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- and after the election this weekend things can only get worse ? :o

if Netanyahu succeeds it will definitely not get better. though i would have liked to participate in more discussions on this and related subjects but i'm afraid it will draw too much attention from moderators because they are not related to Thailand. instead i suggest that we conduct a proxy discussion and conform with forum rules, e.g. "would Thaksin be interested in taking over Maccabi Tel Aviv?" or "Ironi Kiryat Shmona is definitely no match for Manchester United!"


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Cheers all, keep digging, it starts to get interesting.

yawn... where is my spade... STOP! working on a weekend? héll NO! :o

There are 3 parts, and it is full with hidden messages, they placed it very well hidden under culture and daily clip/movie or something but it will most likely scare the sh1t out of many people. Check the three parts and see if you can find the messages, if not I will try and show.

Sorry Alex.........i posted this after only seeing part 2 - i should have waited for part 3........ :o

- and after the election this weekend things can only get worse ? :D

if Netanyahu succeeds it will definitely not get better. though i would have liked to participate in more discussions on this and related subjects but i'm afraid it will draw too much attention from moderators because they are not related to Thailand. instead i suggest that we conduct a proxy discussion and conform with forum rules, e.g. "would Thaksin be interested in taking over Maccabi Tel Aviv?" or "Ironi Kiryat Shmona is definitely no match for Manchester United!"


In the words of Basil Fawlty - Brilliant ! :o


unfortunately some TV moderators might be sometimes a bit stubborn and strict but they are not stupid. i have strong doubts that we get away with a thread:

"Will Thailand nuke Cambodia?"

if yes, will Israel attack Iran? opinions pls.!



That is exactly my question Midas.

The house had a secret meeting somewhere in March 2008, we do not know what has been discussed at that meeting.

We have not been told where the money of the first bail out went, and the SEC decided that they do not have to tell why they failed to discover the Madeoff ponzi BS altough they got it handed out on a silver plate by this guy Markopolos. They just refused to give solid answers

Midas you found one clue, there are many many more in those slides, it even points out casualty levels and numbers that relate to previous events.

Naam thanks for your reply, it is very different compered to your usual reply, it shows you have an open mind and willing to think differently

I think we do not have to be afraid of the MOd's as this is a very interesting and constructive discussion about what is going on and most likely to happen in our world including Thailand.

Why is Obama pushing so hard, I think we have to look at (his) proposals and the peeps involved in his team and the connections and history they have.

I just ask myself, where is that money from Obama's stimulation package coming from, and where does it go?

Why Obama is pushing this?

I think he is being pushed, but by who?

Just thinking out loud OK, let us keep digging, there are a lot of very clever people here, I am sure we can find the "Pattern"




coming back to the Iran thing.One thing for sure is no one likes the Iran govt,especially moderate arab nations in the region and of course especially Israel.I could see a strike being made by the faceless people(not nuclear,too dangerous)but by conventional warfare that would do enough damage to disable the workings of the Iran economy and day to day living,and everyone would be silently clapping.Iraq has already lost over a million of its citizens these last 6 years and ive not heard any complaints from anywhere,that were enough to stop the carnage.


Remember back in post 148 of this thread I mentioned New Hampshire heading their own way?

Pretty interesting & they are going about it in a very straight forward way.

It is interesting & is setting a tone IMO

They are giving testimony now.

Also interesting they have brought up the fact that the Federal Govt. is using the National Guard in Iraq.

I always knew this & never really thought about it.

But it is wrong & not lawful. They are asking just for their own State but, are asking for the return of their national guard.


It is nice to see a State calling out the Federal Government.

Other States need to take a look. If they did it could have a big impact on the path we are

heading down. They say it is never too late.

coming back to the Iran thing.One thing for sure is no one likes the Iran govt,especially moderate arab nations in the region and of course especially Israel.I could see a strike being made by the faceless people(not nuclear,too dangerous)but by conventional warfare that would do enough damage to disable the workings of the Iran economy and day to day living,and everyone would be silently clapping.Iraq has already lost over a million of its citizens these last 6 years and ive not heard any complaints from anywhere,that were enough to stop the carnage.

