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Financial Crisis

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This is long, but it's good listening.


It's all very odd. I'm flat out at the moment with jobs stacking up. Some big stuff too.

I don't know what to make of any of it at the moment.

EDIT: Listening to it now, they're flogging a boon, so ignore.

There's undoubtedly a pattern with these doom gloom newletters MJP.

They are making the negativity create their selling point.

The world's coming to an end! Keep reading (completely unbalanced) reasons to panic now!

Send $99.......ALWAYS reduced in cheesy adverts, and this one, usually for this week only, to $49.....and you'll be saved.


ps after all the dross selling points and "extras" at the end of the article this one shone:

"Despite people wanting to pay to subscribe to just The 5 Min. Forecast itself, it’s something we don’t sell at any price. Instead, it’s been reserved exclusively for loyal paid subscribers. And you’ll receive it for free when I hear from you today."


Edited by cheeryble
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This is long, but it's good listening.


It's all very odd. I'm flat out at the moment with jobs stacking up. Some big stuff too.

I don't know what to make of any of it at the moment.

EDIT: Listening to it now, they're flogging a boon, so ignore.

Do you think the upturn in your business has got anything to do with this?

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This is long, but it's good listening.


It's all very odd. I'm flat out at the moment with jobs stacking up. Some big stuff too.

I don't know what to make of any of it at the moment.

EDIT: Listening to it now, they're flogging a boon, so ignore.

There's undoubtedly a pattern with these doom gloom newletters MJP.

They are making the negativity create their selling point.

The world's coming to an end! Keep reading (completely unbalanced) reasons to panic now!sad.png

Send $99.......ALWAYS reduced in cheesy adverts, and this one, usually for this week only, to $49.....and you'll be saved.


ps after all the dross selling points and "extras" at the end of the article this one shone:

"Despite people wanting to pay to subscribe to just The 5 Min. Forecast itself, it's something we don't sell at any price. Instead, it's been reserved exclusively for loyal paid subscribers. And you'll receive it for free when I hear from you today."


KHALILI: Iran preparing for nuclear war


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This is long, but it's good listening.


It's all very odd. I'm flat out at the moment with jobs stacking up. Some big stuff too.

I don't know what to make of any of it at the moment.

EDIT: Listening to it now, they're flogging a boon, so ignore.

There's undoubtedly a pattern with these doom gloom newletters MJP.

They are making the negativity create their selling point.

The world's coming to an end! Keep reading (completely unbalanced) reasons to panic now!

Send $99.......ALWAYS reduced in cheesy adverts, and this one, usually for this week only, to $49.....and you'll be saved.


ps after all the dross selling points and "extras" at the end of the article this one shone:

"Despite people wanting to pay to subscribe to just The 5 Min. Forecast itself, it's something we don't sell at any price. Instead, it's been reserved exclusively for loyal paid subscribers. And you'll receive it for free when I hear from you today."


I tend to agree.

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This is long, but it's good listening.


It's all very odd. I'm flat out at the moment with jobs stacking up. Some big stuff too.

I don't know what to make of any of it at the moment.

EDIT: Listening to it now, they're flogging a boon, so ignore.

Do you think the upturn in your business has got anything to do with this?


Current project is private development, 44 acre retail park, which is a big surprise in this market but apparently it's only retail development keeping construction and regeneration going right now. Two other big projects starting next month and in the new year aren't really recipients of QE money . . . directly.

£200,000,000,000? I fear for the Pound.

Edited by MJP
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Problem solving. That's what people in management are paid for.

As opposed to the 'woe is me' crowd.

Hey yoshiwara, I thought you said leave it to the managers?

This sounds like 'woe is me'.giggle.gif

No, that's not what I said. Some people throw a wobble when they see a problem up front.

There are always problems. Managers eg central bank directors have to deal with them all the time.

Sometimes they succeed and sometimes they don't. It is not a done deal.

It is of course the gold bugs who think the rest of the world is as frozen with fear for the future as they are.

So every problem is a mountain that cannot be climbed.

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Problem solving. That's what people in management are paid for.

As opposed to the 'woe is me' crowd.

Hey yoshiwara, I thought you said leave it to the managers?

This sounds like 'woe is me'.giggle.gif

No, that's not what I said. Some people throw a wobble when they see a problem up front.

There are always problems. Managers eg central bank directors have to deal with them all the time.

Sometimes they succeed and sometimes they don't. It is not a done deal.

It is of course the gold bugs who think the rest of the world is as frozen with fear for the future as they are.

So every problem is a mountain that cannot be climbed.

if capital has been destroyed in the past, and that destruction is currently unrecognized, it must be recognized in the future, like it or not.................

