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Pepsi Max


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The Pepsi Max they sell around Prasat is disgusting. I used to drink diet caffeine free Pepsi in the US exclusively so this is not a matter of brand bashing. It either has to do with the local bottler or the distribution chain dumping their old outdated product here in the boonies. Now its only Coke Zero for me but I do wish they made a caffeine free product.

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I'm convinced that not only do they change it, but it and coke zero taste different in different countries- thailand, japan, korea, each tasted a little different. it pi$ses me off how they change food product slightly to 'conform' to the country or whatever they're thinking- for instance, cheetos in japan are almost exactly like the ones like in US but they aerate them twice as much, making them absolutely nasty consistency. <deleted>? are japanese people really not gonna eat the chip if it isn't gross? add prawn flavor too? maybe thai pepsi max has som tam juice mixed in with it.

This is absolutely the case, they change the mix for the preferences of the regions.

Back in the states Pepsi and Coke have both had/have corporate exhibitions in Disneys Epcot Center where they have a sampling of all of the different variations from around the world of the Coke/Pepsi product for that region and some are down right nasty..

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Hmm, we're discussing Pepsi Max here, it's sugar free.

As for aspartame, WikiPedia has this to say.

Indeed Pepsi Max is sugar free. But other posters had widened the discussion well beyond that particular 'drink'. And it is also why I added the section on sugar free sodas.

The WikiPedia piece is remarkably well researched, if a little one sided. So much so, one has to wonder who it was (or which organization) spent so much time pulling it all together. There are other interesting 'well researched' topics on WP, that also apply to certain branded products that have come up against consumer resistance. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. But I keep an open mind on the subject. Aspartame cost a lot of R & D dollars to get to market. An investment the manufacturer would doubtless be unwilling to have compromised. The acidity of these products however, is not in question. And continued use does have a negative impact on the body. Ultimately, people will do what people will do, regardless of the consequences. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't care, or try to ensure our children understand the consequences, and are in possession of all the facts. My opinion ... it's crap in a can! But there again ... so is Campbell's soup.


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The Pepsi Max they sell around Prasat is disgusting. I used to drink diet caffeine free Pepsi in the US exclusively so this is not a matter of brand bashing. It either has to do with the local bottler or the distribution chain dumping their old outdated product here in the boonies. Now its only Coke Zero for me but I do wish they made a caffeine free product.

I'm quite caffeine-sensitive - one cup of McD's "premium joe" whatever it's called and I feel sick for hours - but even two Pepsi Max after each other doesn't make me feel anything so I think it can't be much caffeine in it. But I agree, it would be nice having the choice!

Does Soda Sing or Chang Soda contain sugar?

Normally not. But you never know with Thailand. They seem to put a lot of sugar in practically everything. ;)

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I drink this stuff in volume, at least 2 litres a day... I do find when going between the UK and Thailand that I have to adapt to the different sweeteners.

I noticed that coke zero in Australia is quite palatable, like normal coke without the sugariness, but in the UK it's bitter and not pleasant.

Occasionally I drink plain water which tastes really weird!

Sheesh you got any teeth left....................your own teeth that is?

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I drink this stuff in volume, at least 2 litres a day... I do find when going between the UK and Thailand that I have to adapt to the different sweeteners.

I noticed that coke zero in Australia is quite palatable, like normal coke without the sugariness, but in the UK it's bitter and not pleasant.

Occasionally I drink plain water which tastes really weird!

Sheesh you got any teeth left....................your own teeth that is?

All but one.. Not sure there's any enamel left on them though.

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The Pepsi Max they sell around Prasat is disgusting. I used to drink diet caffeine free Pepsi in the US exclusively so this is not a matter of brand bashing. It either has to do with the local bottler or the distribution chain dumping their old outdated product here in the boonies. Now its only Coke Zero for me but I do wish they made a caffeine free product.

I'm quite caffeine-sensitive - one cup of McD's "premium joe" whatever it's called and I feel sick for hours - but even two Pepsi Max after each other doesn't make me feel anything so I think it can't be much caffeine in it. But I agree, it would be nice having the choice!

Does Soda Sing or Chang Soda contain sugar?

Normally not. But you never know with Thailand. They seem to put a lot of sugar in practically everything. ;)

Yes, and especially the food!:bah:

I don't think regular Singh or Chang soda water contains sugar but some of the new flavors (mint and lime?) might. One thing I would like to know though is how much salt is added, and if there's a type of soda water on sale in Thailand with no added salt?

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Everything should be consumed within reason. Of course if you drink several liters of the stuff daily it might not be good for you but with what I would call a normal consumption level, 2-3 drinks per day max - i.e. less than one liter/daily, I can't imagine you'll have any problems.

I think it's the same as with junk food. If you live on McD every day you're not going to live long, but vising once or twice a months isn't going to make much difference.

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I love Pepsi Max actually. And Coke Zero. But even though they don't contain sugar, I'm sure they can make you fat. They bloat you out and make you hungry. Just stick to one can a day is my advice and drink it slowly. Not before bedtime though else you'll be up all night.

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I love Pepsi Max actually. And Coke Zero. But even though they don't contain sugar, I'm sure they can make you fat. They bloat you out and make you hungry. Just stick to one can a day is my advice and drink it slowly. Not before bedtime though else you'll be up all night.

I think there's something in it which raises your insulin levels. It might be citric acid. Insulin is the chemical signal to store fat.

