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I Was Cheated In Bangkok Airport


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its a hard lesson to learn.every time i use these exchanges i only give them what i need to get out of the place and no more .just enough for a taxi etc then exchange the rest when i get to where i am going .


On 31 december i arrived from Singapore to Bangkok international airport,After going through the immigration and custom's i went to the currency exchange to exchange a couple of foreign currency...

My last transaction was a Singapore dollar...I gave the Exchange Cleark Singapore $270 in $50= 5 notes and $10+2 notes

After Printing out the the receipt it pointed out that i gave him Singapore $170..When i told him that i gave him $270 he keep on telling me that i gave him only $170...I had and arguement with him until i had to called over my contact which is an officer in the Airport Authority to backed me up...

When i requested the Exhange cleark to show me the footage of the recorded CCTV camera he Shouted at us saying ...NO!!No!! No camera you GO! Go away and throw the money to me...

We had to called upon the Police and went to make a statement in the police Station...We made a police report and i acccused that man of cheating me ...But Police told me to make a complaint to the Bank Head Office..As the Police can't Do anything about this matter as the Exchange counted CCTV was not in working condition....I will be meeting the Bank Incharge this wenesday..Well just wanna know what happen if the Bank refuse to give back my money...

during the incident the exchange cleark says that he check the account in the counter and its all balance...

Offcource hthe money in his counter was balance because he put the $100 dollar in some other places....

I realy need hep in this...Coz the Exchange counter cant show me the video footage because it was not workingg..Can i sue them in Court ????

I just wants to know the thruts and Justicer to be taken seriously...my mood was really turn off by this incident...

please do email me at

[email protected]


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Actually, you can scroll back over all transactions on either the control board or the register if its controled from there. Next time go inside and demand that it be done. These things can't be tampered with by just any pump wench.


Yes, I thought about that, but as I was en route to Krabi to visit my g/f's grandmother in hospital I really couldn't afford the time or be bothered for 100 baht. But it really p1ssed me off for a long time - just the sheer bl00dy cheek of it.

I just hope for "เวรกรรม" "wen gam" - retribution.

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In over twenty trips to LOS over an 11 year period, I have never come across a situation where I was short changed...usually it is the other way around and I have a he11 of a job telling them that they are ripping themselves off. This has occured in Go Go bars, at the airport when you paid the departure tax at check in, and in 7/11 stores.

But I know I was scammed at the airport in Ho Chi Minh City,

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My advice is to forget about it.

And you get payed to make comments like this.

I don't know what that's supposed to mean. But advice is good. You will never get anywhere in Thailand (or anywhere else) in a one-man's-word-against-another's situation, where there is no evidence or proof either way. In the eyes of the law, it is equally possible that you made a mistake -- or are maliciously accusing the clerk -- as it is that he short-changed you.

In any case, one undeniable fact is that time is money. For this little amount of money, I would not advise wasting a lot of time trying to recover it. It's not going to be worthwhile in the end.

That's my advice, and I stick by it.

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The worst place for scams I have exprienced is Vietnam. Not a day that past with out several attempts for a scam.

In over twenty trips to LOS over an 11 year period, I have never come across a situation where I was short changed...usually it is the other way around and I have a he11 of a job telling them that they are ripping themselves off. This has occured in Go Go bars, at the airport when you paid the departure tax at check in, and in 7/11 stores.

But I know I was scammed at the airport in Ho Chi Minh City,

Scams happen all over the world. Most often they are not scams, but human mistakes. Some places are worse than others. I think the best way to deal with it is to speak up loud and let the whole world know what happened. And also do remember that sometimes you are the person that is wrong and not them. When ever somebody cheats you give them a hard time. It is a principle more than it is begin cheated. And dont let it bother your life too much. Do what ever you can to get your money back and give them a hard time. Then get on with your life.

And do go take that picture of the guy who changed the money from you. Even though it can not be used for anything it will for sure not be nice for him to know that when he scams people, there will be a photo of him.

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Southern Thais - jai dum mak maak!

Come on, you know better than that... :o

QUOTE(Bkk_Bound @ 2005-01-03 15:11:35)

Southern Thais - jai dum mak maak!