I have never thought even Israel would be dumb enough to use

nuclear .....but what is potentially more scary I think is the

fallout in terms of the Arab uprising around the world, possible

dirty bombs in cities and a total mess on the already chaotic

financial markets..............so it could still leave us with a bloody mess

I could see a strike being made by the faceless people (not nuclear, too dangerous) but by conventional warfare that would do enough damage to disable the workings of the Iran economy and day to day living...

impossible to achieve! this is 2009 and not unprepared Iraq in june 1981 when a single target (Osiraq) was bombed. moreover israeli jets cannot hit major strategic targets in Iran without being refuelled. conventional warfare can't achieve too much as Viet Nam proved where in several consecutive single months more bombs were dropped than in World War II. hitting crowded tiny Gaza is a piece of cake, Iran is a different animal and militarily highly evolved whereas Hamas remains in this respect still in stone age.

what is potentially more scary I think is the fallout in terms of the Arab uprising around the world, possible dirty bombs in cities and a total mess on the already chaotic financial markets........could still leave us with a bloody mess

that's exactly what i meant. but not only Arabs will be involved and not only muslim countries. terrorist organisations would be fuelled and strengthened by a bonanza of nearly unlimited money and of course by volunteers from all over the world.

what is potentially more scary I think is the fallout in terms of the Arab uprising around the world, possible dirty bombs in cities and a total mess on the already chaotic financial markets........could still leave us with a bloody mess

that's exactly what i meant. but not only Arabs will be involved and not only muslim countries. terrorist organisations would be fuelled and strengthened by a bonanza of nearly unlimited money and of course by volunteers from all over the world.

Yes I know there will some very willing people Naam............... :o

unfortunately some TV moderators might be sometimes a bit stubborn and strict but they are not stupid. i have strong doubts that we get away with a thread:

"Will Thailand nuke Cambodia?"

if yes, will Israel attack Iran? opinions pls.!


Indeed Naam, we are far away from topic, let them have their fun. I have a gut felling that most of them are US nationals. And as it is their culture most of the times they are thinking that a war is at hand and they have to defend their great nations. They not yet realise that the Numero uno nation in the world is not the States anymore.

If you regard political and economical power its China who is the real power

1- Not any country in the world dare to take political actions against them

2- Not any country in the world dare to take military actions against them

3- Not any country in the world dare take economic actions against them

4- Not any country in the world dare to take political, economic or military actions against countries who are under the influence or have strong economic relationships with China

a few examples Myanmar, Democratic republic of Congo, Yemen, North Korea, Sudan to name only a few.

5- They have 12 000 Billion US$ in their hands.

6- They invest bilions in Africa. They do it quitely and not hindred by Human rights movements like their Western counterparts and are in good relationships with the corrupt regimes. In fact they are buying up Africa little by a little.

And than the most ludicrous idea of them all is proclaiming a military action against Iran. In reality the Iranian regime is doomed to collapse in the very near future. Simply because the have one of the youngest populations in the world who are very well educated and they are sick of the present regime and completely focused to implement an Western lifestyle.

Secondly attacking Iran will sett the complete Islamic world on fire. Don't forget that Iran offered help to stabilize the Iraqi situation, a help that was foolish enough declined by the Bush administration. Don't forget that Iran controle the street of Hormoes, if they sink 3 ships there, the complete oil suply to the West is blocked

And most off all, big military conflicts are a thing of the past, because not any country is able to fund them anymore, its simply as that.

And than the so called economic reliance plan of 850 billion $US to re boost the economy, come on lets be honest that is peanuts, if you compare that with the fact that a tiny little country like Belgium prepare already 350 billion EURO for preventing 2 of his major banks from bankruptcy. So what can 850 billion US$ do for the economy of a country with 30 times the population of Belgium. Its even less than peanuts.

