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Crashed Me Bike Last Nite. Bloody Crap Thai Drivers.


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post-62652-1233674215_thumb.jpg Hi all had a wee little accident last nite on 'SuperSonic' my Cbr250. was going along the road in the outside/3rd lane when a pickup truck came out of a side soi, blasted across the road into the 3rd lane then promptly slowed down. having no where to go i braked heavily but due to the fact the wanke_r was slowing ploughed straight into the back of him. :o

Luckily there was a witness. a local shop keeper had been outside talking to her friend when it happened and saw it all, she even called the police and when they got there told them it was the truck drivers fault.......how lucky is that. any way his insurance came and agreed to repair my bike. i dropped it off this afternoon. should know how long to fix in a few days.... the guys gonna have to be pretty lucky finding everything for a 20 year old bike, but heres hoping :D

But just half an hour after my accident there was another one this time a scooter blasts out of the soi into the 3rd lane and blam a pickup smashes into him... i dont think he was so lucky. no helmet, shorts etc........my stomach was in my mouth when i heard the smash. but the police and ambulance were already there cos of me. the pick up driver tried getting away but was blocked in on purpose by some other cars.

Oh and by the way it goes to show that you should wear protective kit at all times. i walked away with a few scratches and bruises.






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Thanks Dotcom. i would rather have the money then i could stick some decent upside downs on there and turn it into a race bike. but so far no go. i'm gonna talk to the guy thats repairing it see what i can sort out.


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A real bummer Allan but thank goodness you are ok!

Back home your bike would be considered totaled and you'd just get a check for whatever the insurance company thinks it's worth. Seems in Thailand the preference is to repair the vehicle. Still it'd be nice if you could just take the cash and put it towards your new Ninja! :o

Again- glad to hear you're ok!!!

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Pickups should be banned ! :o

But seriously, glad to hear it wasn't more serious (in your case at least). It seems that too many accidents are the result of driver error/carelessness. Not paying attention to what's going on around them, off in their own little world until they hear the bang/crunch.

You'd think that the locals especially would be more aware, having grown up in this environment. How could they not develop some road sense after living here all their lives ? Or they just don't care ?

Sometimes even having eyes in the back of your head and super spidey sense just ain't enough. :D

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Sometimes even having eyes in the back of your head and super spidey sense just ain't enough. :o

Yeah you really need at least 6 eyes when driving over here.The only place they don't come from yet is out of the air,but I'm sure they will soon somehow.

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Mate from my observations Thais generally only think about the next 5 seconds of their lives and do not give a <deleted> about any one or anything around them. They are brought up this way. to not value or regard what other people are doing. the truck driver was adamant at 1st that 'not his fault' when i asked via the person translating ( a lovely Thai English teacher from the local school) what do you mean it's not your fault.............. he sez you hit me and my truck bigger............so i sez but if you hadn't pulled out in front of me!......... still the police saw sense and said it was his fault........thank god.

(also this was not in Bangkok or Pattaya, so the police are much friendly. also maybe i teach one of his kids, who knows :o )

yep he was going for the U-Turn. because every time another idiot did it he pointed. he only shut up and stopped pointing when the other guy on the scooter got totalled. i think then he realized what a stupid thing it was to do.

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thai drivers are crap,go to fast and too close to each other,and swearving in and out ...depending on their mirrors all the time ..never thinking of blind spots.......hope you get everything fixed up

Depending on their mirrors?Most thais consider that as an accessory to be able to puke hair out of their nose at a traffic light.

edit:changed your nose to their nose as that would be more practical.

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thai drivers are crap,go to fast and too close to each other,and swearving in and out ...depending on their mirrors all the time ..never thinking of blind spots.......hope you get everything fixed up

Depending on their mirrors?Most thais consider that as an accessory to be able to puke hair out of your nose at a traffic light.

Indeed- when Somchai made a sudden lane change and bumped me on my Ninja because he couldn't be bothered to LOOK at his mirror first I returned the favor by knocking the dam_n thing off and speeding away! (Dave_Boo is my witness!) :o:D:D

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Guaranteed the guy was crossing a 6 lane road to make a U turn. Laziness pure & simple. He couldn't be arsed to go to the next U turn. Zero training or common sense.

See it all the time on the side road under bang-na-trad skyway, after Central Bang na ..actually closer to my home in bng Phli, there is a side road that comes about 50mtr before a u-turn bridge, its really bloody dangerous, they creep out and then try to cut across .. I have nearly gone into the side of two stupid pickup drivers there in the last week

Anyway thaicbr, you walked away and that is best news.....



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Thaicbr ... I'm am really glad to hear you are ok.

I have an idea for us all. Why don't you repost your accident in a New Thread I opened called "Face Plant".

That will be the on-going thread where we can chronicle mishaps, near-accidents, real-accidents, etc. We can all learn from each other.

