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Posts About Giving Money To Thai Girlfriends

Giving money to Thai girlfriends  

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What a bizarre thread.

I generally don't waste time anymore trying to explain to folks that relationships here don't have to be based on money and support, unless it's a friend that I feel sorry for- but for old times' sake I'll do it in just this small post here. No, stop, don't! Try to meet people about +/- 10 years from your age who have jobs or savings. Speak their language unless they speak yours. Be socially functional and have enough to provide for yourself. The rest should eventually take care of itself.

Agreed, gets a bit dull goiing over same thing time and time again! My last post ever on this subject!

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..........................If you want a pet, get a pet.

Surely, though, there are some things you can't (or shouldn't) do with a pet, which................

What a bizarre thread.

Couldn't have said it better myself. I think we are going around in circles... What was the topic again? Oh that's right... something about no discussion please :o

But meantime, please enlighten me....Would you send money to help a girl when she has told you that she already has 1 or more men supporting her?

In fact anybody who reads this post, please state if you would send money to help support a girl that admits that she already has 1 or more men taking care of her. Maybe I'm wrong.

Some men do knowingly and willingly send money to "friends" who receive support from others. Yes, its kind of like charity. The girl is a single mother, she does have 2 kids at school, she is selling her body to pay for school and food, and yes, they find some solace in sending her some money sometimes to help her out.

As I have said, you will find those that abuse the system, but you will also find many a Thai girl is helped by a couple of men, and they all know the score.

As I said, draw the line between HELP and OWN.

If people think this thread is stupid, then they are doing themselves a rather large disservice. The giving of money goes back thousands of years, many scam artists have created "feel good" ways of doing, for example "RELIGION".........yes yes, the more you give you are a better religious person and you go to heaven.......do not give and you are not a nice person and you go to the back of the queue........and if you want to get to the front again, be good, donate more and more.

RELIGION has been the biggest scam for money for thousands of years, and its why there are so many different ones, all who happily "take your money and possesions".

Ever seen Catholic churches dripping in gold while those who pray in it are in poverty ?

Richest landowner in the United Kingdom is..........."The Church of England" - cause its always "good for heaven" if you leave your property to the Church.

Ever seen temples covered in Gold ?

Ever seem Bishops adorned in Gold and Precious stones.

And here everyone is, bemoaning those that give money to other people, and not scam artist but legalised insitutions.

Lots of people on here need to get a life, and stop being jealous that some people receive money from others who are good hearted.

If you have a problem, then take on the crass and extremely rich Catholic Chruch which for hundreds of years used such wonderous tools as burning at the stake, witchhunts, inquisitions, war, slavery, murder and other things to "spread the will of the Church"..........had it not been for blatent murder, genocide and persecution of people over hundreds of years "in the name of the Church and God", most today would not even consider most religions as anything more than a "fairy story"....like Hansel and Gretel.


Why is the transferring of one’s wealth…..bad thing?

He has money…..it’s his to do whatever he wishes.

If he’s happy giving it out….then who cares !!!!

Why is the transferring of one’s wealth…..bad thing?

He has money…..it’s his to do whatever he wishes.

If he’s happy giving it out….then who cares !!!!

Those who are so appalled by Thai girls getting money from overseas, are just sick that nobody cares enough about them to send them anything. :o

Good luck to the girls, I'd like to see them all recieve money from 50 guys each, they could all go home then, or afford to be more choosey in who they go off with, instead of the foul creatures that often make up the base of Farang clientele.

You guys are jealous of what a Thai Bargirl recieves from a guy overseas ? :D

It's astonishing that you could put so much effort into something that does not affect you at all, I note many of the whiners here are the same guys that find fault in every aspect of Thailand ( Apart from the ones that are beneficial to them ), I would suggest you put the same ammount of effort into yourselves, find out why you're so unhappy and do something about it.

If Bob the Baker from Bolton wants to send Bee the Bargirl from Buriram some money, thats up to Bob. Get a grip fella's!


or maybe they should start practicing the words............"Hey han-sum fella"..?

They might get more attention and a few coins throwing at them :o

Speak their language unless they speak yours.

Is it ok to speak a third language? I.e., secondary to both.

(And I'm not talking about body language or the likes, you perverts! :o )

Some men do knowingly and willingly send money to "friends" who receive support from others. Yes, its kind of like charity. The girl is a single mother, she does have 2 kids at school, she is selling her body to pay for school and food, and yes, they find some solace in sending her some money sometimes to help her out.

As I have said, you will find those that abuse the system, but you will also find many a Thai girl is helped by a couple of men, and they all know the score.

The subject of this topic is giving money to Girlfriends, not giving to charity.....