In the next 10 to 20 years we will see a completely different world where the economic power is swifted to the East to countries like China and India and the Pacific rim. Don't forget India and China represent almost 50% of the world population. The economic challenges, we may like it or not, are their, and we should accept this reality.

The global economy and his financial and banking world are in a transition and nothing will be like the past anymore.

Sorry to go :o but you must see things in a wider perspective.

BTW I predicted the present downfall of the US economy already in 2005 extensively in the ex BKK Post forum, the result was only disbelieve and name calling and even a public personal vendetta from some people. So I prepare myself for the same.

unfortunately some TV moderators might be sometimes a bit stubborn and strict but they are not stupid. i have strong doubts that we get away with a thread:

"Will Thailand nuke Cambodia?"

if yes, will Israel attack Iran? opinions pls.!


Indeed Naam, we are far away from topic, let them have their fun. I have a gut felling that most of them are US nationals. And as it is their culture most of the times they are thinking that a war is at hand and they have to defend their great nations. They not yet realise that the Numero uno nation in the world is not the States anymore.

If you regard political and economical power its China who is the real power

1- Not any country in the world dare to take political actions against them

2- Not any country in the world dare to take military actions against them

3- Not any country in the world dare take economic actions against them

4- Not any country in the world dare to take political, economic or military actions against countries who are under the influence or have strong economic relationships with China

a few examples Myanmar, Democratic republic of Congo, Yemen, North Korea, Sudan to name only a few.

5- They have 12 000 Billion US$ in their hands.

6- They invest bilions in Africa. They do it quitely and not hindred by Human rights movements like their Western counterparts and are in good relationships with the corrupt regimes. In fact they are buying up Africa little by a little.

And than the most ludicrous idea of them all is proclaiming a military action against Iran. In reality the Iranian regime is doomed to collapse in the very near future. Simply because the have one of the youngest populations in the world who are very well educated and they are sick of the present regime and completely focused to implement an Western lifestyle.

Secondly attacking Iran will sett the complete Islamic world on fire. Don't forget that Iran offered help to stabilize the Iraqi situation, a help that was foolish enough declined by the Bush administration. Don't forget that Iran controle the street of Hormoes, if they sink 3 ships there, the complete oil suply to the West is blocked

And most off all, big military conflicts are a thing of the past, because not any country is able to fund them anymore, its simply as that.

And than the so called economic reliance plan of 850 billion $US to re boost the economy, come on lets be honest that is peanuts, if you compare that with the fact that a tiny little country like Belgium prepare already 350 billion EURO for preventing 2 of his major banks from bankruptcy. So what can 850 billion US$ do for the economy of a country with 30 times the population of Belgium. Its even less than peanuts.

In the next 10 to 20 years we will see a completely different world where the economic power is swifted to the East to countries like China and India and the Pacific rim. Don't forget India and China represent almost 50% of the world population. The economic challenges, we may like it or not, are their, and we should accept this reality.

The global economy and his financial and banking world are in a transition and nothing will be like the past anymore.

Sorry to go :o but you must see things in a wider perspective.

BTW I predicted the present downfall of the US economy already in 2005 extensively in the ex BKK Post forum, the result was only disbelieve and name calling and even a public personal vendetta from some people. So I prepare myself for the same.

If by their own reckoning, an Israeli attack on Iranian nucear facilities would only set the program back three years can anyone tell me what would happen in the subsequent three years to change the situation or would it just bring about a pissed off, united Iranian nation hel_l bent on Israels destruction, as opposed to the rhetoric of destruction.

Indeed Naam, we are far away from topic, let them have their fun. I have a gut felling that most of them are US nationals. And as it is their culture most of the times they are thinking that a war is at hand and they have to defend their great nations. They not yet realise that the Numero uno nation in the world is not the States anymore.

