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Roughly read from dutchguest's thread


nothing much related to, but it makes me wonder....

I am talking this based on my experience and the fact in my area..

Having sexual thing without marriage seems to be immoral in Thai Society.

Especially for an under 18y/o female, this is completely unacceptable.

To keep morality, virginity should be all the way if without the marriage.

What do you think as a foreigner?

As talking to a foreign friend, virgin girls seem too scary to deal with. (Really?)

(Well, what is more scary na... some Thai men still keeps virginity before the marriage though they are now mature..)

He feels hard to believe that some Thai women keep virginity though they are mature.

Sometimes intime helps getting relax for human's body.

He has made disgusting feeling in his face..

I have talked of One Night Stand, he said why not?.. as long as it is safe, nothing too risky.

It..umm..like a gift or present will get from the relationship

Come on.... I am confusing..

Physical needs and Thai moral.... are they confliction?

What should I do? <-- (no answer needed..I just talked to myself) :o

QUESTION: How is your sexual freedom and morals?

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QUESTION: How is your sexual freedom and morals?

Sexual freedom: high

Sexual cost: varies on exchange rates

Morals: Low

I think I speak for the Pattaya community.

QUESTION: How is your sexual freedom and morals?

Sexual freedom: high

Morals: Low

Morality is about more than just sex. I consider myself a moral person in general but have been known to partake in the bar scene in Thailand occasionally.

QUESTION: How is your sexual freedom and morals?

Sexual freedom: high

Morals: Low

Oh..come on.. you know? I took more half an hour to start this thread..And you just reply only this?

Can you be more specific.. or tell me some stories from your experience?

I am getting bored of job's annoying problem... need to little leave away...

I need a story..

QUESTION: How is your sexual freedom and morals?

Sexual freedom: high

Morals: Low

Morality is about more than just sex. I consider myself a moral person in general but have been known to partake in the bar scene in Thailand occasionally.

partaking in bar scene ror?... well, no any wrong nii... as long as your missus is happy with that.

You seems a moral one, I agree :o


There is nothing wrong with sex between 2 consenting adults outside of marriage. At a guess id say most men and women who have a dabble here and there before they settle into a relationship or wedlock are on the whole happier than those who got hitched without any experimentation or knowing what they like and do not like etc.

With reference to the member of the Pattaya fraternity’s post:

Paying young women for sex who are forced to work in the sex industry because of social circumstance is just plain wrong and immoral. This is not a lifestyle choice for the majority of these young women. When these young ladies were at school i am sure if you had asked them what would they like to do when they grow up the reply would not have been: Dress up as some aging westerners sleazy fantasy and go to sleep feeling like i have just been raped/abused every night in order to support my elderly parents and children.

Still drink up and enjoy it along with the rest of the sicko's in walking street.


Discussion of the flesh trade is against forum rules, but anyone who thinks the majority of sex workers in Pattaya are "forced" into the trade needs their head examined. I suppose many are "stuck" in the trade as they haven't developed any other skills and also its hard to walk away from lucrative though risky line of work if the money keeps flowing. That could happen to people in any profession founded on human weaknesses.


Woohoo! Jingthing's a sexpat!

And tw25rw cannot run for Congress!

And Lix, I didn't know the Moral Majority had an outreach in Thailand. Must be new.

For MidoriApple. Thailand's morals are changing like the seasons. The younger generations have all sorts of new ways to initiate and facilitate intimate social interactions that were not available to their parents, not even their older siblings in some instances. There's physical virginity and moral virginity IMHO and the impact of 'breaking' the latter is much more significant than two people having illicit sexual relations. I appreciate that there's some women and a lesser amount of men who adhere to the abstinence unless married mantra but in all practicality, if a young couple have taken 'dirty pictures' of each other in their cellphones (oh yes you have) or got their freak on via web cam (you know who you are), aren't they just as 'guilty' as those that rent a room for a short time? It's more and more about how far one can push the envelope without being caught; without actually doing 'it'. Thai society and culture has always facilitated this and walked the fine lines between what is legal and immoral as well as illegal and moral. There's always been massage parlors and brothels, long before foreigners discovered the country. It's just now the sheer speed of ways and means of losing ones virginity has increased. Mia nois have given way to giks. Go-go bars to G-clubs. Massage parlors to out call 'stress relief' services. Although it's not quite in-your-face as some sensationalizing western media likes to portray, it's not exactly behind closed doors anymore.