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I am sure that the maid thinks I wash myself in it because I drink 2-3 liters a day , and there are always empty bottles in the trash,

But you cannot buy 2 liter bottles as far as I know in Thailand , so I only get the 1 liter ones .

And for me it tastes better than Coke Zero, but I think its just pick your favorite poison !


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I drink this stuff in volume, at least 2 litres a day... I do find when going between the UK and Thailand that I have to adapt to the different sweeteners.

I noticed that coke zero in Australia is quite palatable, like normal coke without the sugariness, but in the UK it's bitter and not pleasant.

Occasionally I drink plain water which tastes really weird!

Sheesh you got any teeth left....................your own teeth that is?

Always find this an odd saying.... pray whose teeth would you have in your mouth ?

I have 2 bridges total 8 crowns but there still mine :rolleyes::D

I drink 7 mugs of black fresh coffee every morning + have done so for well over 40 years, for the past 10 years during the day at least 1 lt of mineral water + 2 lts of Pepsi Max. Lived in Thailand over 7 years + Diabetic almost 20 years.

Sure in Thailand it is much more difficult to get sugar free drinks, and even more so when you live of in the sticks.

Some years ago used to have the Pepsi Lorry come every month and drop off 5x boxes of Pepsi Max, now for the past 2+ years the little shop in the next Village gets it for me + is a lot cheaper !! she has always charged me the same price 260 baht for a box of 12 x Pepsi Max bottles. last week on Promotion at Carrefour @ 278 baht !! same price as from Pepsi Lorry over 2 years ago

Edited by ignis
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  • 11 months later...

I am glad to hear I am not the only one drinking over 2.5 litres a day of Pepsi Max. Coke Zero tastes flatter. The bottle changed recently.

the whole conversation has made me feel slightly ill, but this disgusts me.

how can you people drink this crap?

-Open container.

-Put opening of container against slightly parted lips.

-Point bottom of container towards heaven.

-Keep swallowing until sated.


This is what happens to your body after a can of Coke, Pepsi, or any other sugar based soft drink that includes caffeine ...

  • In The First 10 minutes: 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system. (100% of your recommended daily intake.) You don't immediately vomit from the overwhelming sweetness because phosphoric acid cuts the flavor allowing you to keep it down.
  • 20 minutes: Your blood sugar spikes, causing an insulin burst. Your liver responds to this by turning any sugar it can get its hands on into fat. (There's plenty of that at this particular moment)
  • 40 minutes: Caffeine absorption is complete. Your pupils dilate, your blood pressure rises, as a response your livers dumps more sugar into your bloodstream. The adenosine receptors in your brain are now blocked preventing drowsiness.
  • 45 minutes: Your body ups your dopamine production stimulating the pleasure centers of your brain. This is physically the same way heroin works, by the way.
  • >60 minutes: The phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium and zinc in your lower intestine, providing a further boost in metabolism. This is compounded by high doses of sugar and artificial sweeteners also increasing the urinary excretion of calcium.
  • >60 Minutes: The caffeine's diuretic properties come into play. (It makes you have to pee.) It is now assured that you'll evacuate the bonded calcium, magnesium and zinc that was headed to your bones as well as sodium, electrolyte and water.
  • >60 minutes: As the rave inside of you dies down you'll start to have a sugar crash. You may become irritable and/or sluggish. You've also now, literally, pissed away all the water that was in the Coke. But not before infusing it with valuable nutrients your body could have used for things like even having the ability to hydrate your system or build strong bones and teeth.

And if you think you can avoid problems by drinking sugar free products ...

  1. Artificial sweeteners are chemicals or natural compounds that replace the sweetness of sugar, without all of the calories. But sometimes the label 'sugar-free' masks calories present in the food or drink. Of course you can always read the product's label, but believe it or not, there are a whole lot of people out there who think that sugar-free or fat-free means low-calorie. On top of that, there are some recent studies that have shown that artificial sweeteners can actually increase your appetite. And then there are sugar-free products with ingredients that can raise your blood sugar dramatically—like the white flour in sugar-free cookies. All in all, 'sugar-free' doesn't always mean 'diet-friendly'.
  2. Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal, NatraSweet, Canderel, Spoonfuls, DiabetiSweet) is a common chemical sweetener with possible side effects that sound like they're out of a horror movie. From hallucinations to seizures to brain tumors, it is hardly worth consuming for the sake of saved calories.
  3. Sucralose (Otherwise known as Splenda, my past-sweetener of choice), is scary. Recent research suggests that Splenda can enlarge both the liver and kidneys and shrink the thymus glands. Sucralose breaks down into small amounts of dichlorofructose, which has not been tested adequately tested in humans. Splenda reportedly can cause skin rashes, panic, diarrhea, headaches, bladder issues, stomach pain, and those side effects don't even sum it up.

Most soft drinks are unadulterated crap. Full of toxic substances that are ultimately very bad for the body. And none of them are as efficient as water at curing the original reason for drinking ... thirst!


Good place to start looking up the facts! Thanks!

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Of even greater concern is that the BEER tastes different in different countries.

Normal, because the water is not the same.

No the water is irrelevant, it will pass an ion exchanger (spelling) first. mostly how much malt they replaced with some cheap sh#$% and enzymes.

How dirty they work

How long they let it age (and if they do some warm ageing to safe time)

if they filter it to sterilize or if they heat it.

if the beer comes fresh in the shop and in your home, or if it stands in the direct sun for a day first.

(the neighbor stores draft beer, sometimes some tanks are in the full sun....must be very hot.)

Typical example is the beer leo which tastes sometimes good sometimes bad.....

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