That sounds a bit silly & confused to me.

You seem to have the Americans confused with the US government.

The Americans are never for war & always were against any wars after WWII

Why do you think the draft was abolished? Yet how many other countries force their citizens to fight/defend? Does yours? I am not saying we the people would not fight/defend. I think you will not find a more willing well armed fight anywhere in the world should you come ashore looking for a fight.

The government on the other hand has its own agenda & it is not based in defense of terra firma.

The Americans I know never considered themselves the number 1 nation in the world yet many constantly tell us that we are. Many who live elsewhere that is.

Why would we go against China? We support China more than any other dont we?

How many Belgian/Euros does China stash? :o

The Americans I know never considered themselves the number 1 nation in the world yet many constantly tell us that we are. Many who live elsewhere that is.

Flying, perhaps the thinking of Americans on your rock in the Pacific differs from those on the mainland? most of the Americans my [not so] humble self has met when living among them, especially those who have never travelled abroad apart from Cancun and Tijuana, not only consider but are convinced that the U.S. of A. is the Greatest Nation on Earth™ and its president is the Leader of the Free World.

i don't hold it against them as i know their main source of information is FAUX News as well as dozens of Bill O'Reillys and Rush Limbaughs who are widely watched and listened too. the opinions change dramatically when you meet and talk to Americans who have lived/worked abroad and therefore came in rather close contact with civilisation :o

The Americans I know never considered themselves the number 1 nation in the world yet many constantly tell us that we are. Many who live elsewhere that is.

Flying, perhaps the thinking of Americans on your rock in the Pacific differs from those on the mainland? most of the Americans my [not so] humble self has met when living among them, especially those who have never travelled abroad apart from Cancun and Tijuana, not only consider but are convinced that the U.S. of A. is the Greatest Nation on Earth™ and its president is the Leader of the Free World.

i don't hold it against them as i know their main source of information is FAUX News as well as dozens of Bill O'Reillys and Rush Limbaughs who are widely watched and listened too. the opinions change dramatically when you meet and talk to Americans who have lived/worked abroad and therefore came in rather close contact with civilisation :o

I hope that the irony in that diatribe was intentional.

However, It's not uncommon to hear non-Americans loudly and arrogantly proclaiming how loud and arrogrant Americans are. Perhaps they are just expressing a feeling of kinship.

However, It's not uncommon to hear non-Americans loudly and arrogantly proclaiming how loud and arrogrant Americans are. Perhaps they are just expressing a feeling of kinship.

vee Tchermanns do ze zame butt vizz a distinktif differentz. vee komplain how laut and arrogant our tchermann kountry fellows behave espeshully vhen zey are hollidaying abroad.

The Americans I know never considered themselves the number 1 nation in the world yet many constantly tell us that we are. Many who live elsewhere that is.

Flying, perhaps the thinking of Americans on your rock in the Pacific differs from those on the mainland? most of the Americans my [not so] humble self has met when living among them, especially those who have never travelled abroad apart from Cancun and Tijuana, not only consider but are convinced that the U.S. of A. is the Greatest Nation on Earth™ and its president is the Leader of the Free World.

i don't hold it against them as i know their main source of information is FAUX News as well as dozens of Bill O'Reillys and Rush Limbaughs who are widely watched and listened too. the opinions change dramatically when you meet and talk to Americans who have lived/worked abroad and therefore came in rather close contact with civilisation :D

There of course is some truth to your wondering Naam.

Here we are often called the melting pot of the pacific. With many languages being spoken & many mixed races producing very beautiful children. We are very comfortable & tolerant for the most part. Do we see/hear loud rude folks from all over the world as they pass through? Of course!

But that aside I just do not like the type of statement made & I will also say I like it no less if you substitute any country for the one he was slagging.

This is 2009 ...it is far past time to know you cannot pidgeon hole a whole country or race based on the actions of some of its inhabitants.

