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Why Do You Stay In Thailand?


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I do also not understand why so many stay there and criticise everything. If you do not like Thailand, just get out and go home! (If you can)


I've always suspected that those who complain about and critisize most things about Thailand also complain about and critisize most things in the countries they came from and would complain about and critisize most things in any country they might live in.

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don't need no heater, no ice scraping off the wind screen...I am not a great fan of winter sports either, all year round abundance of fresh seafood, fruit and vegetables, nearly as much of entertainment and restaurant choices as in a large city, hardly ever traffic infringement tickets, rather low cost of living - high quality of life, sun, sand, coco palms, beach and the sea where one can swim all year round...and yes some incredible easy going people, closest to "unbearable lightness of being" amidst a seemingly chaotic, vibrant life, these are some of the reasons why I like to stay here!

Idiots, people who seem to be from another planet, people who can do everything wrong, people who complain about anything and everything are found anywhere on the planet, even in the taklamakan desert, they aren't a rare specie, bu I learned not to worry about them!

Edited by Samuian
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Then they are year long guests. Just accept it as it is.

You are suggesting people to accept something that is CRAZY. But if that is how you want to look at it, good for you, but maybe you should consider not telling other people how to feel or react. To my view, for long term expats here, it is not a black and white thing, it is layered and complex.

Since we have to pay to stay here wouldn't we be more of a customer than a guest??? :o Guests to my home do not have to pay. :D

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the ones that "hate" it here obviously hate where they came from more

just because people criticize Thailand does not mean they hate it here. that is your own insinuation, a manifestation of some psychological issue i would imagine.

i have to agree with Dave. There are some things i like and some things I hate. It is the same for my home country also.

I came here because my wife did not like the USA mainly because of the lack of thai food. I stay because this is where my life is right now.

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the ones that "hate" it here obviously hate where they came from more

for me





and a fun place with lots to do and much more exotic than Los Angeles

it is not "hate" it is looking objectively at the situation here; as another poster said, not sheepishly following the propaganda. as a poster said many thais also dislike the way things are going here

and why do you say obvious. you say that because that is what you want to say but you can't read people's thoughts can you?

do a bit of thinking before you post.

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[ :o

I don't agree. People who have lived here for YEARS are MORE than guests. Not legally, usually. But PSYCHOLOGICALLY. I see nothing wrong with caring about where you live, enough to bitch about things when you want to as well.

Then they are year long guests. Just accept it as it is.

The stupidest quote of the year. Accept it as it is. ??? Don't you have a brain? Aren't you able to think independently? Are you afraid to stand by your own principles. You don't have to accept anything in this life. Did the Brits, the French, the Yanks accept naziism? Not all Iraqis accepted Sadam.

You are entitled to your views and principles of course but let others have their opinions too

By calling his quote "stupid" your not accepting his but want people to have opinions??

Does the irony of your comment escape you.

Regarding the Americans, Brits and French not accepting Nazism. Beg to differ.

French goverment accepted/negotiated with Nazism (Unlike the Dutch) by setting up an allied/friendly goverment "Vichy" under Petain. Then started deporting French citizens of a jewish parentage to the camps.

Always be careful when you speak (write) on principles.

No slur on the French people, it was their politicians that signed/accepted agreements with Nazi Germany.

The free French fought back honourably.

Edited by tmd5855
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I stay here because I have no choice! My new GF keeps me as a sex-slave! I am locked in her bedroom, handcuffed to her bed for 23 hours a day and forced to commit all types of kinky sex with her. At weekends she threatens me with even more sex unless I agree to a threesome with her sister.

I don't think I can last much longer, maybe just a few more years.



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I do wonder why many of the complainers, who against better judgement still like to stay in Thailand.

A few of their complaints.

Expensive, cheating women, border runs, idiot people, idiot government, foreigner unfriendly, the list is almost endlessly.

Why many of them buried themselves in some remote Island village or in Pattaya or some touristic place overwhelmed by tourists.

For myself I used to live in an 24/7 vibrant international metropolitan town, with all the possibilities of London, New York or Paris, like shopping, dining out and a rich cultural life who is hardly to match even in Bangkok. And yes all kind of female relationships is also not an problem and is also widely available.There are a lot of mature attractive and available women over here for people my age with no hassles at all.

I live an comfortable life and have no problems(financially or legally) what so ever back home, and I can benefit from an excellent health care and social services of all kind for the senior citizens, what is not provided in Thailand.