Some very poor generalisations here guys, especially after the last few days ... and RDN I see you live in Phuket also :D

You're right - not "Maak maak", but certainly "Nid noy". And this is in no way connected to the disaster here. But people in the South - and I'm not talking about the very south, or the troubles there - but the southern Thais just don't seem to be so friendly, or happy as those from the North.

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On a nother note, on my last visit to LOS I went to one of those booths to exchange some Euro's for THB. And I don't know what happened but the clerck gave us the exchange rate for Pounds. Nice little profit. Maybe a little bit jai dum of me?  :o

:D The clerk probably had to reimburse the difference...

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Southern Thais - jai dum mak maak!

Come on, you know better than that... :o

QUOTE(Bkk_Bound @ 2005-01-03 15:11:35)

Southern Thais - jai dum mak maak!


Some very poor generalisations here guys, especially after the last few days ... and RDN I see you live in Phuket also :D

You're right - not "Maak maak", but certainly "Nid noy". And this is in no way connected to the disaster here. But people in the South - and I'm not talking about the very south, or the troubles there - but the southern Thais just don't seem to be so friendly, or happy as those from the North.

Yes, I agree that many southerners don't have the ready smiles you'll find in the north, but having lived and taught in the south (Songkhla) for a couple of years, I feel much differently in regards to judgements about them.

I always liked the fact that many southerners speak very straight- forward, and in my experience, once a southerner warms up to you, you have a loyal friend forever... Maybe I see a lot of myself in many of them, and vice versa, so that's why I've never had a problem making good friends in the south...

Though I love Chiang Mai, it certainly does seem that many of the smiles here are no more than a facade, and often reason to be more on guard... Part of that stems from the heavy tourist scene that abounds with shifty folks (as I'd imagine you'd find in Phuket, too)

In any case, these Thais are still individuals and don't derserve to be mass-painted with a brush of any color. Our experiences are bound to vary but, again, these are individuals acting as themselves, not as people who act in such a way based purely on geographic location. Mass judgements may be easier and make us feel better and less connected to those individuals who've ripped us off or whatever, but that still doesn't make them right or true, nor does it contribute to keeping one's mind open, a necessary survival skill here, I firmly believe.

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Yes, I agree that many southerners don't have the ready smiles you'll find in the north, but having lived and taught in the south (Songkhla) for a couple of years, I feel much differently in regards to judgements about them.

I always liked the fact that many southerners speak very straight- forward, and in my experience, once a southerner warms up to you, you have a loyal friend forever... Maybe I see a lot of myself in many of them, and vice versa, so that's why I've never had a problem making good friends in the south...

Though I love Chiang Mai, it certainly does seem that many of the smiles here are no more than a facade, and often reason to be more on guard... Part of that stems from the heavy tourist scene that abounds with shifty folks (as I'd imagine you'd find in Phuket, too)

In any case, these Thais are still individuals and don't derserve to be mass-painted with a brush of any color. Our experiences are bound to vary but, again, these are individuals acting as themselves,  not as people who act in such a way based purely on geographic location. Mass judgements may be easier and make us feel better and less connected to those individuals who've ripped us off or whatever, but that still doesn't make them right or true, nor does it contribute to keeping one's mind open, a necessary survival skill here, I firmly believe.

I have to admit that I agree with a lot that you say! Having lived here for 15 months, we - well, really my g/f - are now recognised by quite a few of the market folks - the people who sell food at the half dozen or so Thai open air markets in Kata, Rawai and Chalong that we go to nearly every day. These people move their stalls to different markets each day and they now recognise and talk to her. But it's taken a long time!! And you're right too about the wariness of Thais to certain types of farang - not that I'm special - but at least we've been together for 18 months, and when they see me or my g/f they always see the other half.

I guess my biggest problem is with the traffic. Too many air-con minibuses, green-plated hotel cars and yaba-crazed lorry drivers... oh, and I mustn't forget the boy racers on their souped up motorcys :D And with Phuket growing as fast as it is, this particular problem is getting worse. Anyway, if I really didn't like the people, I wouldn't be here :o It's still a lot better than the UK :D

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Southern Thais - jai dum mak maak!