I believe that you would have to look long and hard before you could find a man who will send money to the lady he considers his girlfriend with full knowledge that she has other "boyfriends" sending her money.

Why is the transferring of one’s wealth…..bad thing?

He has money…..it’s his to do whatever he wishes.

If he’s happy giving it out….then who cares !!!!

Yes, fine. No problem with that. When a man is aware of the whole picture, not being scammed and lied to.

Who Cares?

This is appearing a lot. I find it sad that so many people are unconcerned about wrongdoing. Lucky that most people do care about others.

You guys are jealous of what a Thai Bargirl recieves from a guy overseas ?

Jealous??? Now I know you are a wind up merchant.

I am certainly not jealous of anybody who makes their income by deceit, even if they have 10 times the income I have. Maybe it's the way I've been raised, I've earnt my money honestly and I feel compassion for people who are cheated.

Good luck to the girls, I'd like to see them all recieve money from 50 guys each, they could all go home then, or afford to be more choosey in who they go off with, instead of the foul creatures that often make up the base of Farang clientele.

Maigo, I'm disappointed in you...You leave the "Who Cares" brigade in a cloud of dust. You actually condone the cheating.

Usually, receiving money from one man will give the girl enough to go home and you will see this sometimes. She gets X000 Baht per month from her man and when available, can work to make a little extra now and again. This is great as life is so much easier for the girl than it was before. I'm happy to see it.

Most of the girls that go to Pattaya, go in search of a husband with money. Nothing wrong with this, happens the world over. I don't believe that many go with the intention of getting multiple sponsors. They just seem to get infected by the greed.

Why is the transferring of one’s wealth…..bad thing?

If you think it's a good thing, then I can think of many people who would like to have your wealth - but would you be happy to be broke :o

I'm sure that you mean distribution or transferring some of one's wealth :D

I would like to see a fairer distribution of wealth in Thailand. (Not only re the bar scene)

Now, all of you in the "Good for her" and "Who cares" corner...

Have you ever considered that the girls getting money from more than one mug are not only cheating their customers, but are also depriving others?

Not all the girls who work in the bar are good at scamming, nor want to scam.

Every scamming bargirl with 4 "boyfriends" is depriving 3 other girls of the opportunity to have a good hearted farang take care of her. There are not enough Farang moneysenders for all the girls.

But who cares? So what! They can just sell themselves on a daily basis hoping that a good farang will come along while the good scammers keep adding to their lists of "boyfiends"

Why is the transferring of one’s wealth…..bad thing?

He has money…..it’s his to do whatever he wishes.

If he’s happy giving it out….then who cares !!!!

Yes, fine. No problem with that. When a man is aware of the whole picture, not being scammed and lied to.

It' always take two to tangle, don't put "all" the blame on the girls :o

I would like to see a fairer distribution of wealth in Thailand. (Not only re the bar scene)

Life is not always fair,......this is just the reality

So deal with it


This is unreal.

Look, I don't care about what some Farang does, I don't care how he spends his money, as long as it don't affect me why should I give a toss ?


If you are so concerened go to The Airport with banners , put out an AD in The Sun newspaper warning all these innocent Farangs from UK, do something about it if you are so concerned.

Me, i don't give a flying fawk !

Those who are so appalled by Thai girls getting money from overseas, are just sick that nobody cares enough about them to send them anything. :o

Maybe they are annoyed that if people from abroad give girls money the local farangs, living on local salaries, look poorer. :D

No, but only thing I get annoyed about is actually seeing people being tricked. By girls that have 3-4 of them on the hook while pretending to be monogamous.

What a bizarre thread.

Couldn't have said it better myself. I think we are going around in circles... What was the topic again? Oh that's right... something about no discussion please :o

Well at least the discussion is generally entertaining.

The Poll itself, if you consider the questions and bias by voters, is worthless and tells us nothing.

If the moderators don't like the discussion then no doubt they'll close it, but it does seem very popular.

If the moderators don't like the discussion then no doubt they'll close it, but it does seem very popular.


Yeah Mick, next weeks new Thread on exactly the same topic will be just as entertaining as well, and the one the following, and the following week...... :o


LOL, I'm reading this tonight at the same time as planning to send my Uni student GF money for her next study installment of 7000 baht.

Next year she will be getting a government loan to finish her study and she will pay her own study after that. I just got her started and she's doing really well. Now its up to her. I don't agree with monthly installments coz a thai man would never do that and you cant buy love or fidelity. She gets 500 baht a week from her parents for food and other things she would need for school. This is usually the amount a Uni student would get from their parents on a weekly basis while studying. Maybe 1000 baht. So if you are sending your young gf more than that then you are just spoiling her and she we be out drinking every night with her friends and blowing the money on other things. Maybe even on a thai bf.

