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Ordering Stuff From America To Thailand


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I ordered some tattoo ink for a friend way back in November. The order has yet to be delivered so I sent a politely worded email to the company (which is in America) just to let them know that the order not been received.

This is the response I got:

"why are you shipping to an address in thailand that the US government has put on there list of scammer locations in Thailand?"

What "list" are they talking about? Should this be expected when ordering items from America? Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

I'm completely dumbfounded by that response...

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I ordered some tattoo ink for a friend way back in November. The order has yet to be delivered so I sent a politely worded email to the company (which is in America) just to let them know that the order not been received.

This is the response I got:

"why are you shipping to an address in thailand that the US government has put on there list of scammer locations in Thailand?"

What "list" are they talking about? Should this be expected when ordering items from America? Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

I'm completely dumbfounded by that response...

Assuming you paid via credit card in advance, I see no reason for this reply....unless your address is 1234 PO Box 666, Soi Scamwongwong

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If the outfit is something other than a one-man operation you should find out who runs it and write them directly, politely describing your inquiry and the uncalled for response. Never deal with the monkey when you can talk to the organ grinder.

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yeah, it's been charged to my account. I foolishly didn't pay via credit card though, so I don't have the option of getting the cash back from my credit card company. A school boy error. I shall learn from that mistake!

I searched the guys name which showed that the email I received is from the owner of the business. It just pissed me off that he's saying Thailand is 'listed' as a 'scammer' country! What's that implying? That I'm scamming him? or it's been stolen in the post? It's an unprofessional response at any rate.

I'm thinking that maybe there's a delay because of the recent protests at the airport. Perhaps there's a huge backlog of mail that they have to sort out. Wishful thinking perhaps... Note to self: purchase on credit card next time!

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yeah, it's been charged to my account. I foolishly didn't pay via credit card though, so I don't have the option of getting the cash back from my credit card company. A school boy error. I shall learn from that mistake!

I searched the guys name which showed that the email I received is from the owner of the business. It just pissed me off that he's saying Thailand is 'listed' as a 'scammer' country! What's that implying? That I'm scamming him? or it's been stolen in the post? It's an unprofessional response at any rate.

I'm thinking that maybe there's a delay because of the recent protests at the airport. Perhaps there's a huge backlog of mail that they have to sort out. Wishful thinking perhaps... Note to self: purchase on credit card next time!

after getting the whole story, sounds to me like america is the scamming country

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I had an issue accessing my vanguard brokerage account via the internet from thailand. They also mentioned some sort of blacklist that thailand is on, so i had to manually register with them to allow access from my personal laptop.

but i'm american, so i'm probably trying to scam you.

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yeah, it's been charged to my account. I foolishly didn't pay via credit card though, so I don't have the option of getting the cash back from my credit card company. A school boy error. I shall learn from that mistake!

I searched the guys name which showed that the email I received is from the owner of the business. It just pissed me off that he's saying Thailand is 'listed' as a 'scammer' country! What's that implying? That I'm scamming him? or it's been stolen in the post? It's an unprofessional response at any rate.

I'm thinking that maybe there's a delay because of the recent protests at the airport. Perhaps there's a huge backlog of mail that they have to sort out. Wishful thinking perhaps... Note to self: purchase on credit card next time!

Your OP says...

"why are you shipping to an address in thailand that the US government has put on there list of scammer locations in Thailand?"

So what is it, "a scammer location in Thailand" or "a scammer country" ??????

Your 2 posts say 2 different things???

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I had an issue accessing my vanguard brokerage account via the internet from thailand. They also mentioned some sort of blacklist that thailand is on, so i had to manually register with them to allow access from my personal laptop.

but i'm american, so i'm probably trying to scam you.

Same here. Vanguard has Thailand on it's scam list.

A friend of mine experienced fraud with his Vanguard account after using the internet shop across from the Dynasty on Soi Nana 4.

Must have been a keylogger recording his communication.

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I had an issue accessing my vanguard brokerage account via the internet from thailand. They also mentioned some sort of blacklist that thailand is on, so i had to manually register with them to allow access from my personal laptop.

but i'm american, so i'm probably trying to scam you.

Same here. Vanguard has Thailand on it's scam list.

A friend of mine experienced fraud with his Vanguard account after using the internet shop across from the Dynasty on Soi Nana 4.

Must have been a keylogger recording his communication.

Whilst this is aside from the original thread.....

It is not totally unheard of (at least in my understanding) for internet shops to have key stroke data loggers loaded on their computers.

All persons using internet shops should be aware of this possibility.

Probably another reason that major credit card issuers (Visa, Amex, Diners) will not send cards to Thailand (and indeed many courier companies will not accept credit cards in the consignment)

When carrying out any financial communication using a computer you are well advised to be using your own computer.

Edited by john b good
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I ordered some tattoo ink for a friend way back in November. The order has yet to be delivered so I sent a politely worded email to the company (which is in America) just to let them know that the order not been received.

This is the response I got:

"why are you shipping to an address in thailand that the US government has put on there list of scammer locations in Thailand?"

What "list" are they talking about? Should this be expected when ordering items from America? Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

I'm completely dumbfounded by that response...

It's BS, it has nothing to do with the US government. Some credit card companies have a block on Thailand because of a large amount of credit card fraud in the country, and some retailers are leary about mailing out merchandize to adresses whose legitimacy is difficult to verify, sometimes the minimum wage workers filling order for a retailer don't know what they are talking about, and sometimes a customer hears what he is predisposed to believe rather than what is actually said. As far as the US government is concerned, far from balcklisting Thailand, the US has Thailand on the list of "Most Favored Nation" trading partners.

BTW, was that boldened quote a direct quote from the email or your paraphrasing of it?

Edited by OriginalPoster
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TBH, I rarely have stuff shipped from the US and when I do, I have it sent to my family's house and my dad repackages it. Seems to take less time, shipping charges are way less (boy do they really slam you with shipping fees when shipping overseas) and it always arrives.

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Many companys world wide whil not deal in eny way whit countrys that are on the scan list (yes thailand is)

if you push they whil ship it. but you may have to verfi that you are ho you say you are. (hade same problem whit some companys. pain in the ass to get verfied but works great now)

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Just curious, OP, since they won't ship to Thailand is it possible for them to ship to someone in the US that can then mail it on for you? Then you will have your stuff and you won't have to fight to get a refund.

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