Therefore its an enigma why some people moving to Thailand.

I'm sold. !!!!!!

So why I will move to Thailand.

1- I'm a retiree and have no children or family,and my wife (senior citizen also) like to spend the winter or her life next to her family that she did miss for more than 30 years. And whom am I to deny her that little happiness.

the devil??

2-Despite the strong baht, life is still less expensive than back home and I will have an indexed pension that meet the wage of an Thai higher management wage. So I can have just that little bit extra luxury more than back home.

Or you are stingy

3- I have no Thai family who i have to support (very important reason, because I don't like to be an walking ATM).

4- I'm still in good health and my wife give me my personal freedom :D

you must be going throw a lot of socks.

5- I have no urge to go to Pattaya (never been there) or other tourist places

6- I can stay in Bangkok, can not imaging staying in some village in Isan or up North.

you cant aford to travel ?

7- Don't need to hang around and listen to whining and complaining expats in some beer bar, or to there fantasy stories about how well off the are and about there cheating Thai girlfriends.

Fantasy on a cheating girl? <deleted>?

8- I'm coming already 30 years to the country, so I know the loopholes and dangers. I'm coming with an realistic view and false expectations and prepared myself for more than 10 years before making the decision.


I open up, and tell frankly about my personal reasons for staying in LOS.

So come on guys what are your real reasons why you stay in Thailand, lets call a spade a spade and tell us frankly.

I would ask you kindly to stay on the topic, because otherwise it will become the same boring whining and complaining comments as usual and that will benefit nobody.

who is franky?


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I do also not understand why so many stay there and criticise everything. If you do not like Thailand, just get out and go home! (If you can)

You are a guest there, I think most forgot this.


I don't agree. People who have lived here for YEARS are MORE than guests. Not legally, usually. But PSYCHOLOGICALLY. I see nothing wrong with caring about where you live, enough to bitch about things when you want to as well.

Then they are year long guests. Just accept it as it is.


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Plenty of folks are just stuck here. They've started families here, but they no longer have their job or business back home... and in many cases, they don't even have a home "back home" anymore either.

If you want to simulate what these folks feel like... go to your local Foodland, Carrefour, Tesco Lotus, etc... load up your cart with groceries, go to the busiest checkout line, and when it's finally your turn to pay: throw your wallet as far as you can in some random direction. This is what these folks are feeling every single breathing moment of their lives.


Edited by Heng
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Plenty of folks are just stuck here. They've started families here, but they no longer have their job or business back home... and in many cases, they don't even have a home "back home" anymore either.

If you want to simulate what these folks feel like... go to your local Foodland, Carrefour, Tesco Lotus, etc... load up your cart with groceries, go to the busiest checkout line, and when it's finally your turn to pay: throw your wallet as far as you can in some random direction. This is what these folks are feeling every single breathing moment of their lives.


But if somebody do not like Thailand, and criticise always, aren't there 100 more countries they can go??????????????????? How about Africa???


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Plenty of folks are just stuck here.

There are levels of stuck. Like being in prison, that is stuck. Down from there, there are levels. I am stuck here in the sense that at this point in my life, I don't know of any other country I would enjoy more and also be able to legally live there. On the other hand I have a valid passport and the funds to go directly to the airport, but really no place I want to go. So if I want to moan occasionally about something that is daft here, such as the huge electronic billboard they are now building in Jomtien, what exactly is the harm?

I do think that some of the people who whine the loudest about expats that sometimes moan are people who DREAM of moving here, and can't get it together, and think those of us who live here are all living in some kind of lotus eating paradise fantasy land. Well, it ain't always so. There is a dark side. And frankly, the dark side here is darker than the dark side in the west, and those who aren't aware of that are more likely to have big problems here.

Edited by Jingthing
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I stay here because I have no choice! My new GF keeps me as a sex-slave! I am locked in her bedroom, handcuffed to her bed for 23 hours a day and forced to commit all types of kinky sex with her. At weekends she threatens me with even more sex unless I agree to a threesome with her sister.

I don't think I can last much longer, maybe just a few more years.



nice sense of humour considering your predicament.

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Thailand is no country for young (farang) men

(Unless they are tourists, drawn like moths to the neon flame.)

Thailand as a permanent or semi-permanent destination- for a retiree, sure, it makes some sense. For those under 50, it is tantamount to checking out of life.

