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Baggage X-ray Workers Of Suvarnabhumi Airport Strike

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Baggage x-ray workers of Suvarnabhumi airport strike

SUVARNABHUMI: -- Some 300 workers of Loxley, who are in charge of manning baggage x-ray machines at the Suvarnabhumi International airport protested at the airport Thursday morning.

They demonstrated in front of Gate 8 of the passenger terminal at 8 am.

Later, they were joined by baggage checking staff at 9:24 am.

They workers demanded their employer to honour the promise to give a special bonus of Bt3,000 for working without taking a leave from December 15 to January 15.

-- The Nation 2009-02-05

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Baggage x-ray workers of Suvarnabhumi airport strike

SUVARNABHUMI: -- Some 300 workers of Loxley, who are in charge of manning baggage x-ray machines at the Suvarnabhumi International airport protested at the airport Thursday morning.

They demonstrated in front of Gate 8 of the passenger terminal at 8 am.

Later, they were joined by baggage checking staff at 9:24 am.

They workers demanded their employer to honour the promise to give a special bonus of Bt3,000 for working without taking a leave from December 15 to January 15.

-- The Nation 2009-02-05

What kind of idiot company brake a promise to pay a meagre sum of 900 000 Baht to their workers and risking a strike for it.

Baggage x-ray workers of Suvarnabhumi airport strike

SUVARNABHUMI: -- Some 300 workers of Loxley, who are in charge of manning baggage x-ray machines at the Suvarnabhumi International airport protested at the airport Thursday morning.

They demonstrated in front of Gate 8 of the passenger terminal at 8 am.

Later, they were joined by baggage checking staff at 9:24 am.

They workers demanded their employer to honour the promise to give a special bonus of Bt3,000 for working without taking a leave from December 15 to January 15.

-- The Nation 2009-02-05

What kind of idiot company brake a promise to pay a meagre sum of 900 000 Baht to their workers and risking a strike for it.

Welcome in Thailand....

There are 1.000.000 stories about companies which didn't pay what they must pay per law.

The law enforcement is also poor.

Welcome in Thailand....

There are 1.000.000 stories about companies which didn't pay what they must pay per law.

The law enforcement is also poor.

and thats fact! ..............


Seems like the thais have managed to build Suvarnabhumi airport on some old whinging grounds or something.

Seems like old swampy will never be rid of protestors.

SHAME on those employers! :o


Welcome in Thailand....

There are 1.000.000 stories about companies which didn't pay what they must pay per law.

The law enforcement is also poor.

Can you list each example please in order - thanks :o

Welcome in Thailand....

Can you list each example please in order - thanks :D

I feel sure if you show a little patience and hang around for 5 months or so , your request has a chance of being fullfilled , however , I also might add , that moderators may be inclined to be a smidgen perturbed at the number of pages required . :o


hey dumball,

hows the airport your end brother??? have never heard of any blockages or protests there?

feel like showing a young fella the ropes in Cambodia?


This sounds like a verbal agreement, not a contractual or legal agreement, per se. If lying was against the law here, there would be a lot of law breakers.

Hope they get their money.


Welcome in Thailand....

There are 1.000.000 stories about companies which didn't pay what they must pay per law.

The law enforcement is also poor.

Can you list each example please in order - thanks :o

Read newspaper......

I recall at least that I read 10 times that factory workers blocked this or that because of some missing payments to them.


"Protesting shouldn't be allowed at the airport."

"Smash those muppets heads in."

Sounds familiar... scroll back 2 months or so.

Oh, is OK since they are employees?

But just anyone with a real grieveance is not allowed.

Seems this thread gets little notice it's only a labor action not political in nature.

Other than MOST labor actions having a large political segment.

The irony runs trenchant and deep.

Ah well, back to Bill Evans live at the Vanguard.



Strike at Suvarnabhumi ends

SUVARNABHUMI: -- About 300 workers of Asia Security Management Co Ltd, a subsidiary of Loxley Group that provides aviation security service at the Suvarnabhumi Airport, gathered Thursday morning in front of the Passenger Terminal, demanding for higher bonus and welfare payments.

The workers, responsible for baggage X-ray and security inside the terminal, said earlier the company announced that those working during Dec 15-Jan 15 were entitled to additional Bt3,000 compensation. However, the company cut the compensations, they claimed.

The workers agreed to disperse after the company's management as well as officials from Airports of Thailand arrived and agreed to take their demand into consideration.