There may be cries of indignation from some who claim that access to such modern technologies and western lifestyle influences are eroding the moral fabric of Thailand but these are probably the same people who turn a blind eye to the long-standing problem of unwanted teen pregnancies and absent fathers. Hypocritically, they may claim that this is a problem unique to the 'great unwashed' of the rural communities but watch out! It's coming to a high-rise condo and secure gated community near you.

If some Thai scriptwriters would break the mold of the the usual dross they serve up for prime-time soap on local television and instead create a real-life 'Sex In The City - Bangkok-style', they would be pretty much guaranteed epic viewing figures. But only for a short time before certain individuals, the 'usual suspects' that drone on about what's good or otherwise for the land, have it kicked off the air despite the undeniably popular demand. Once again, a case of the 'privileged' few deciding what is best for an increasingly disenfranchised population. But let's not get into politics here...

Woohoo! Jingthing's a sexpat!

Actually I am not but living in Pattaya the zeitgeist of the whoretropolis gets into your system. My own sex life would bore a granny in Nebraska. I l prefer food.


oh.. a lot more than I have expected.. :o

So.now it is about the sex trade..

We will have to accept the fact that some young generations choose to be into sexing trade. They are not forced to be "at all".

No matter how great of the university they have attended to, just because of the materialistic system.

Just the money to buy stuffs, crazy extravagant like ... well more than essential things...

Talking to a little kin few days ago, he said his friend got 40,000 baht for Chinese New Year's Ang Pao (blessed money)

He is only 11years old!!! I don't feel any jealous but tense... why do parents these days spoil their own kids like this?

How will we get out of materialism? Is the same scenerio happened all over the world...

I don't want to get the realistic matter in here, actually...

Believe all the people will have senses of humorous in themselves.

Forget the tragedy, pretend it is not existed...leave it to another thread (dutchguest's..:D)

I want to know your genuine feeling... :D


As former U.S. president Jimmy Carter once said something to the tune of "lusting in your heart", was the same as actually doing it. He was a joke back then like he is today.

My own sex life would bore a granny in Nebraska.

This sentence runs dangerously close to ... :o !

Gerontophilia. Its not just for breakfast anymore.

Purely unintended, but my Freudian analyst if I could afford one and wanted one would have a field day.

Having sexual thing without marriage seems to be immoral in Thai Society.

Especially for an under 18y/o female, this is completely unacceptable.

To keep morality, virginity should be all the way if without the marriage.

What do you think as a foreigner?

QUESTION: How is your sexual freedom and morals?

OK, I see you want personal statements from foreigners on their personal morality. Why? A simple poll with "Do you consider yourself a moral person?" and a simple yes or no answer option for foreigners (and Thai if you are interested) would give you the answers.

Sorry, but anything more explicit isn't on the table from me, that's personal.

But getting back to your own statement, "Having sexual thing without marriage seems to be immoral in Thai Society." (my emphasis)

But it isn't and we all know it. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Culture tries to put out the fire with gasoline.


Thanks for that Ijustwannateach

Gerontophilia. Its not just for breakfast anymore.

Cereal offender :D ?


FYI: Gerontophilia (the love for the oldies) is legal in all world municipalities excepting West Hollywood and South Pattaya.


Good one P-drunk apple!! you just attracted all the pattaya perverts and got them to openly admit it. HAHAH,

These guys are on here 24 hrs so I don’t think much is happening!!! Why are you looking for pillow talk storys? Shouldn’t you be working?!!!!

