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Take Your Child To Work - Every Day!


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Loosecannon & Maigo6.....you blokes are regular comedians.....fortunately my comments had nothing to do with thailand in particular, they related to taking children to work, full stop. It would matter what country you were in or what breed of ignoramus you were dealing with, theres just times where its not suitable.

But don't let me stop you from your activities of flaming people for what they have written, personally I didnt take any of Simons post to reflect negatively on thais in particular BUT then again YOU guys will build anything up to suit yourselves.....part of being the big brave men that you are. You are slightly entertaining in a sad deficient kind of way.

Maigo6.....you usually post to a much higher standard than this, are you feeling unwell today?

Edited by neverdie
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Hi guys, just to remind you of my OP...

I've just got back from the AirAsia ticket office at Phuket Airport. As I spoke to the ticketing staff I watched with amusement as her young son (about 5 years old), played with the office/ticketing computer and - horrors of horrors! - started deleting various files!!

But it seems quite normal and totally accepted in Thailand that staff can bring their young children to work with them. Presumably there is no-one available in the family to take care of them.

Do pre-school playschools not exist here? Or are they too expensive for the avergae income? If you were a manager of Thai staff, would you allow your staff to bring their kids to work? Would you be shunned if you forbade your staff from bringing their kids to work?

Oh also - if you had booked a ticket with AirAsia from Phuket, it may be that your seat reservation has just been cancelled


I was trying to open a sensible discussion about bringing kids to work and asked open questions to see if this practicie was 'normal' at their place of work. I then cited a humorous (but potentially damaging) incident at the AirAsia office to give an example of what unsupervised kids can do!

Unfortunately, a serious post was hijacked by a couple of members who have totally misunderstood my OP, (possible due to lack of brain cells or lack of English language comprehension skills).

I neither criticised or supported kids in the office. <deleted>, It's not a 'let's knock Thailand thread!!'


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Unfortunately, a serious post was hijacked by a couple of members who have totally misunderstood my OP, (possible due to lack of brain cells or lack of English language comprehension skills).


lol, this coming from a guy that supposedly witnessed a child deleting files on an AirAsia office computer and never said a word to the woman who could not see the child doing this.

Now, talking of a lack of brain cells, who was using your one that day ? :o

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Loosecannon & Maigo6.....you blokes are regular comedians.....fortunately my comments had nothing to do with thailand in particular, they related to taking children to work, full stop. It would matter what country you were in or what breed of ignoramus you were dealing with, theres just times where its not suitable.

But don't let me stop you from your activities of flaming people for what they have written, personally I didnt take any of Simons post to reflect negatively on thais in particular BUT then again YOU guys will build anything up to suit yourselves.....part of being the big brave men that you are. You are slightly entertaining in a sad deficient kind of way.

Maigo6.....you usually post to a much higher standard than this, are you feeling unwell today?

Hit a raw nerve?

"....fortunately my comments had nothing to do with thailand in particular..." - so what is this all about (your post #52)?

"I don't think you will find anyone bickering about a well behaved child in the workplace, given most of us are well aware of what happens here in thailand...."

So what does happen in Thailand?

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you know what? im sick of this thread. the bickering and slagging off other members is really not what we are about.

i am closing this thread without giving any warnings, but i do suggest that some of you go and take a warm bath and a valium.



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