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I would like to ask a question.

My friend and I often take our dogs to the park that is on the corner of the moat opposite the psychiatric hospital (Suan Dok or something.) We are aware that there is a big sign saying no dogs but hey this is Thailand and everyone else ignores it so why shouldn’t we? There are many dogs in that park are most of them are brought in by Thais and not farangs.

The other day there man was a man in the park being quite rude to us and telling us that the sign says no dogs and that we should not bring them in?

I ask this question; where are we supposed to walk our dogs? As long as we clean up the dogs mess afterwards what is the problem? Or should we just let them roam around the streets and do their business wherever they want and risk getting run over? I would like to know your thoughts about this. Are we being unreasonable?

Thank you.


...We are aware that there is a big sign saying no dogs but hey this is Thailand and everyone else ignores it so why shouldn’t we? ...

..Are we being unreasonable?

yes you are.. sign says no dogs, so you just ignore it? and your reason for doing so is a whiney, 'well everybody else is doing it!' piss poor excuse really.

Yes T.i.T. and i think that you are acting like a T.I.T


Hhmmm, now it is also not allowed anymore to take dogs to Suan Bhuak Had? Very possible one of the main complaints was the dog poop that many owners ignore to pick up. So, far I've understood this was one of the main reasons why people are not allowed to take dogs into the 700 stadium anymore as well.

When the man told you 'no dogs allowed' were there other dogs in the park? And if so, was he sending them away as well? If not, than he is not very consistent. But as there is that sign, he is in his right to send you and your dogs away.

And even when people pick up the poop of their dogs, there is still the urination problem. Plants and grass usually don't handle lots of urine well.

Other places to take your dogs are Huay Thung Tao and then preferable up the mountain and not along the lake where there are many people. And there is a park along the Chotana road, just before the Lanna sports complex and golf course, where people used to take there dogs. It's been several years ago that I've been there, so it may very well be that also there dogs are not allowed anymore due to massive dog poop everywhere.


As for this remark

Or should we just let them roam around the streets and do their business wherever they want and risk getting run over? I would like to know your thoughts about this. Are we being unreasonable?

Yes, that's unreasonable. The idea alone of letting them run unsupervised on streets or where ever isn't a very reasonable and responsible thought.

You could train, of course, your dogs to soil only in your own garden and then clean it up behind them. And I know, to train older dogs to do that takes considerable time and effort. Another method is to take your dogs out on the lead, and as soon as they defacate you clean it up. After that, you take them for a free run where it is possible.


They don't allow dogs anymore in Suan Bak Hat because apparently two dogs got into there and fought and in the process completely destroyed thousands of Baht worth of fresh landscaping. We were there walking a couple of times last week and both times saw them asking people to remove their dogs from the park as per the posted signs.


My goodness, I was shocked when I read this. I can't believe that someone in Thailand is trying to enforce some type of dog laws.....they would have to be joking. Its not possible for a responsible dog owner to walk a dog in a park, being responsible for its behaviour & messes, YET its totally acceptable for the rest of Thailand to be over-run by millions of noisy, agressive, aimless flea ridden, diseased pests & no-one blinks an eye. :o For those that don't recognise it THATS THE WACKO EMOTICON!


Yes there was plenty of other people with dogs but he wasn't actually sending people away, he was just another foreigner and complaining. We ignored him anyway.

The garden is not enough for proper exercise. So where can I take her for a free 'run'? Where is that possible? The lake is too far to go every day.


A foreigner? Was he acting to the Thai in a similar way?

Maybe next time start talking back in Russian to him instead of English. :o


Hes probably just another doo gooder. Then again, poor bugga might have been searching for some dog free sanity in thailand, something which is becomming rarer by the day. Don't get me wrong, I am an avid dog lover, always had one.....BUT this place is outa control, no good for the dogs and no good for the people. THEN AGAIN, I must remind myself, I'm only a farang, what would I know?

Hhmmm, now it is also not allowed anymore to take dogs to Suan Bhuak Had? Very possible one of the main complaints was the dog poop that many owners ignore to pick up. So, far I've understood this was one of the main reasons why people are not allowed to take dogs into the 700 stadium anymore as well.

When the man told you 'no dogs allowed' were there other dogs in the park? And if so, was he sending them away as well? If not, than he is not very consistent. But as there is that sign, he is in his right to send you and your dogs away.

And even when people pick up the poop of their dogs, there is still the urination problem. Plants and grass usually don't handle lots of urine well.

Other places to take your dogs are Huay Thung Tao and then preferable up the mountain and not along the lake where there are many people. And there is a park along the Chotana road, just before the Lanna sports complex and golf course, where people used to take there dogs. It's been several years ago that I've been there, so it may very well be that also there dogs are not allowed anymore due to massive dog poop everywhere.


As for this remark

Or should we just let them roam around the streets and do their business wherever they want and risk getting run over? I would like to know your thoughts about this. Are we being unreasonable?

Yes, that's unreasonable. The idea alone of letting them run unsupervised on streets or where ever isn't a very reasonable and responsible thought.

You could train, of course, your dogs to soil only in your own garden and then clean it up behind them. And I know, to train older dogs to do that takes considerable time and effort. Another method is to take your dogs out on the lead, and as soon as they defacate you clean it up. After that, you take them for a free run where it is possible.

On this I agree with you 100 %

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