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I'm about to go to Singapore with thai lady for a few days and she wants to know if her "friend" can also come, there is no catch as in me paying for an air fare or a hotel (so far!) as apparently her friend is going to see her b/f as he works in SIN.

However, I'm just wondering if it's some kind of front so that it will be easier for her to get into SIN. being with me, as I don't particulary want problems with the SIN. authorities ?

Any advice?

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I'm a Thai guy accidently coming across this forum and I think this is a very eye opening website! Now about this Singapore topic, I happen use to work in Singapore before so I know a few things about Sing regulations. First of all, everyone is allowed to stay there using visitor pass for 14 days without any visa required, which is plenty for travelling around Singapore, but sometime you can ask for additional days to stay at the passport control at the Singapore airport.

Secondly, I dont think that she wants to take any advantage of you, but I'm no potision to judge... so this one I can't a much of a help.


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It could be to a thai girls advantage to walk through immigration with a farang, both in Thailand and Singapore. I have known women get turned around by immigration in thailand, at Bkk airport. This will usually occur when they travel alone on a new passport, they get sent to the desk, where they are asked why they are going to Singapore, who will they see there, how much money do they have to support themselves e.t.c., so its easier to say " i am with him"!

Farangs get 30 days on arrival in Singapore, Thai girl if going alone will maybe only get a few days especially if she has been before a few times, thats why they walk through with farangs, again " i am with him " will usually get them the same 30 day visa, but you may have to sign the back of her entry slip, it happened to me before. But i never had problems.

cheers,   :o

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Thai nationals are allowed into Singapore for a 30-days stay without a visa, but usually they are given a 14-days stay.

Entry through the airport is much more lenient than entry by road via the causeway.

There should not be any problem at the airport as long as your friend has not been barred from entering the country by the Singapore authority. She may be asked to show her return air ticket, how many days she is staying in Singapore or how much money she has.

I suggest the three of you check in at the immigration together with your passports at the same time. You just hand all 3 passports to the immigration officer this would make  things much easier, besides you can converse in English.

Enyoy yourself...   :o

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Test888 are you a fortune teller if not you should be !!

Imagine my surprise after reading your post that we ended up meeting the girls friend in yes you guessed in "Orchard Towers"

at first we went to the wrong floor where there was a door the girlfriend knocked on which was clearly a back office for

"Top Ten" i was getting a bit concerned, then we went downstairs and savourd the delights of "Top Ten" club.

Definetly worth a visit if anyones going to Singapore (alone).

I was pissing myself of all the places we could have gone you

guessed it straight out, small world aye!

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