Edited by midas
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So now lloyds and Halifax have a "systems error" same like RBS had a couple of months ago. System error as in not enough cash to carry out all of customers transactions properly. Coincidence the BofE just announcing the extra funding same time

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Problem solving. That's what people in management are paid for.

As opposed to the 'woe is me' crowd.

Hey yoshiwara, I thought you said leave it to the managers?

This sounds like 'woe is me'.giggle.gif

No, that's not what I said. Some people throw a wobble when they see a problem up front.

There are always problems. Managers eg central bank directors have to deal with them all the time.

Sometimes they succeed and sometimes they don't. It is not a done deal.

It is of course the gold bugs who think the rest of the world is as frozen with fear for the future as they are.

So every problem is a mountain that cannot be climbed.

if capital has been destroyed in the past, and that destruction is currently unrecognized, it must be recognized in the future, like it or not.................

The end of the world crowd get all excited when there is a demonstration. Endless demos in Greece going nowhere. Maybe they should swap red banners for gold banners.

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A good tip I just heard on Bloomberg .. If the middle east does blow up and oil prices spike ..... invest in companies that have reserves outside the region ...

How about just buy an oil ETF?

But how will you be able to trade anything electronically if just one of the countries that threatens to become involved in a wider dispute launches an electromagnetic pulse attack? And they all have the capability

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A good tip I just heard on Bloomberg .. If the middle east does blow up and oil prices spike ..... invest in companies that have reserves outside the region ...

How about just buy an oil ETF?

But how will you be able to trade anything electronically if just one of the countries that threatens to become involved in a wider dispute launches an electromagnetic pulse attack? And they all have the capability

The point was to invest in companies away from the middle east that would benefit from any spike .... perhaps PTT ?

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This is long, but it's good listening.


It's all very odd. I'm flat out at the moment with jobs stacking up. Some big stuff too.

I don't know what to make of any of it at the moment.

EDIT: Listening to it now, they're flogging a boon, so ignore.

Do you think the upturn in your business has got anything to do with this?


Current project is private development, 44 acre retail park, which is a big surprise in this market but apparently it's only retail development keeping construction and regeneration going right now. Two other big projects starting next month and in the new year aren't really recipients of QE money . . . directly.

£200,000,000,000? I fear for the Pound.

Well it doesn't look like it's going to make much difference in the long term?

It looks like they are losing the battle

One of the biggest downgrades was to the UK economy, which the IMF expects to shrink by 0.4% this year.

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sometimes Marc Faber makes sense:

As explained above, what disturbs me the most about the current

investment environment is the universal conviction among investors

that money printing will lift all asset prices - in particular, those of

equities. I tend to agree with this notion, provided there is massive

money printing and provided assets are inexpensive. But, currently, I

don't find many truly great bargains around the world and my sense is that

investors have already largely discounted the unlimited (but

relatively modest) QE3. In addition, the global economy is rapidly slowing

down (or possibly is already contracting), which should lead to

further corporate earnings disappointments.

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A good tip I just heard on Bloomberg .. If the middle east does blow up and oil prices spike ..... invest in companies that have reserves outside the region ...

How about just buy an oil ETF?

But how will you be able to trade anything electronically if just one of the countries that threatens to become involved in a wider dispute launches an electromagnetic pulse attack? And they all have the capability

The point was to invest in companies away from the middle east that would benefit from any spike .... perhaps PTT ?

What I meant was Y? Are they expected to out perform other ways of play and for what reasons?

I should think with full blown war oil could double, but doubt PTT stock would do the same, since they only have limited capacity and distribution would be an issue also.

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Did anyone see Dr Fukiyama "origins of power" ? Quite interesting and the government structures he talks about have useful thought provoking qualities for about how the world responds to financial crises today and what form the future may take, winners and losers etc

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In addition, the global economy is rapidly slowing

down (or possibly is already contracting), which should lead to

further corporate earnings disappointments.

Along with falling asset prices and increasing unemployment and defaults of all types. The central banks are powerless to prevent this.

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A good tip I just heard on Bloomberg .. If the middle east does blow up and oil prices spike ..... invest in companies that have reserves outside the region ...

How about just buy an oil ETF?

But how will you be able to trade anything electronically if just one of the countries that threatens to become involved in a wider dispute launches an electromagnetic pulse attack? And they all have the capability

Your lead-lined football helmet should provide you with sufficient protection to repel all electromagnetic pulse attacks from both inner and outer planetary forces.

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How about just buy an oil ETF?