Come on, you know better than that... :D

QUOTE(Bkk_Bound @ 2005-01-03 15:11:35)

Southern Thais - jai dum mak maak!


Some very poor generalisations here guys, especially after the last few days ... and RDN I see you live in Phuket also :D

You're right - not "Maak maak", but certainly "Nid noy". And this is in no way connected to the disaster here. But people in the South - and I'm not talking about the very south, or the troubles there - but the southern Thais just don't seem to be so friendly, or happy as those from the North.

I had to laugh at your comment as you said the same as some Thai people believe.As a Thai I can tell you that Thai people do generalise other Thai from different part of Thailand (ask your Thai partner!). Mostly,they said the southerners are harder and cruel,while the northerners are sweet and kind. May I stress that this is nothing relate to the disaster right now and all the Thai people disregard to where we live have been helping and donating as much as we can!

Even the southerners themself aware of this prejudice. I once got lost in my new university and got chatting to other girl who also lost. but once we found the classroom, she said to me 'I am so glad you don't mind me being a southerner' What!!! :o Then I said 'oh ok my best friend is a southerner from Songkla' :D

And yes scam happen everywhere to everyone. And the one to do with the money exchange booth is new to me.These are what I have heard of;

-Petrol scam as RDN experienced,happened to a lot of Thais too.

-Mobile phone (cell phone), someone borrow your phone because their battery ran out and need to make emergency call,and walk away for privacy. In return they left their fancy expensive looking phone with you. Well ,that phone is only a shell,inside is some heavy rubbish.

-Credit card scam, you got your card back after paying in shops or restaurant. But is it your card or someone else's old expired card but look the same as yours?

-You know you will never accept drink or food from stranger but will you accept a piece of folded paper and then open it up? Don't!! the drug inside will knock you out and you will lose everything. (A new warning from The Thai News Agency)

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Actually, you can scroll back over all transactions on either the control board or the register if its controled from there. Next time go inside and demand that it be done. These things can't be tampered with by just any pump wench.


Yes, I thought about that, but as I was en route to Krabi to visit my g/f's grandmother in hospital I really couldn't afford the time or be bothered for 100 baht. But it really p1ssed me off for a long time - just the sheer bl00dy cheek of it.

I just hope for "เวรกรรม" "wen gam" - retribution.

That scam was pulled on a colleage(sp) a few months ago.

He wrote to Mobil and rec'd a refund, an apology and the pumper was sacked.

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Yeah, get the picture of the clerk and tell the bank you're going to the papers, but don't lose too much sleep on it...it's really not worth losing the hair over.

Just try to keep in mind that all these fcukers who rip you off will hopefully get theirs some day, with interest.

I wouldn't call the southeners jai dam, period...lived there for three years and find just as many jai dam up in the north today.

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Well thanx for everyone comment...Well yeah this Exchange Cleark was really a cheater and a scum...He taught i am nobody in Bangkok just a normal Tourist but he doesnt know that i have been living in Thailand for the past 4 years and have families and that i was attached with the Bangkok Bank football Team Thai league 3 years ago..He taught that i do not know any high ranking officers such as Minister of finance ,Police commisioner,Director of Airport...

It was very funny when my wife called her friend to come down to the Airpot Police Station who happens to be the Chief officer of airport Authority..When our contact comes to the police station to give us a support the Exchange Cleark and manager did not say a word.....As we could see that they have been doing this scam alot of times....And also my embasidor friend wanted to come down to the Airport but i told him let me handle this idiots my self....

Yeah $100 dollars is not important but i just wanna teach these idiots not to play around with any other people if their is not working.!!!hahahahah!!!

Can all of you belives these When the cleark and the manager are being Questiooned of their CCTV video they said its not working for a long time..There we catch him cheating....

on 5/1/2005 we going to the Bank office ....The the best part is that the Exchange manager told us that there is no use of us going to the Bank head office to make a complaint as we can get any refund...Well after he said this my wife immidieatlty contact our friend who is a high ranking officer in that bank and made a report..When these idiots heard that we are talking on the phone with his Bosses of the Bank their Faces turn Pale...I was really having fun tossing these scumback around....