Also the older I get the more & more I realize most judge a coutries inhabitants by the actions of its governments. This is wrong thinking for obvious reasons.

Lastly if some find it too hard to tolerate America then try to remember Americas age compared to the rest of the worlds super powers. That may help :o

And here we go again


The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) is proposing to pay close to £1 billion in bonuses to its staff, just months after it was rescued by a £20 billion taxpayer bail-out


heheh :D

Yeah the other day the stock market guys were on the News here.

Complaining that they should not be held to the 500k a year limit Obama put on them that are taking tarp $$'s

They said how can you give us this money then handcuff us & tell us how to use it?

Hard to believe eh? Then they said well ok but your going to lose a lot of talented workers!!!!


So the news reporter said.........Oh really & where are they going to go to work & make more than 500k a year? The guy has the nerve to say....Hedge Funds

LOL :wai::P :jerk:

I just wish you would start your rampage soon 12drink :o

Lastly if some find it too hard to tolerate America then try to remember Americas age compared to the rest of the worlds super powers. That may help :o

America's age is no excuse for the views of many Americans and especially american politicians like "we are the good guys, anything we do is justified" and "those who are not with us are against us". proof that a lot of Americans think (or thought) that way was the reelection of the texan village idiot. now the general thinking seems to have changed a bit. but would it have changed without the disasters Afghanistan and Iraq?

Hard to believe eh? Then they said well ok but your going to lose a lot of talented workers!!!!

The banking industry does not need "talent", it needs a lot of boring old solid bankers. The "talented" and "inventive" lot have caused the problems.

So the news reporter said.........Oh really & where are they going to go to work & make more than 500k a year? The guy has the nerve to say....Hedge Funds

They should cap the salaries at 100,000 and bring them into line with the wealth producing manufacturing section of the economy. Then maybe a few of these "talents" could apply themselves to actually making something that can be seen and felt, and not just manipulate massive figures of non existent money on a screen pocketing a large percentage of it at the cost of the owners and now the rest of the population.

Somehow I don't think that these so called hedge funds are going to be very popular in the future. By taking a 1.5% "management fee" and then 30% of any profits but not accepting any liability for the huge losses they have now sustained, I cannot see the investors will be so keen to let these cowboys loose on their funds again.

I just wish you would start your rampage soon 12drink :o

I fail to understand why the shareholders are not calling extraordinary meetings and putting a stop to it. OH, I forgot, the really big investors are indeed the banks and other finance guys using customers' money to buy shares. And THEY don't want to rock the boat, do they? After all, who would want to vote themselves out of a bonus?????

Given the chief of staff is the highest ranking member of the executive office & the 2nd most powerful man ( I know most think it is the VP but their wrong )

Anything is possible as to what they prefer to term....aide....pursuit of peace [sic] etc.

Oh god i didnt know that ?

well that is it as far as I am concerned

- I now share samuibeachcomber's view of the future :o

At least this particular chief of staff did his military service.

coming back to the Iran thing.One thing for sure is no one likes the Iran govt,especially moderate arab nations in the region and of course especially Israel.I could see a strike being made by the faceless people(not nuclear,too dangerous)but by conventional warfare that would do enough damage to disable the workings of the Iran economy and day to day living,and everyone would be silently clapping.Iraq has already lost over a million of its citizens these last 6 years and ive not heard any complaints from anywhere,that were enough to stop the carnage.

I have never thought even Israel would be dumb enough to use

nuclear .....but what is potentially more scary I think is the

fallout in terms of the Arab uprising around the world, possible

dirty bombs in cities and a total mess on the already chaotic

financial markets..............so it could still leave us with a bloody mess

Midas, have you ever wondered why the cruise ship industry, perhaps the most obvious terror target, never get a thought? On any given day, there are thousands of literally sitting ducks floating unprotected in the world's oceans? The USS Cole, a highly protected warship, was almost sunk while at port.