But how will you be able to trade anything electronically if just one of the countries that threatens to become involved in a wider dispute launches an electromagnetic pulse attack? And they all have the capability

Your lead-lined football helmet should provide you with sufficient protection to repel all electromagnetic pulse attacks from both inner and outer planetary forces.

But it won't protect computers and electronicssad.png

WASHINGTON – Analysts say because Israel now believes diplomacy has failed to halt Iran’s nuclear program and the Jewish state’s very survival is at stake, Israelis have not ruled out a Jericho III missile launch to detonate a single electromagnetic pulse warhead at high altitude over central Iran

If they do that we know from repeated warnings Russia for certain and maybe China will retaliate and they both also have EMP weapons


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EMP weapons which can be used selectively areawise are real. i know because the Tooth Fairy told me so.

And what did the tooth fairy tell you about this story?

Might the EU crisis get really, really ugly?

Do the Swiss know something the rest of us don’t?

Ueli Maurer, the Swiss defense minister, has been making coy statements about the European crisis getting ugly – as in really ugly, like needing armed troops to deal with it.


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Hmm yes the Muslim menace.

Seeing their graffiti declaring "sharia controlled zones" in London and Birmingham on top of the pedophila, murder and bombings its a wonder the extreemists of the whites haven't taken some retaliatory steps yet. Just one relatively small incident could explode them nutters all over EU judging by what a silly little cartoon did; could get ugly indeed.

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EMP or Solar flare to similar magnitude; I think I am reasonably enough prepared to cover this scenario.

Biggest problem would be if it hit while I or we whole family were out from home more than a days walk or even worse - on holiday

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EMP weapons which can be used selectively areawise are real. i know because the Tooth Fairy told me so.

And what did the tooth fairy tell you about this story?

Might the EU crisis get really, really ugly?

Do the Swiss know something the rest of us don’t?

Ueli Maurer, the Swiss defense minister, has been making coy statementsabout the European crisis getting ugly – as in really ugly, like needing armed troops to deal with it.


i haven't asked the tooth fairy about any potential crisis or uglyness in Europe. reason: it so happens that i live in Thailand were armed troops dealt several times with "ugliness".

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Hmm yes the Muslim menace.

Seeing their graffiti declaring "sharia controlled zones" in London and Birmingham on top of the pedophila, murder and bombings its a wonder the extreemists of the whites haven't taken some retaliatory steps yet. Just one relatively small incident could explode them nutters all over EU judging by what a silly little cartoon did; could get ugly indeed.

do white people exist and how many sharia guided pedophiles do you know? if i were rude i'd say your posting should be filed under "the imaginations of a partial goldbug have the potential to cause him shitting in his pants."

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Hmm yes the Muslim menace.

Seeing their graffiti declaring "sharia controlled zones" in London and Birmingham on top of the pedophila, murder and bombings its a wonder the extreemists of the whites haven't taken some retaliatory steps yet. Just one relatively small incident could explode them nutters all over EU judging by what a silly little cartoon did; could get ugly indeed.

do white people exist and how many sharia guided pedophiles do you know? if i were rude i'd say your posting should be filed under "the imaginations of a partial goldbug have the potential to cause him shitting in his pants."

I'm reporting the images supplied by the British media. It's been one story after another, from Rochdale to Bradford , of groups of Pakistani men preying on underage white girls. It's portrayed as a cultural as well as criminal problem, since they target white girls only because no respect for them compared to own kind. Until old Jimmy Savilles misdeeds arose it was looking like only Muslims got up to such badman things. (Recent media, not my own beliefs I'm talking)

But is it not true holy prophet married a child bride of 9 or something or is this just a much repeated falsehood?

What is undeniable are the bombs across EU in the name of Islam and the harbouring or failiure to inform on those extreemists by and within the muslim community.

There are regular muslim riots in the midlands and getthos of France the last decade or so.

The Dutch cartoons and now US movie sparked further anger and swears of murmurous revenge for daring to insult the beloved prophet. It's not much of a stretch of imagination how an actual terrorist attack against a mosque in a major western city would go down.

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It's the un prepared who would be shitting their pants in event of any disruption to status quo.

I am ready for most senarios and do not have problem bad as you mr triple change inconstance urt muuang naam naam

(Only joshing with ya)

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But is it not true holy prophet married a child bride of 9 or something or is this just a much repeated falsehood?

yawn... coffee1.gif citing a onethousand-four-hundred year old story, of which details are unknown, and using it in context with the nowadays situation in U.K. or Europe is not only utmost ridiculous but shows a lack of general knowledge. child brides are still en vogue among Hindus in rural India, but that does not mean the marriage is consummated.

by the way, Islam and Muslims do not consider their prophet as "holy".

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