I can however help my gf get started on something she really wants to do and has shown real dedication to doing a good job on it (her study). I will also choose to help her set up her own business at a market instead of buying her a laptop and anything else she might need in the future. I'll let her learn to make her own money.

What's a better gift, a glass of water everyday or teaching someone to find their own water daily for the rest of their lives?

I prefer this aproach. I don't like the idea of guys sending money to their bar girl gfs. As most of us know she rarely will quit the bar and do something worthwhile. More than likely she is just working at the bar and getting money from other guys too.

You don't own a girl becoz you send her money. Acter reading hundreds of stories on various sites and from own experience.. It usually works the reverse - the more you send the less she respects you and the more likely she is cheating on you.

What's a better gift, a glass of water everyday or teaching someone to find their own water daily for the rest of their lives?

A glass of water everyday is better than finding it for yourself, as the time you have saved you can look for some food.

:D My only concern about this prevalent, practice is that by subsidizing the already lazy girl they put her services out of the reach of the poorer, smarter, more frugal expats :o
:D My only concern about this prevalent, practice is that by subsidizing the already lazy girl they put her services out of the reach of the poorer, smarter, more frugal expats :o

Ahh...but smarter and more frugal expats wouldn't go for those lazy girls in the first place, generally.


I voted "No".

Why should it matter to anyone else what someone else does with their own money?

People in Canada, the USA and Europe get married all the time and basically sign over any further rights to what ever they had before they were married. Wives come into a relationship with nothing but their body and leave a few years later owning half of what their dumb husband made for them. It's the system.

It's no different from the falong who, for whatever reason, wants to help a Thai woman and her kids from some affair she had with a Thai man who split when he found out the girl was pregnant. If a 50 year old man who was taken to the cleaners by his ex-wife in the states, now wants to help some lovely Thai woman with whatever amount of money, whose business is it except his?

Now, if the question had been phrased a little differently then this topic WOULD have some validity.

The question SHOULD be... "Should a falong send money to a Thai woman on a monthly basis?"

Even that is open for question. People do all sorts of strange things for a variety of reasons.

Is is WISE for a man to send money to a Thai family on a monthly basis? ... Probably not. But the circumstances are as varied as the number of cases.

Sicken me?

Nope - it just never ceases to amaze me how many ex-pats come here and apply a set of rules and criteria to establish and maintain relationships with women - rules and criteria they would never dream of back home.


because back home they'd have their balls cut off and served to them with a side of court order?

or because of their superiority complex.

LBFM are their disposable items - and they can make rules and treat them like exotic pets to be discarded and abused at will.

Call a western lady a BWFM and they'd end up bitch-slapped and ostracised (no, I'm not going to bend to the will of the spell checker and use a "z")

well said.


On the subject of giving I was told as a child that it is better to give than receive that was hard to swallow then, but now I think there is some truth in it.

What we don’t want to do however is create a stupid problem for the giver or the receiver.

Take for instance the case of a nice girl working and making her way through life happy, independent, along comes Mr nice guy and starts to send her more than she can earn every month.

Great but now she don’t need to work and can have a good life so leaves her good job and etc etc…

Now she forgets the way it was and one day the money stops.

She has a nice apartment she can no longer pay for, and no where to keep all the nice things she has.

How easy is it to go back and ask for the old job (face)and live on the old salary if she even gets the old job back.

I know that it is good to give but think hard first is all I say, don't make a new begger.

It's all very easy for westerners coming from countries that have a welfare system to look down on others....


Take that welfare system away, what would happen to all the unemployed, single mothers, low paid, needy people, pensioners, mentally ill, etc etc etc........

I know guys in UK who live on the state handouts, work cash in hand, sell goods on e-bay and have 3 holidays a year in Thailand.

That ain't bad for an unemployed guy is it !

Westerners talking about morals makes me laugh actually, jeez, look at all the <deleted> going on in the world and you're concerned about how much money is being sent to some poor Thai woman ?

How many innocent civilians, women, children have been killed this week in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan ?

Western Morals...... :D

Save it for your own countrymen.


well put.

According to some, anybody with a passport issued in Paradise (ie, anywhere outside LOS) can do no wrong.

You'll find it hard to persuade them that some people outside Thailand are less than perfect also.

  • 9 months later...
I have lived here for 6 years and I have seen my dad become one of these people, personally I know since his divorce he hasn't wanted a real relationship and he thinks that this pay as you go deal is actually much better than a natural relationship... Personally I would never pay anyone to be with me, but im 20 fit and healthy (not to mention tall and handsome:P).... and he is 53 fat and always working...

Don't worry mate, there will be a time when you are not. Curious, when you go to the bar, do Thai girls tip you? :)

Love it! I sense the force is strong in this one! It’s nice to see someone so young have all the answers to life……… and sound like “dreamboat” where do we send our money?