America's age is no excuse for the views of many Americans and especially american politicians like "we are the good guys, anything we do is justified" and "those who are not with us are against us". proof that a lot of Americans think (or thought) that way was the reelection of the texan village idiot. now the general thinking seems to have changed a bit. but would it have changed without the disasters Afghanistan and Iraq?

Yes I meant that tongue in cheek....Like you know a spoiled little child throwing a tantrum.

Then again by the same standard what is the excuse for how many of the worlds oldest countries act at times :D

As for electing the Texas idiot you have me there :o The fact that he somehow stayed in for 2 terms is well beyond my comprehension.

But you know I have always said we say we have a democracy but we do not in fact have such a thing.

We are always asked to vote for someone unqualified or someone even more unqualified.

So we usually vote for the lesser of two evils. Or in the recent vote we voted the idiot out not so much the new president in.

The folks we would like of course are never considered as their backers are honest aka: poor

If it were a true democracy the ballot should include a third choice ...NONE OF THE ABOVE

If enough voters choose that then it is clear we did not in fact agree with the nomination process.

However, It's not uncommon to hear non-Americans loudly and arrogantly proclaiming how loud and arrogrant Americans are. Perhaps they are just expressing a feeling of kinship.

vee Tchermanns do ze zame butt vizz a distinktif differentz. vee komplain how laut and arrogant our tchermann kountry fellows behave espeshully vhen zey are hollidaying abroad.

is that an east german dialect! :o

And here we go again


The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) is proposing to pay close to £1 billion in bonuses to its staff, just months after it was rescued by a £20 billion taxpayer bail-out


heheh :D

Yeah the other day the stock market guys were on the News here.

Complaining that they should not be held to the 500k a year limit Obama put on them that are taking tarp $$'s

They said how can you give us this money then handcuff us & tell us how to use it?

Hard to believe eh? Then they said well ok but your going to lose a lot of talented workers!!!!


So the news reporter said.........Oh really & where are they going to go to work & make more than 500k a year? The guy has the nerve to say....Hedge Funds

LOL :wai::P :jerk:

I just wish you would start your rampage soon 12drink :o

they have lived in a financial dreamworld too long.

The banking industry does not need "talent", it needs a lot of boring old solid bankers. The "talented" and "inventive" lot have caused the problems.

I fail to understand why the shareholders are not calling extraordinary meetings and putting a stop to it. OH, I forgot, the really big investors are indeed the banks and other finance guys using customers' money to buy shares. And THEY don't want to rock the boat, do they? After all, who would want to vote themselves out of a bonus?????

Boy I sure agree with you :o

As for the meetings also why vote themselves out of raises & easy Tarp fixes of all their theft?

America's age is no excuse for the views of many Americans and especially american politicians like "we are the good guys, anything we do is justified" and "those who are not with us are against us". proof that a lot of Americans think (or thought) that way was the reelection of the texan village idiot. now the general thinking seems to have changed a bit. but would it have changed without the disasters Afghanistan and Iraq?

Yes I meant that tongue in cheek....Like you know a spoiled little child throwing a tantrum.

Then again by the same standard what is the excuse for how many of the worlds oldest countries act at times :D

As for electing the Texas idiot you have me there :o The fact that he somehow stayed in for 2 terms is well beyond my comprehension.

But you know I have always said we say we have a democracy but we do not in fact have such a thing.

We are always asked to vote for someone unqualified or someone even more unqualified.

So we usually vote for the lesser of two evils. Or in the recent vote we voted the idiot out not so much the new president in.

The folks we would like of course are never considered as their backers are honest aka: poor

If it were a true democracy the ballot should include a third choice ...NONE OF THE ABOVE

If enough voters choose that then it is clear we did not in fact agree with the nomination process.

maybe dubya got his second term cos of a weak opponent.there can be no true democracy when corporations are allowed to fund campaigns.funding should be equal and from the public purse,then you would n't have all those dumb tv adverts.

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