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Thailand is no country for young (farang) men

(Unless they are tourists, drawn like moths to the neon flame.)

Thailand as a permanent or semi-permanent destination- for a retiree, sure, it makes some sense. For those under 50, it is tantamount to checking out of life.

i kind of agree,i am glad i did not stay here too long when i was young,because i would have wanted to stay,no doubt,but how to earn a living here for the next 30 years or so.Not easy.Far better to come when you've made some money and dont have to work.

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I do also not understand why so many stay there and criticise everything. If you do not like Thailand, just get out and go home! (If you can)

You are a guest there, I think most forgot this.


I don't agree. People who have lived here for YEARS are MORE than guests. Not legally, usually. But PSYCHOLOGICALLY. I see nothing wrong with caring about where you live, enough to bitch about things when you want to as well.


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Henry , I would like to bring an old adage to your attention which runs quite close to the truth " If an Englishman is not complaining , he is sick " . Not all people blandly or wontenly accept thier life as is or what surrounds them , it is far healthier mentaly to voice ones frustrations than to give the impression of happiness .

When a person lives in a country , he is a resident , a guest is an invited person to your home whom you treat with respect and cordiality , Most long time expats , i feel , would much sooner consider themselves residents due to the honest fact they are most certainly not treated as guests in any way , shape or means of the word GUEST . :o

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But if somebody do not like Thailand, and criticise always, aren't there 100 more countries they can go??????????????????? How about Africa???


if you are a retired plumber sitting on a bar stool with a girl your daughter-back-home's age, then of course there is nothing to complain about. When the PAD leader gets on stage and says "Oh, Thailand no can democracy. Other country no understand Thailand. So Thailand no same other country. Democracy cannot. Maybe later"... you can just nod your head and say "Yes. Yes. Yes. I love Thailand" and when you see a police officer oblivious to some street children cleaning car windows at a dangerous intersection, you can say "Thailand no same USA" or whatever makes sense in your tiny little brain. And when you see International High School students walking next to cars because there is no sidewalk on the Sukhumwit Soi, you can say "Thailand no same USA. Sidewalk no need. Thai people very thin and Thai driver very good".


But some of us are actually considering raising children here. We are wondering about their future. We are wondering about certain aspects of Thai society and how that will affect our children. We are wondering about investing tens of millions of baht into the country.

There are many things good here and many things bad here.... I guess my point is that if you can't see the bad, you are either

1. Blind

2. Seeing the bad and choosing to just ignore it.

Now the interesting thing is, if you can just ignore the bad, then why does people talking about the bad on this forum bother you so deeply????

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Plenty of folks are just stuck here. They've started families here, but they no longer have their job or business back home... and in many cases, they don't even have a home "back home" anymore either.

If you want to simulate what these folks feel like... go to your local Foodland, Carrefour, Tesco Lotus, etc... load up your cart with groceries, go to the busiest checkout line, and when it's finally your turn to pay: throw your wallet as far as you can in some random direction. This is what these folks are feeling every single breathing moment of their lives.


But if somebody do not like Thailand, and criticise always, aren't there 100 more countries they can go??????????????????? How about Africa???


Many of these folks simply don't have the means (read: funds) to move not only themselves, but often their entire families, often their wife and kids don't even want to move (or in the case of gays: their partner, condo, pets, and plants).

Their only outlet is venting their frustrations through endless complaints.


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Plenty of folks are just stuck here.

There are levels of stuck. Like being in prison, that is stuck. Down from there, there are levels. I am stuck here in the sense that at this point in my life, I don't know of any other country I would enjoy more and also be able to legally live there. On the other hand I have a valid passport and the funds to go directly to the airport, but really no place I want to go.

Then you're not really stuck. Most of the stuck people I see have a mortgage or are renting, have a kid or three (many are even taking care of stepchildren), have virtually no savings, and are treading water income/job wise... but yes could probably afford a ticket out if it came down to a last flight out of Saigon type situation. For all practical purposes, they are stuck.


