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Big Dog Loose In Chiang Mai


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Not the kind of big dog that Neinke can train to stop barking but this one could almost certainly sort out any issues you might be having with the neighbours...


For those who haven't yet seen it, here's a link to the

of this baby strutting its stuff. They say it'll be ready for active military service in about ten years. Actually it was quite intimidating being this close when it was walking around so thinking about an armed one is very scary.
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Greenside, Where did you see it? I saw this video about three years ago and it is indeed amazing. Why is the darn thing in CM of all places? There is another video out there of it stumbling in the snow, and its recovery is very human or animal-like.

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:o I think I saw it strung up in the Kad Suan Kaew car park. Someone must have removed the legs though, I thought they were hoisting an engine.

Lots of US & Thai army around, looked a bit funny in the car park though. Strange place to congregate.

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:o I think I saw it strung up in the Kad Suan Kaew car park. Someone must have removed the legs though, I thought they were hoisting an engine.

Lots of US & Thai army around, looked a bit funny in the car park though. Strange place to congregate.

Yes, that's where it was. I glanced in my mirror while giving my parking ticket to the guard at the gate and saw it hanging from a hoist with its legs dangling and although I've only seen the video I knew exactly what it was in an instant. Snatched our ticket back from the guy and did a U turn to take the pictures. Nice bunch of guys and the machine itself is really worthy of that over used word, awesome.

The rear end.....


and its head....


...complete with laser scanner and aerial ears. Check out the way it recovers on ice in the video I linked to above - it really looks like two people facing each other and hidden in the machine somehow.

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At first i saw it, it was from a distance, and wondered what the hel_l it was, especially when i saw the guys kicking it a bit! Was SO strange how it walked. Looked like something out of Star Wars! Amazing looking thing, very very noisy though.

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:D I think I saw it strung up in the Kad Suan Kaew car park. Someone must have removed the legs though, I thought they were hoisting an engine.

Lots of US & Thai army around, looked a bit funny in the car park though. Strange place to congregate.

Yes, that's where it was. I glanced in my mirror while giving my parking ticket to the guard at the gate and saw it hanging from a hoist with its legs dangling and although I've only seen the video I knew exactly what it was in an instant. Snatched our ticket back from the guy and did a U turn to take the pictures. Nice bunch of guys and the machine itself is really worthy of that over used word, awesome.

The rear end.....


and its head....


...complete with laser scanner and aerial ears. Check out the way it recovers on ice in the video I linked to above - it really looks like two people facing each other and hidden in the machine somehow.

Is this what we have to look forward to for the upcoming futur ....Wow ....what a delight ..../ :D Nienke...this will however make your life easier nah ? Shouldn't be too hard to train these little creatures...uh?? what do you call them again ....robot dogs .....just get the right computer program and learn how to use it ....you can then sit in an air conditioned office with your Mac Lap Top and do your stuff!! No sweating in the torrid heat, no screaming or jumping up and down and getting high blood pressure ....just put in the commands ....and also, you can get another robot made to give these ones the affection , love and care that they need ..... soooo exciting ...and just think about it ... When I call you to go out for dinner you'll be able to say yes everytime cause you won't have to worry about getting home to get everybody comfortably settled in for the night ...Just program it on your fancy Mac and party away ....don't even have to worry about staff showing up or not, and / or not being there when the festival / holidays come around ...YOU'LL BE A FREE WOMAN !!! Yeah ....! Way to go!!! Convince all your customers to do away with their painful little creatures that they have now, that bark and need to be walked / cared for and get one of these ......

Oh!!... and when your computer crashes and all these little lovely creatures are running havoc, I have a genius Web Admin I can recommend to you who can fix everything within 24 to 36 hours ...if there is anything left to fix therafter :o ...nah, don't worry he is really good .. And the next thing we can look forward to, are the Steel motorized trees that the government is planning to put in to replace the ones that are randomly being cut down all over the place ...they also have wondefull features ....look it up on google and see what they do when one of these new dogs pee on them ..life is soo exciting in the 21st century :D

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Is this what we have to look forward to for the upcoming futur ....Wow ....what a delight ..../ :burp: Nienke...this will however make your life easier nah ? Doooooooon't think soShouldn't be too hard to train these little creatures...uh?? what do you call them again ....robot dogs .....just get the right computer program and learn how to use it you can then sit in an air conditioned office with your Mac Lap Top and do your stuff!! ....Mac Lap top? Learn how to use it?Whole day in an aircon room?:D No sun, no wind, no sounds of birds? :burp: No sweating in the torrid heat, no screaming or jumping up and down and getting high blood pressure ....5555555555555 No screaming, shouting, jumping, high blood pressure or throwing the bl******* computer out of the window? just put in the commands ....and also, you can get another robot made to give these ones the affection , love and care that they need ..... soooo exciting ...and just think about it ... Not a second... When I call you to go out for dinner you'll be able to say yes everytime cause you won't have to worry about getting home to get everybody comfortably settled in for the night ... Just program it on your fancy Mac and party away ....don't even have to worry about staff showing up or not, and / or not being there when the festival / holidays come around ...YOU'LL BE A FREE WOMAN !!! Yeah ....! Way to go!!! But i will get boooooooooooored within the shortest time :D Convince all your customers to do away with their painful little creatures that they have now, that bark and need to be walked / cared for and get one of these ......Bet some will try to convince their neighbors to do so. :P

Oh!!... and when your computer crashes and all these little lovely creatures are running havoc, I have a genius Web Admin I can recommend to you who can fix everything within 24 to 36 hours ...EVERYTHING??????????? :wai: Hansum? Can he cook as well? if there is anything left to fix therafter :o ...nah, don't worry he is really good .. And the next thing we can look forward to, are the Steel motorized trees that the government is planning to put in to replace the ones that are randomly being cut down all over the place ...they also have wondefull features ....look it up on google and see what they do when one of these new dogs pee on them ..life is soo exciting in the 21st century :DVeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyy :D :jerk:

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Defintely incredible. But also scary. The development of these robots, I mean.

Nienke: When do your software and control system theory courses start? Yep, you are going to need new skills!

Fat chance!!

I'll be the rebel in the forest. :D New skills: how to survive in the forest :o

Edited by Nienke
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Defintely incredible. But also scary. The development of these robots, I mean.

Nienke: When do your software and control system theory courses start? Yep, you are going to need new skills!

Fat chance!!

I'll be the rebel in the forest. :D New skills: how to survive in the forest :o

:D Good Plan!

So.. Since this thread started with a big dog, how about ending it with a big stick?


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I saw it too! At the back of Kad Suan Kaew yesterday! Truly creepy was the way its legs totally adjusted to the terrain, not quite like a human's, but like a toddlers, you know how they don't have the knee-bending quite down pat? What on earth is it for?

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Robotics are cool for sure.

The thing that is a bit scary is the fact that as the military gets more & more into this.....

less & less life or death decision will have a 2nd thought of a human soldier behind it.

Now that is scary to me. Im sure it is something the military would love though.

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