I have lived here for 6 years and I have seen my dad become one of these people, personally I know since his divorce he hasn't wanted a real relationship and he thinks that this pay as you go deal is actually much better than a natural relationship... Personally I would never pay anyone to be with me, but im 20 fit and healthy (not to mention tall and handsome:P).... and he is 53 fat and always working...

Don't worry mate, there will be a time when you are not. Curious, when you go to the bar, do Thai girls tip you? :)

Love it! I sense the force is strong in this one! It’s nice to see someone so young have all the answers to life……… and sound like “dreamboat” where do we send our money?

Naw. I sense someone has issues with his daddy. Maybe it's jealousy that dad doesn't give him the money?

My father married a younger woman after he was widowed for about 5 years. It used to irk me that he gives her money. My inheritance dammit..... On the other hand, if I was the one stuck looking after him and putting up with his behaviour I'd have jumped off a bridge after the 1st week, so as my sister says, whatever she gets, isn't enough. :D He's been married now for almost 20 years and to be blunt, I think we got the better part of the deal considering how well his wife takes care of him and makes sure he remembers his kids birthdays etc. And I sort of am impressed that dad could attract a woman 15 years younger than him, pot belly and all. (And for the record she's a farang and had her own money.)


My hubby gave me a supp Visa card. I can spend anything I like. No question ask. Also, he gave me in 20,000 Baht in cash each month. Not a penny more, not a penny less.


What is the definition of "Girlfriend".

When a bar-girl receives money from a Farang, this is part of the continuing business transaction which started when the girl first sold her services when at work as a sales-girl in the bar. Not to be confused with a relationship.

What is the definition of "Girlfriend".

When a bar-girl receives money from a Farang, this is part of the continuing business transaction which started when the girl first sold her services when at work as a sales-girl in the bar. Not to be confused with a relationship.

I like to maintain friendly relationships with all my tradespeople and contractors. And colleagues, come to that, although that is straying a bit off-topic.

It sickens me to read posts about giving money to Thai girlfriends because it encourages such unpleasant and bilious posting by bigots. Bigots should learn that they, of all people, should keep their opinions to themselves, as expressing such an opinion in anything but the most careful and delicately worded manner will do nothing to further their cause, and will simply reveal their own bigotry without shedding any light on whatever justification there may be for their prejudice.

Back on the topic of passing money to your Thai girlfriend...

If your not willing to help out your friends, then you're not much of a friend, are you? THen, maybe they're not, either...

I laugh about the fellas who say "I'd never pay for it..." - as if that makes them somehow more noble. What a shame for their impoverished girlfriends...


LBFM are their disposable items - and they can make rules and treat them like exotic pets to be discarded and abused at will.

Call a western lady a BWFM and they'd end up bitch-slapped and ostracised (no, I'm not going to bend to the will of the spell checker and use a "z")

Having recently discovered the translation of LBFM I think it should be banned as an acronym on Thai Visa because it's basically bloody offensive, racist, and downright bloody disrespectful to the female 50% of the population in this country that I choose to live in above all other... please remove all posts that contain it (a REAL USEFUL job for moderators me thinks)


I had a job in the US that allowed me to save 50K USD annually. My wife through her constant anoyance & begging to move back to Thailand, brought me to this... "kingdom." I have been here now for 4 years, and I do not earn the kind of money I did in the states. Thus far I have "lost earnings" 200K USD, and I just paid for a house that was 240K.... So I am "in to" this 10 year marriage to the tune of over 500K USD....

So who ever has decided that the "pay for play" model is a better economic option and gives one the freedom of trading up, pat your self on the back & offer a short prayer of "Thanks."

I had a job in the US that allowed me to save 50K USD annually. My wife through her constant anoyance & begging to move back to Thailand, brought me to this... "kingdom." I have been here now for 4 years, and I do not earn the kind of money I did in the states. Thus far I have "lost earnings" 200K USD, and I just paid for a house that was 240K.... So I am "in to" this 10 year marriage to the tune of over 500K USD....

So who ever has decided that the "pay for play" model is a better economic option and gives one the freedom of trading up, pat your self on the back & offer a short prayer of "Thanks."

Its lucky that money of itself has no intrinsic value. Its merely a means of exchange to simplify the bartering of our labour for the goods and services that we want. Money is not the petrol that drives the economy, its the grease that stops it from sticking.

So compared to some pictures of George Washington, you have the inestimable happiness of your beloved partner-for-life, and the joy of a comfortable and happy life in Thailand.

When I look back at the thousands, or even millions of baht I have spent on wine, women, and song... but the rest, I just wasted.


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