-- The Nation 2009-02-05


They really do need to stop this kind of thing, I'm wondering if we will see all such actions at the airport now, or was this just a locational thing? :o


Strike at Suvarnabhumi ends

SUVARNABHUMI: -- About 300 workers of Asia Security Management Co Ltd, a subsidiary of Loxley Group that provides aviation security service at the Suvarnabhumi Airport, gathered Thursday morning in front of the Passenger Terminal, demanding for higher bonus and welfare payments.

The workers, responsible for baggage X-ray and security inside the terminal, said earlier the company announced that those working during Dec 15-Jan 15 were entitled to additional Bt3,000 compensation. However, the company cut the compensations, they claimed.

The workers agreed to disperse after the company's management as well as officials from Airports of Thailand arrived and agreed to take their demand into consideration.

-- The Nation 2009-02-05

The workers agreed to disperse after the company's management as well as officials from Airports of Thailand arrived and agreed to take their demand into consideration.

What bulxxxt is this, take their demand in consideration. As an ex Union representative I would advise my members to continue the strike till a formal promise of the date that the money will be paid. Or take a slow motion action. The workers get already a peanuts salary and now they cheat them more, just a despicable attitude from the employers.


Strike at Suvarnabhumi ends

SUVARNABHUMI: -- About 300 workers of Asia Security Management Co Ltd, a subsidiary of Loxley Group that provides aviation security service at the Suvarnabhumi Airport, gathered Thursday morning in front of the Passenger Terminal, demanding for higher bonus and welfare payments.

The workers, responsible for baggage X-ray and security inside the terminal, said earlier the company announced that those working during Dec 15-Jan 15 were entitled to additional Bt3,000 compensation. However, the company cut the compensations, they claimed.

The workers agreed to disperse after the company's management as well as officials from Airports of Thailand arrived and agreed to take their demand into consideration.

-- The Nation 2009-02-05

The workers agreed to disperse after the company's management as well as officials from Airports of Thailand arrived and agreed to take their demand into consideration.

What bulxxxt is this, take their demand in consideration. As an ex Union representative I would advise my members to continue the strike till a formal promise of the date that the money will be paid. Or take a slow motion action. The workers get already a peanuts salary and now they cheat them more, just a despicable attitude from the employers.

I'm not disagreeing that these people have been mistreated & they most likely should receive their money. But thats just what a UNION REP would want, more disruption than common sense. There are other ways to deal with this situation initially before one turns ones national airport into a circus.

Some unions around the world have actually managed to do such tuff negotiations that their members are now unemployed due to their companies being screwed to the ground.

Don't you just love the way Union people PUMP up their pigeon shaped chests and go hel_l for leather, irregardless of what the final outcome may be. :o


If there was a independent mediator available to resolve the issue fine , but all to often its the workers not management that get screwed.

If there was a independent mediator available to resolve the issue fine , but all to often its the workers not management that get screwed.

I agree totally, but seriously we can commence to push with these issues in other areas, its not going to do anyone anygood to start at the airport.


Strike at the airport (baggage handler) ...

I can see here that they are learning from 'french' professional strikers ! ... where strikes are a way of life ...

However here it seems they have a good reason to do it.


Strike at Suvarnabhumi ends

SUVARNABHUMI: -- About 300 workers of Asia Security Management Co Ltd, a subsidiary of Loxley Group that provides aviation security service at the Suvarnabhumi Airport, gathered Thursday morning in front of the Passenger Terminal, demanding for higher bonus and welfare payments.

The workers, responsible for baggage X-ray and security inside the terminal, said earlier the company announced that those working during Dec 15-Jan 15 were entitled to additional Bt3,000 compensation. However, the company cut the compensations, they claimed.

The workers agreed to disperse after the company's management as well as officials from Airports of Thailand arrived and agreed to take their demand into consideration.

-- The Nation 2009-02-05

The workers agreed to disperse after the company's management as well as officials from Airports of Thailand arrived and agreed to take their demand into consideration.

What bulxxxt is this, take their demand in consideration. As an ex Union representative I would advise my members to continue the strike till a formal promise of the date that the money will be paid. Or take a slow motion action. The workers get already a peanuts salary and now they cheat them more, just a despicable attitude from the employers.

I'm not disagreeing that these people have been mistreated & they most likely should receive their money. But thats just what a UNION REP would want, more disruption than common sense. There are other ways to deal with this situation initially before one turns ones national airport into a circus.

Some unions around the world have actually managed to do such tuff negotiations that their members are now unemployed due to their companies being screwed to the ground.

Don't you just love the way Union people PUMP up their pigeon shaped chests and go hel_l for leather, irregardless of what the final outcome may be. :o

Some unions around the world have actually managed to do such tuff negotiations that their members are now unemployed due to their companies being screwed to the ground.

