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You know you've been in Thailand too long when:


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...when you agree with everything on Georges intial post!

I've only been here three years, and only found this site in 2008, yet I can identify with everything in the first post circa 2003 - especially about the wife's priorities - it has really disturbed me - I wish I could have read it three years ago and then I might not be in the mess I'm in now! How can things be so similar 2003 to 2008 - it's made me sad really, foreigners (like me) think they are enjoying the unique culture change where really all our experiences are shared and depressingly similar! I love this forum.

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When you count the increasing number of posts on a website dedicated to visa issues as a mark of your importance, when you truly believe that Thailand is an ancient mystic land that foreigners cannot understand (except you), that Thaksin invented corruption, that rural people are too stupid too vote, and only after many years during which you have spent hundreds of thousands of baht in Tea-Money to ensure your Thai wife's neices and nephews are in strategically suitable positions of influence within the bureaucracy - oh and when you start to find older women with big hairdo's...um, 'attractive'.

Edited by aromsia
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Love it.

You know you've been in Thailand too long when

- You stop at the top of the escalators

- You answer your phone "Elloooo" again and again each time louder

- You have a Katoey friend

- You have "prettied" up your phone

- You answer in Thai (when speaking to a farang)

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When you're so excited about the free Nutella from the santa at foodland that you ring up the missus and tell her to come on up (with her mother) for the Xmas festivities.

[i do appreciate Ritti's list - 'Helloooooo' Oh, I hope I never do that (on the phone that the missus has 'prettied' up for me :o )...]

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... When you get shot in your own country for bringing your new-found driving habits with you.

...and you swear at other drivers in thai...

I love driving here. My newly acquired zig-zagging-at-150 driving style suits me just fine.

I would get shot and/or have my license revoked pronto if driving the same way in the EU.

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Yes great isn't it? But the Hellooooo must be every 5 seconds and half way throgh a sentence. Such as: "Hellooo, luuk (child), bai nai? (where are you/what's up?). Ow, ga bai....'helloooo'?, Ja, ja...ow, bai...'helloooo'?. Da, da, gap luuk...and so it goes.

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