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Windown Xp Vs. Windows Vista


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i am looking for a new laptop, some have XP some have Vista.

regarding Vista, can anybody enlighten me about:

-vulnerability (does it have major bugs i should know about?)

-installing software bought in Chaweng (you know what i mean): can i do it with Vista?

any help would be grately apreciated.


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XP is kind of on its way out, although plenty of people are still going for it. If you want to buy a budget laptop XP may be a better choice due to the lower system requirements, but if you are buying a laptop with good specs you might prefer Vista.

Vista suffers from the same plethora of vulnerabilities as XP, M$ doesn't seem to be getting any better at preventing them, although it does seem to be doing a better job of patching them after-the-fact these days. Your major vulnerability is probably going to be that software you were talking about...good idea to scan it before you even think about the possibility of installing it.

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A bit over 12 months ago I changed both my desk top and notebook to newies fitted with Vista. At first I absolutely hated it, now I can't stand using machines with XP on it.

Havent had any vista problems with the exception of getting a few of my older style games running.

Go the Vista.....ur not going to buy a modern sports car with a steam engine, are you? (probably a bad example). :o

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Been using Vista now for over a year Never had a blue screen of death or hang up. It manages my pictures, video and music far better and is much easier to use than XP. Ive found most people slagging off Vista don't have it and have not used it. Just MS bashers ? If the computer is higher end then go for vista :o

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I'm just in the process to reformat the harddrive for a friend of mine.

After six months of Vista he's tired with all the questions.

"Do you really want to do this?"

"Are you really sure?"

"Sure, sure"

"Ask your mother for permission."

Putting on XP.

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Anyone know, if you have vista are they going to charge to upgrade to windows7 since there is talk of it being released later this year?

And is window7 like a major service pack for vista or as different as xp and vista?

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Rumor has it, there will be an upgrade program for those that purchase Vista after a particular date. Either way, I will never put XP on a system other than to test something. Those that tell you to put Win7 on, forget it... IT IS A BETA but some choose to forget that. When somethign breaks, they will be the first to complain how bad it is.

New hardware, mainstream applications, anything other than Vista is a waste.

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My experience is just the opposite.

I use Win XP Pro SP3 & I love it. Mega stable & it does everything I need it to do.

Too many horror stories with VISTA. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

I'll skip Vista & jump to the oh so cleverly named Windows 7. When the full version is released. I can afford the 150 baht.

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My experience is just the opposite.

I use Win XP Pro SP3 & I love it. Mega stable & it does everything I need it to do.

Too many horror stories with VISTA. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

I'll skip Vista & jump to the oh so cleverly named Windows 7. When the full version is released. I can afford the 150 baht.


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For business and private purpose I use XP Pro SP2 only and it runs very fast and stable. Vista is a mess... I have tested it and

I had to listen to hundreds of complaints from customers.

I might consider switching to Win7 if it is out of Beta and I am convinced my

much needed programs will run under W7 without any problems. Using

a beta OS version as platform for daily work is like jumping out an airplane without a parachute. And I am not going to do that...

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I'm just in the process to reformat the harddrive for a friend of mine.

After six months of Vista he's tired with all the questions.

"Do you really want to do this?"

"Are you really sure?"

"Sure, sure"

"Ask your mother for permission."

Putting on XP.

Why not just run the Vista4experts portable program after installing Vista? Its just made for the clueless who get so frustrated with Vista and want to turn back the clock to XP.

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Linux wouldn't be a waste, but I agree on the beta software issue: Beta is for geeks that like fiddling around with bleeding edge stuff. If you want a stable computing environment, stay away from beta stuff.

And that this was XP vs. Vista. Linux was never part of the mix. But it is geek stuff too.

As for the comments of Vista being crap? I guess to each their own. Been beautiful for me. I will upgrade to full Windows 7 as well, except that mine will be legal - not a 150 baht theft.

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Why not just run the Vista4experts portable program after installing Vista? Its just made for the clueless who get so frustrated with Vista and want to turn back the clock to XP.

Clueless is morons in redmond releasing software (VISTA) missing 1000's of drivers. Blow it out theirass.

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After years of using WinDoze i was so sick of 20 min startups and shutdowns, crap performance, and needing a rocket scientist to install / uninstall and do "Maintenance" I finally did the right thing and get a machine that works and can do everything an average user needs straight out the box.....

Yes Its a mac....

Yes you either love them, or hate them - (but only if you don't have one!)

Yes slightly more expensive

Yes has a small learning curve if you're used to WinDoze

Yes some specialist software wont run, but it can dual boot if you really need to use WinDoze only software like autocad etc etc

Had mine for 4 years and will never go back to a WinDoze machine...... - Like 99% of mac users....

Explore all your options.... cheapest isnt always best.....

Just my 2 cents worth......

Oh and can now order direct from apple via apple website in bangers.... Macbook white 37,900 baht! bargain!


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After years of using WinDoze i was so sick of 20 min startups and shutdowns, crap performance, and needing a rocket scientist to install / uninstall and do "Maintenance" I finally did the right thing and get a machine that works and can do everything an average user needs straight out the box.....

Yes Its a mac....

Yes you either love them, or hate them - (but only if you don't have one!)

Yes slightly more expensive

Yes has a small learning curve if you're used to WinDoze

Yes some specialist software wont run, but it can dual boot if you really need to use WinDoze only software like autocad etc etc

Had mine for 4 years and will never go back to a WinDoze machine...... - Like 99% of mac users....

Explore all your options.... cheapest isnt always best.....

Just my 2 cents worth......

Oh and can now order direct from apple via apple website in bangers.... Macbook white 37,900 baht! bargain!


Used to work for years with MAC. It was a simply an economic aspect to turn back to PC. I miss the MAC, but checking the price for Mac and compare it with a PC... I had no other choice. MAC is (IMHO) too expensive. And a lot of people can"t afford it or are not willing to pay that money.

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