the President's other principles, and actions that he has taken in his lifetime to espouse them.

This is the primary reason that President Obama didn't earn my vote, because he is either totally unprincipled, or he conveniently throws his principles under the bus when required for political gain.

Let's hope that now he is President, that he will exhibit some principles and have the stones to stand firm on them when the going gets tough.

... corporate executives who lied, cheated, and stole from us and future generations ....

By chance, would you be referring to people like former President Clinton Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, who ran Citigroup into the ground while lining his own pockets to the tune of $115M+ ???

Would this be the same Robert Rubin who has been the primary mentor of Lawrence Summers, who has been personally chosen by President Obama to be his key economic adviser ??? Yeah, that's change we can count on.

Edited by Spee
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I've a feeling we may found at sooner rather than later what he's actually made of - I'm sure al-Qaeda will be keen to find out. How old was GW's first term when 9/11 took place - 9 months. I'm not suggesting that an attack of similar magnitude will occur, however, I'd be surprised if they didn't have something in the pipeline.

Edited by ClaytonSeymour
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President Obama is a principled pragmatic genius whose is an inspiration to most Americans.

Really ???

Pray tell, what exactly are President Obama's principles ??? President Obama sacrificed fat paychecks at law firms to serve the poor. He is a good family man that I am proud to call my President.

I can only remember the one where he talks about being his brother's keeper, and then can't even throw a bone to his half-brother who lives in dire poverty in Africa. I have relatives who some might say live in dire poverty in Thailand but they are happy people.

Perhaps you can enlighten the world as to the President's other principles, and actions that he has taken in his lifetime to espouse them.

This is the primary reason that President Obama didn't earn my vote, because he is either totally unprincipled, or he conveniently throws his principles under the bus when required for political gain. Baseless.

Let's hope that now he is President, that he will exhibit some principles and have the stones to stand firm on them when the going gets tough.

... corporate executives who lied, cheated, and stole from us and future generations ....

By chance, would you be referring to people like former President Clinton Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, who ran Citigroup into the ground while lining his own pockets to the tune of $115M+ ???

Would this be the same Robert Rubin who has been the primary mentor of Lawrence Summers, who has been personally chosen by President Obama to be his key economic adviser ??? Yeah, that's change we can count on.

No, I was referring to the Bush weapons of mass destruction, Madoff $50 billion Ponzi scheme, Bear and Lehman inflated asset fund valuations to sucker in as many people as possible, SEC auditing and prosecuting with blinders on to get a good job with the brokers, etc.

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