Jingthing is especially on here all the time and probably has a bed full of food!! I can just imaging it. Where’s the morals in that!~!~!~!

Jingthing is especially on here all the time and probably has a bed full of food!! I can just imaging it. Where’s the morals in that!~!~!~!

Drats. Busted!

Especially nice on the bed is the Pig Pad See You, extra greasy, heavy on the prik Thai.


Having sexual thing without marriage seems to be immoral in Thai Society.

Thats what I hear Girl. but I think (correct me if I'm wrong) Thais or maybe its a buddhist thing have this thought process. If you don't see it then its not happened even if you know it has. Which is very different to our 'I know you did it'. Its the confrontation thing, So in your reality they can be Virgins and in our reality NOT.

makes sense, not to me either , I think I'm tripping ;-)


Morals vary for each individual - be honest nought wrong with shagging, do so when you are capable to accept the consequences of such actions. Relationships are complicated and messy, but I wouldnt have it any other way. :o

Having sexual thing without marriage seems to be immoral in Thai Society.

Thats what I hear Girl. but I think (correct me if I'm wrong) Thais or maybe its a buddhist thing have this thought process. If you don't see it then its not happened even if you know it has. Which is very different to our 'I know you did it'. Its the confrontation thing, So in your reality they can be Virgins and in our reality NOT.

makes sense, not to me either , I think I'm tripping ;-)

It's so obviously immoral here I've no idea how we can discuss it.


Morality means different things to different people.

I know businessmen who frown on gratitous sex but think nothing of cheating their customers and creditors.

I have also known several "service" girls who frowned on thieving and lying.

"The ladies doth protest too much, methinks."

Ijustwannateach, kindly teach me nhoi sii...

"me thinks" and "I think" which one is correct?

I was taught to use "I think", though it is at the end of sentence...

I will say... The ladies doth protest too much, I think.

but why seen a lot in here... "me think"?, Does it need "s" after "think", bec "me" is single noun..?

"The ladies doth protest too much, methinks."

Ijustwannateach, kindly teach me nhoi sii...

"me thinks" and "I think" which one is correct?

I was taught to use "I think", though it is at the end of sentence...

I will say... The ladies doth protest too much, I think.

but why seen a lot in here... "me think"?, Does it need "s" after "think", bec "me" is single noun..?



My TorLae... :o What is so funny ror..honey?

Bah.. you said I am looking for pillow talk stories.. and you put me into Pattaya's battle..and you also said I should have been working..

Do we need to talk, huh....? How come you stay up this late? Not sleepy ror?

I am too mental-tired to get serious, big deal social problem na... why do they get me too hard nia?

I just feel unfairness for woman in Thai Morality Standard...

The world keeps going on, but the Thai (Chinese, too) tradition stays still :D

I have failed, been considered to be immoral Thai in many ways lei... arai wa? Not fair at all...

Btw, Britmaveric is right, I like your opinion ka.

My TorLae... :o What is so funny ror..honey?

Bah.. you said I am looking for pillow talk stories.. and you put me into Pattaya's battle..and you also said I should have been working..

Do we need to talk, huh....? How come you stay up this late? Not sleepy ror?

I am too mental-tired to get serious, big deal social problem na... why do they get me too hard nia?

I just feel unfairness for woman in Thai Morality Standard...

The world keeps going on, but the Thai (Chinese, too) tradition stays still :D

I have failed, been considered to be immoral Thai in many ways lei... arai wa? Not fair at all...

Btw, Britmaveric is right, I like your opinion ka.

What’s with the 100 questions.?!?!?!

1st when I think of Bangkok and sex, I think of a “door” about to fall of the hinge’s, or terminates could get in it. I don’t know if this is morals or paranoia.

Even I do enjoy some parts of the night life, theres not much interested in the after party.

Advice for women thou? Give the dude “blue balls” for a couple of days and see how he handles himself.

Morals are not really apart of nature, the 2 don’t co-exist. But a bit of self discipline can go a long way.

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