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But if somebody do not like Thailand, and criticise always, aren't there 100 more countries they can go??????????????????? How about Africa???


if you are a retired plumber sitting on a bar stool with a girl your daughter-back-home's age, then of course there is nothing to complain about. When the PAD leader gets on stage and says "Oh, Thailand no can democracy. Other country no understand Thailand. So Thailand no same other country. Democracy cannot. Maybe later"... you can just nod your head and say "Yes. Yes. Yes. I love Thailand" and when you see a police officer oblivious to some street children cleaning car windows at a dangerous intersection, you can say "Thailand no same USA" or whatever makes sense in your tiny little brain. And when you see International High School students walking next to cars because there is no sidewalk on the Sukhumwit Soi, you can say "Thailand no same USA. Sidewalk no need. Thai people very thin and Thai driver very good".


But some of us are actually considering raising children here. We are wondering about their future. We are wondering about certain aspects of Thai society and how that will affect our children. We are wondering about investing tens of millions of baht into the country.

There are many things good here and many things bad here.... I guess my point is that if you can't see the bad, you are either

1. Blind

2. Seeing the bad and choosing to just ignore it.

Now the interesting thing is, if you can just ignore the bad, then why does people talking about the bad on this forum bother you so deeply????

I read your long post, I am sure you are in the wrong country if you stay in TH. If in your home land is "democracy", why ae you not there? When you have problems with streets having no sidewalk and lots ot other things, I really do not get it why you do not live in a country with democracy and sidewalks??? I would raise children the in a democracy with wide sidewalks...

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But if somebody do not like Thailand, and criticise always, aren't there 100 more countries they can go??????????????????? How about Africa???


if you are a retired plumber sitting on a bar stool with a girl your daughter-back-home's age, then of course there is nothing to complain about. When the PAD leader gets on stage and says "Oh, Thailand no can democracy. Other country no understand Thailand. So Thailand no same other country. Democracy cannot. Maybe later"... you can just nod your head and say "Yes. Yes. Yes. I love Thailand" and when you see a police officer oblivious to some street children cleaning car windows at a dangerous intersection, you can say "Thailand no same USA" or whatever makes sense in your tiny little brain. And when you see International High School students walking next to cars because there is no sidewalk on the Sukhumwit Soi, you can say "Thailand no same USA. Sidewalk no need. Thai people very thin and Thai driver very good".


But some of us are actually considering raising children here. We are wondering about their future. We are wondering about certain aspects of Thai society and how that will affect our children. We are wondering about investing tens of millions of baht into the country.

There are many things good here and many things bad here.... I guess my point is that if you can't see the bad, you are either

1. Blind

2. Seeing the bad and choosing to just ignore it.

Now the interesting thing is, if you can just ignore the bad, then why does people talking about the bad on this forum bother you so deeply????

I read your long post, I am sure you are in the wrong country if you stay in TH. If in your home land is "democracy", why ae you not there? When you have problems with streets having no sidewalk and lots ot other things, I really do not get it why you do not live in a country with democracy and sidewalks??? I would raise children the in a democracy with wide sidewalks...

Great I will let all my Thai friends know that they are in the wrong country, as they share my complaints. Maybe I can give you their phone number and you can call and tell them yourself to get out of Thailand. Ok?

Edited by dave9988
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i gotta stop reading this website. i don't associate with so many farang in real life just based off of their personal appearance and dress, then I come online and end up having one of these dolts tell me that I should leave the country if I am upset that its not a democracy... Seriously?... I hope you are just having a larf at my expense, as its just depressing to think a human being could be that ignorant.

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Well I am now going to state categorically that I LOVE living in Thailand.

I have decided to stop moaning about any of the nonsense, because it is all trivial compared to what I had in Farangland.

The banks treat me well, immigration does a great deal with my visa, I have much more freedom and now Kawasaki are marketing great bikes and great prices. I have a GF who treats me far better than I deserve, the weather is great, rain or shine.

There are just a few simple rules to obey and then things work very well here.

If you are not enjoying life in Thailand then the problem is YOURS and it should stay YOUR problem. And if it is too big, then please clear off and stop upsetting yourself and the Thais you deal with.


(for us, but YOU have the problem and you would probably be a moaner wherever you are)

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If you are not enjoying life in Thailand then the problem is YOURS and it should stay YOUR problem. And if it is too big, then please clear off and stop upsetting yourself and the Thais you deal with.

What about Thais who have a problem with aspects of daily life. Should they also clear off?

And what is this nonsense about upsetting the Thais you deal with?

You sound like another old geezer in a state of delusion cause he can buy the company of a young lady. look, keep sipping your beer in your studio apartment and let the grown ups talk.

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