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You know you've been in Thailand too long when:


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  • 3 years later...

When you can eat spicy Thai food without sneezing, getting hiccups and having to immediately drink a cold bottle of Leo.

When after a very spicy Thai dinner you can face up to the morning crap with confidence.

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When you start looking forward to haggling over the price of an item that you know has been marked up 100% because you are a foreigner...

When you look forward to having ladyboys ride up behind you on a motorcycle and try to lift your wallet...

When you purposely go out of your way to go thru a police checkpoint...so you can contribute to their retirement fund...

When you look forward to the 90 day immigration requirement...knowing no matter how hard you try...you will not have everything they want...

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You know you have been in Thailand too long, when you become an old decrepit, Thai/Falang, boring obnoxious disciplinarian expat on tv as if this is a normal part of life and hate anyone else who doesn't agree with your point of view. cheesy.gif

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When walking along a street, you look down more than you do forward.

When walking through any door way, regardless of the height, you automatically duck.

When your Thai Wife is leaving to go some place, and you don't care where, as long as you do not have to go along.

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  • you plan the rest of your day at the bottom of the esculator
  • you enjoy playing 'let's get in the elevator before anyone gets out'
  • 50 baht is a lot of money
  • you don't think it's strange when your wife five spends 150 baht on gas to drive to the market that sells cucumbers 5 baht per kilo cheaper.
  • you pull onto the highway in front of the only visible car to the horizon thats going about 120 kph
  • you slow down to 40 and get into the right hand lane 2 km before the U turn.
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You stand in the shadow of a telephone pole while waiting for a bus.

Yeah, watching school girls waiting for a bus in a line ten deep in the penumbra of a telephone pole. If the bus takes long enough they slowly walk around the pole - kind of a human sun dial. biggrin.gif

Have you been spying on Thai schoolgirls again? facepalm.gif

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I have been here only 5 years

but recognise & had a good giggle at George's list


"It’s two days before payday, so you only go to bars with balloons strung outside."

Maybe I haven't been here long enough yet

cos I don't understand that one ...

Anyone care to Educate me?


Roger, there was this farang who lived in Pattaya some years back. He was a well known "balloon chaser". He would go to bars that had balloons hung outside knowing full well that there was a party there, and free food. He would always stand up, never sit, so he could hold the paper plate with one hand and eat with the other.

When a girl would ask him what he would like to drink, he would reply...."How can i possibly hold a glass and eat at the same time?"

Once he had finished he would leave, not buying anything.

I believe several bars banned him. biggrin.gif

No! I stopped going to certain bars voluntarilly. But I can hear a bell ring from over 200m. LOL

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You know you've been in Thailand too long when you:

Start making Thai noises, like "eeuuuii".

Prefer to sit on the floor when eating.

Prefer a hard sleeping surface.

Start to like chubby women.

Prefer sticky rice to any other carb.

Think that Lao Kao (forgive the spelling) works well with a meal.

Start kissing with your nose.

Think toilet paper is disgusting.

Have become a sex addict.

Eat more McDonalds than you did in the west.

Start to understand why girls here don't shave their legs and develop a fetish for the little black hairs they have on their calves and shins.

Start pointing at things with your eyes.

Got someone pregnant.

Moan on Thai visa.

Take ice in your beer

Edited by EmptyHead
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