Its so easy to blame the unions who only want that the workers get a fair wage and working conditions. IMHO the management with their golden parachutes and excessive bonuses even when they are blatant incompetent( just look the CEO who beg for money but still use private jets) are the ones who screwed their companies to the ground.

Who created the worldwide financial crisis, who brought the 3 sisters from Detroit to verge of bankruptcy?

The Unions or the management?

A good management should realize that the workers are part of their assets, and not some tools they can trow away when not needed anymore.

Strike at the airport (baggage handler) ...

I can see here that they are learning from 'french' professional strikers ! ... where strikes are a way of life ...

However here it seems they have a good reason to do it.

If they keep their promises, there would not be any strike. So its the management who is to blame, no one else.


I've been involved in strike action on a few occasions; and my own experience has been a disenchanted work force finally saying "no more" after being driven to the edge by an uncaring management. A strike usually is the last option left, AFTER said management has failed to move its position, or meet previous promises. I don't know a thing about employment law in the LOS, or if independant arbitration bodies exist here, but I'd imagine the employer will now be under considerable pressure from all sides to resolve this despute. Yes, some companies are pushed out of business by industrial action, but hopefully, companies with more progressive management and attitudes towards their employees will always florish. Good luck to the airport workers, hope they get what they've been promised.


Is the strike effecting flights..........

or is the baggage being loaded without security checks. :o

This sounds like a verbal agreement, not a contractual or legal agreement, per se. If lying was against the law here, there would be a lot of law breakers.

Hope they get their money.

What makes you believe that a verbal or oral agreement is not legal or not binding? Most agreements in daily life are only oral, but nevertheless fully binding.


The workers have every right to withold labour if they were not paid. I don't work for free and if someone were to tell me to give up my time off to work, I would want to be compensated. Seems to me the workers got a management response and drew the attention of AoT once they voiced their concerns and then left nicely . I suspect that until the protest, they got the brush off.

And now for the shot about corporate jets. There are valid reasons to use private aircraft. In many cases an exec has to be somewhere at 8am the next day, after the meeting ends at 8 pm. The person often can't go commercially because of scheduling. As well, there are security issues. Some CEOs cannot very well be out and about. They can get kidnapped, attacked or otherwise harassed. Even if the schedule allows, the cost of flying on the small jet isn't that bad once you add up the airfares of the people that will be on that flight (the tickets would have been full fare since they are usually booked last minute )and there are other costs such as lodging when trying to take commercial flights .Add in the time waste value of basic air service and it pays in the long run to go private, despite the bad image it conveys. There has been abuse of jets, no argument, but for the majority of users, the costs are offset by the benefits, particularly when you take the fact that the majority of companies with a jet are sharing that jet with other companies.

Welcome in Thailand....

Can you list each example please in order - thanks :D

I feel sure if you show a little patience and hang around for 5 months or so , your request has a chance of being fullfilled , however , I also might add , that moderators may be inclined to be a smidgen perturbed at the number of pages required . :o

While your at it, could you please make a list in alphabetical order to make it easier to access. :D

The workers have every right to withold labour if they were not paid. I don't work for free and if someone were to tell me to give up my time off to work, I would want to be compensated. Seems to me the workers got a management response and drew the attention of AoT once they voiced their concerns and then left nicely . I suspect that until the protest, they got the brush off.

And now for the shot about corporate jets. There are valid reasons to use private aircraft. In many cases an exec has to be somewhere at 8am the next day, after the meeting ends at 8 pm. The person often can't go commercially because of scheduling. As well, there are security issues. Some CEOs cannot very well be out and about. They can get kidnapped, attacked or otherwise harassed. Even if the schedule allows, the cost of flying on the small jet isn't that bad once you add up the airfares of the people that will be on that flight (the tickets would have been full fare since they are usually booked last minute )and there are other costs such as lodging when trying to take commercial flights .Add in the time waste value of basic air service and it pays in the long run to go private, despite the bad image it conveys. There has been abuse of jets, no argument, but for the majority of users, the costs are offset by the benefits, particularly when you take the fact that the majority of companies with a jet are sharing that jet with other companies.

Yes, I can, agree with some of your arguments, but this was not so for the CEO's of the 3 sisters, they came all from Detroit in 3 separate jets, and may I add not in small ones.

And lets call a spade a spade. The employers ask that the workers reduced their demands or give up some specials, while themselves get golden parachutes and bonuses, just look to the bonuses of the CEO's of companies who almost or really bankcrupt.

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