They really cheated the wrong Person....Well they taught they could just pick some1 looking by the cover coz during that time my attire was only in Jeans and shirt looking like a poor man.....

Well this is a lesson for every1 to learn.....

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The Bank that i meant is , Krung Thai Bank

it happen on 31/12/2004 4 hours before new year....I exchange the money because i was thinking of getting a Burger coz my stomach was really hungry...

Well i was thinking of going to the papers showing that this Exchange bank was really a cheater..Any newspaper reporter out there would like to get my Storries?? email me at ..

[email protected]

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Great stuff Liberiosyah!

Scams in the airport are conducted assuming that people are in a hurry and would never complain for small amounts. I remember reading a similar story (was it on ThaiVisa?) with the airport tax a couple years ago.

Keep us posted after your visit to the bank HO, will you? :o

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Southern Thais - jai dum mak maak!

Come on, you know better than that... :o

QUOTE(Bkk_Bound @ 2005-01-03 15:11:35)

Southern Thais - jai dum mak maak!


Some very poor generalisations here guys, especially after the last few days ... and RDN I see you live in Phuket also :D

You're right - not "Maak maak", but certainly "Nid noy". And this is in no way connected to the disaster here. But people in the South - and I'm not talking about the very south, or the troubles there - but the southern Thais just don't seem to be so friendly, or happy as those from the North.

And yes scam happen everywhere to everyone. And the one to do with the money exchange booth is new to me.These are what I have heard of;

-Petrol scam as RDN experienced,happened to a lot of Thais too.

-Mobile phone (cell phone), someone borrow your phone because their battery ran out and need to make emergency call,and walk away for privacy. In return they left their fancy expensive looking phone with you. Well ,that phone is only a shell,inside is some heavy rubbish.

-Credit card scam, you got your card back after paying in shops or restaurant. But is it your card or someone else's old expired card but look the same as yours?

-You know you will never accept drink or food from stranger but will you accept a piece of folded paper and then open it up? Don't!! the drug inside will knock you out and you will lose everything. (A new warning from The Thai News Agency)

I've also noticed Thais scrutinising receipts when paying for meals and drinks when out with friends in a restaurant or entertainment venue, making sure that no extra items have been added. :D

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This is a common practice amongst Thais.

As a guest/visitor/holidaymaker/tourist/resident/etc... in this country I'd recommend adopting the same practice... especially in light of all of the postings here.

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This is a common practice amongst Thais.

As a guest/visitor/holidaymaker/tourist/resident/etc... in this country I'd recommend adopting the same practice... especially in light of all of the postings here.

I have only had it happen one time that I am aware of here in Thailand - short change from a gas station store which they refunded after a cash count. But wife will always check bills closely when we eat out.

Foreign exchange is always a problem area as most do not know the exchange rates and are in a hurry. I have had it happen twice in Penang - once short at a money exchange and did not catch until later. Once by hotel desk where he counted and put 100 Ringitt under paper before handing me money - I did catch that one and he quickly made good. Also had problems with eating bills at that same hotel so expect the Indian employees were also taking if from the owners as they would ring up much less than what they charged.

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Regarding restaurant bills, I never used to check them, would just look at the total and add the 10% tip. My girlfriend checks them though and on two occasions she has found a couple of extra items placed on the bill.

Next time I will definetely be checking. :o

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This is a common practice amongst Thais.

As a guest/visitor/holidaymaker/tourist/resident/etc... in this country I'd recommend adopting the same practice... especially in light of all of the postings here.

I have only had it happen one time that I am aware of here in Thailand - short change from a gas station store which they refunded after a cash count. But wife will always check bills closely when we eat out.

Foreign exchange is always a problem area as most do not know the exchange rates and are in a hurry. I have had it happen twice in Penang - once short at a money exchange and did not catch until later. Once by hotel desk where he counted and put 100 Ringitt under paper before handing me money - I did catch that one and he quickly made good. Also had problems with eating bills at that same hotel so expect the Indian employees were also taking if from the owners as they would ring up much less than what they charged.