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thai drivers are crap,go to fast and too close to each other,and swearving in and out ...depending on their mirrors all the time ..never thinking of blind spots.......hope you get everything fixed up

Depending on their mirrors?Most thais consider that as an accessory to be able to puke hair out of your nose at a traffic light.

Indeed- when Somchai made a sudden lane change and bumped me on my Ninja because he couldn't be bothered to LOOK at his mirror first I returned the favor by knocking the dam_n thing off and speeding away! (Dave_Boo is my witness!) :o:D:D

Cool biking man, that'll teach the fcker! :D

Hope you're machine gets fixed soon mate

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I find that when approaching any branch road side street U turn area anywhere that this type of behavoiur is likely to happen ASSUME IT WILL AND SLOW DOWN better than a smashed bike or limb, we all know Thai driving is undiciplined and unpredictable, I get frustrated having to do this even when they have seen you they will pull out and if you are carrying a lot of speed you may have a collision so slow down and give yourself more time to react.



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when Somchai made a sudden lane change and bumped me on my Ninja because he couldn't be bothered to LOOK at his mirror first I returned the favor by knocking the dam_n thing off and speeding away!
Excellent! I assume it was a downward strike on the mirror as they can usually flex back and forth.
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thai drivers are crap,go to fast and too close to each other,and swearving in and out ...depending on their mirrors all the time ..never thinking of blind spots.......hope you get everything fixed up

Barry, I think you are assuming that they are looking in the mirrors. As others have pointed out, most of em don't even bother looking to see whats coming before pulling out YET alone look in the mirrors.

Allan, How the hel_l are your wrists??? Looks like you had a moment of extreme pressure there, glad you are okay! I hope you check to see what repairs are being done to your bike, nothing dodgy is acceptable, make sure you go and get in the repairers face asap!

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How about this one then? Just several days ago I had a motorbike hit me while I was a pedestrian. I was exercising by walking and running from Naklua down to Walking Street and back. On my return, and by this time I was only walking I was coming down the sidewalk on 2nd Road approximately one or two blocks North of Soi Six on the West side of the street. There was a little street in front of me and everything being clear ahead I started to walk across. I got halfway across when I suddenly got hit by a motorbike, not hard thank god but hit nevertheless. What had happened is two Thai gals were on a motorbike driving North on 2nd Road and the driver suddenly decided to turn left. I could not see the motorbike while crossing the little soi as they were to my right and a bit behind me. So I wound up with this motorbike up against my right side after striking my right arm. We were almost tangled up together. I just stood there for several seconds or so with a very sour look on my face. I got a brief glimpse of the two gals and detected from their general demeanor that they considered me at fault for being a foreigner who should not have been in the space they wanted to turn into in the first place. No apology. Nothing from either girl. There were a couple motorbikes following them. No reaction from anyone on either of the other two bikes. I suppose running down pedestrians in this quarter of Pattaya is normally accepted behavior. Had this happened in the U.S. the driver of the motorbike would have had her gonads removed on the spot even though she didn't have any. This is a new first in the annals of my personal experiences of getting around in the Pattaya area, even topping the time a Thai woman driver of a motorbike rear ended my motorbike while I was crossing a speed bump.

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Livin. i think i'm gonna go on down to the repair shop Saturday, it seems this place specialises in big bike repairs, its not just the forks but the headers got crumpled as well and i'm not sure about the Rad. so gonna go look to make sure nothing gets hurried or hid. Allan

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Oh and by the way it goes to show that you should wear protective kit at all times. i walked away with a few scratches and bruises.

Tell us about the protective kit.

Glad you survived w/ so little damage to yourself. Needless to say, could have been far worse.

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Neverdie i am so glad i had alloy bars on it and not steel.the bars are bent down like a racing bicycle. they hurt like hel_l yesterday but not so bad today. must be all that wanking i did when i was younger, put a lot of strength in to them :o

T-dog the bike went down but only after i hit the <deleted>. if he had been going just a little faster i would never have hit him. i would have managed to brake and steer around him. its because he slowed down that i hit him. still whats done is done :D

Jack it goes to show what i always say you could get hit just walking across the road. this is not gonna put me off bikes BUT i am gonna get me so flashing doodads and a siren horn, when ever i come near sois gonna put the things on and annoy every one :D :D

JSIXPACK. I always wear a helmet. but if I'm going on a longer trip (not just to the shops) i wear a jacket with ce armour at the elbow, shoulders and back(either mesh or nylon) padded bike gloves and of course the helmet (currently a HJC ac12).

this trip i didn't wear my boots because i was returning from work. (the shoes are mashed, sole came off)


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^^ they reakon too much w*nking can affect your eyesight.....do you think your eyes played some part in the crash? :o:D:D I am sure your eyes were really big about 1 second from impact.

It just goes to show you....going for a ride somewhere here can be like going to war....as you pointed out the correct safety gear....EYES wide open & ALWAYS EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!

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