Which hotel, Lop? Not the Continental?

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Southern Thais - jai dum mak maak!

Come on, you know better than that... :o

QUOTE(Bkk_Bound @ 2005-01-03 15:11:35)

Southern Thais - jai dum mak maak!


Some very poor generalisations here guys, especially after the last few days ... and RDN I see you live in Phuket also :D

You're right - not "Maak maak", but certainly "Nid noy". And this is in no way connected to the disaster here. But people in the South - and I'm not talking about the very south, or the troubles there - but the southern Thais just don't seem to be so friendly, or happy as those from the North.

That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Get real, I have lived here for 16 years and have found the locals to be lovely, generous and accepting. Perhaps it is something about you instead? Southerners are certainly less obviously friendly, but then they are more discriminate in who they put up with. Obvious idiots get treated as they should.

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Great stuff Liberiosyah!

Scams in the airport are conducted assuming that people are in a hurry and would never complain for small amounts. I remember reading a similar story (was it on ThaiVisa?) with the airport tax a couple years ago.

Keep us posted after your visit to the bank HO, will you?  :o

You got it exactly Sphere. I was ripped off by $10 at the Krung Thai exchange booth in the don Muang domestic airport about a month ago, and was in a real hurry and didn't notice til I was just about to board the plane. It might have been the same guy, but suspect that it goes on a little here and a little there by more than one staff, totting up every day to a hefty sum. Maybe they hand the money back if the customer makes a big scene, but suspect most get away scot-free. so well done Liberio for pursuing it, though it's sad that one needs "high-up contacts" before justice is seen to be served.

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Been in THAILAND 9 MONTHS only as far as I know I have been ripped off 2 times. One I won, the other I lost. Both involved 1000 baht notes. Both rip offs involved people in Bangkok. They both said I had only given them 100 baht.

First was a taxi driver late at night, about 2 -30 in morning I wasn't drunk for all those who may think this. But out of money, so stopped at a ATM. I got 5000 baht out in crisp 1000 baht notes. That was the way they came out of the machine. Any how Taxi meter reads 60 baht at the end of the trip I gave him the money he smiles at me and gives me 40 baht change, I smile back at him and do the more money sign. He says to me by sign pointing to his pocket which has a 100 baht note in it, that is what I gave him.

I say give me my change in English, he just smiles at me. I look at the the sleeping hotel guard and shout out loude to him Kartoad = excuse me. The guard remains asleep. The taxi driver gives me another 100 baht and smiles at me.

I look at him the taxi driver and reshout at the sleeping guard KARTOAD. The taxi driver stops smiling. The guard still sleeps ( how the ###### he can sleep thou this amazers me)

The taxi driver reachers into his pocket and counts out change for as if I gave him 500 baht, I take the money and still sit in his taxi. The taxi meter is still ticking.

The taxi man thinks he has won, but no, I now reach into my top pocket and pull out the 4 brand new 1000 baht notes with the receipt and hold my 5 fingers up and count in English, touching each figer as I count up to 5. One, two, three, four, five and then do the motion of give me more money with my hand. He says no, I open the door and shout at the sleeping guard TAMURARD= Police. The taxi driver goes ape shit. And gives me the proper change, buy the way the guard is still sleeping.

I put my hand on the door handle to leave the taxi, the taxi driver points to the meter that has gone up 5 baht. I say oppai = go away, I slam the door and gop to bed. The slamming door didn't wake up the guard.

Oh, the next day I read in the papers a taxi driver killed a passager over some argument :D

The 2nd rip off was when I went to pick up my laundry, it was 80 baht. I said to her I only had a 1000 baht is that ok, she smiled and went away to get me my change. She came back with 20 baht. I said I gave you 1000 baht she just looked at me and said no you gave me 100. I said to her I told you that I didn't have change. She said SMILING at me, I woundered why you said that seeing you only gave me 100 baht. No cameras in the laundry ;(

I was new to Thailand in this case. I have learned my lesson. :o

Hope this helps others

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