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Got (almost) Robbed


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I looked at him and I can remember his face very well. I live here for a while and I've learned to remember Thai or Asian face. But what is strange is that I can't remember the cloths he had on nor the brand of motorcycle or a license plate number.

I tried to keep eye contact all the time. He saw in in eyes he was not drunk and he probably didn't use drugs. He had a pink doll in the front bucket of his motorcycle, probably meaning he's a father. The first time I saw him he came out of a soy where is really nothing special, except houses. So, he probably lives around there.

I never saw any gun. But he put his hand in his trousers, as if he would pull a gun and started counting down. After no gun appeared I knew he was bluffing, but I was still scared because we were still far away from a house. He looked much stronger than me and I really never fight. I am 99% sure I would loose a fight.

I am not 100% sure he's Thai. My Thai is not bad at all and I used short sentences, but it looked like he didn't understand me. He spoke (bad) English all the time (maybe he was just confused himself).

At the end I think I reacted not so bad, I could keep him busy, never stopped, and talked to him. I tried to keep eye contact all the time, I just knew he was not an experienced thief. Just the fact that he didn't manage to stop me by motorcycle proved he was not very brave. At the end I believe my reaction was not so bad. A professional thief would be much more aggressive and use much more violence.

I've decided the following things:

- I'll try not to go bicycle riding at night (which will be hard, because I've free time at night)

- I'll take a fake wallet with me and one bank card

- I'll use a money belt

- I will write the wrong 4 digit code on top of the bank card and if I am forced to give the card I'll tell them the number is on there.

- I'll give the thief the fake wallet

- I'll not take a watch with me

- I'll take a cheap mobile phone with me

- Next time I'll talk a language that the thief doesn't understand (no English and no Thai)

- I'll scream and behave like crazy to attract attention and to make the thief confused

- I'll take pepperspray with me, to be used if nothing else helps

ok, I realize the pepperspray is illegal, but I am willing to accept that risk. Most police officers don't even know what is legal themselves and if you can speak Thai and you've a bit money, police in Thai is "flexible". I also think that if I would use it with good reasons, the police will not make any problem of it. I know there's a risk the thief might be a police officer, but police officers in Thailand steal money in another way (extortion, false accusations), not by using violence.

I've been thinking. I pass there often by bicycle. I might have met him even before that day, because the other day there was a motorcycle that stopped in front of me (for no real reason) on the same deserted place. I just passed him and he didn't follow me.

I hate it, but I'll have to accept this is Thailand and I can't behave exactly the same way here as in my home country. I like bicycle riding but here it's really dangerous because of the traffic, the dogs and thief. One other hobby is playing tabletennis but I didn't manage to find a club in Chonburi province.

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Pepper spray works well (particularly, with oil, or in form of gel, as mentioned above). But there is an exception: drunken/drugged people can be totally insensitive to pepper or experience only little pain and get mad. So, pepper spray is not 100% effective, especially in the windy environment and closed spaces.

My trainer at bodyguard school has got us 2 good advices:

1. Don't be a victim (avoid places and situations)

2. Use any defense tools / weapon ONLY if you cannot ESCAPE.

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I go bicycling every morning, never carry more than 200B (why would you need 2k anyway?) and a cheap mobile to call the wife using speed dial, she always knows my +- whereabouts and I always am back home within 1 hour, if held up always can call but never needed to do so. I might consider carrying drivers license and insurance card, not sure I would find any thai capable to phone an international number though! :D

I also have a stick to chase dogs who get the idea to chase me (happens quite often). I would like to carry a pellet revolver to shoot dogs and thieves though, need to find a solution to attach the gun to my bike. Will work on that one! :o

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I was told by my former karate instructor in Australia - a state champion and also a burly 6'3" - that it is always best to give any mugger what they want - you can always replace money, credit cards, watches, but not your life. If that doesn't work, a swift kick in the nuts and then run like hel_l. Last resort, stand and fight, but only when you truly believe your life is at risk. Using weapons yourself only escalates the risk of getting injured or having them pulled from your grip and used against you.

Thats Great advice ozgirl.

Other people strut around the planet ready to challenge anyone they come upon, but a very wise old man once told me, "No matter how good you are, theres always somebody better." Even the wise 6'3 black belt Karate instructor knows this.

Learning a martial art makes you able to handle most untrained people, however a street wise thief may have been in many scraps and be a good "dirty" street fighter. If your encounters are limited to class only you may well be in for a real surprise. My Kung <deleted> master gave the same advice...run. Only fight if you have to, and in that case, make sure you put them down, or they will just be more pissed.

Still you are better to be trained than not trained, and as my previous post said it is never too late to learn, numerous benefits.

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Final comment on weapons, they are useless if you don't know how to use them, in all likelihood they will be taken off you and used against you. Even a knife, what are you going to do with it? Slash his arms, think that will stop someone? Only untrained way to use it to stop someone is to stick them with it, and if they die do your imagine the BIB will turn a blind eye?

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To me it happened on Sukumvit near Laem Chabang, in an industrial area (without houses and no gates). The owner of the gass station told me that people get robbed there very regularly and that I was no exception. The thief I met was not a professional thief and didn't prepare to steal. I just think he starting thinking about stealing when he saw a "farang" alone at night.

I met him 2 times. The first time he came out of a Soy (living area). He saw my face. He was going to opposite (wrong) way. I met him 10 minutes later again in the deserted area where I had no way to escape. I think he lives around there. I am pretty sure he didn't have any weapon and he was just trying to intimidate me by acting as if he had a gun and counting down. He was not very brave on his motorcycle and he didn't succeed in stopping me (with a bicycle you can turn and accelerate much faster than with a motorcycle of that kind). If I wanted I could have made him fall by pulling his steer. I thought about that, but I didn't want to make him aggressive(he behaved rather calm). At a speed of about 35kms/h he would not be hurt enough.

After he got 2 bills of 20 baht, he was trying to "bargain". He said he wanted 500B. After I said I had no more money, he wanted my watch.

I am the kind of guy that never fights and I avoid all confrontations (if I can). So, if it would come to a fight I would loose for sure.

I Agree , never fight but show no fear . It is a proven fact that they only try to catch easy targets . That means , try to workout , to build some muscles and try to build self confidence . I saw a doc once on NGC and really it helpes if you show no fear of being somewhere . Sure it wouldn't help all the time but maybe 8/10 is already a big improvement .I never had any serious problem so far allthough i do wear expensive stuff .I never ever fought in my life but i'm not a small skinny guy either . Met a guy once and he was huge , i mean 1 head taller then me and very well trained . He never in Thailand had any problem also allthough he went out with a lot of Thai guys on the Lao Khao ( you know...) . The Thais really are afraid of him allthough he wouldn't hurt a fly .

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Final comment on weapons, they are useless if you don't know how to use them, in all likelihood they will be taken off you and used against you. Even a knife, what are you going to do with it? Slash his arms, think that will stop someone? Only untrained way to use it to stop someone is to stick them with it, and if they die do your imagine the BIB will turn a blind eye?

I don't completely agree that weapons are useless in untrained hands; if the OP found himself in combat with a trained assailant, perhaps. However, most mugging situations are opportunistic where the perpetrators are untrained scum bags. In the situation as described by the OP, he had the element of surprise, had he produced a leather billy or, a slapper from his pocket; he'd have had an easy opportunity to put his attacker down for the count. Similarly, if he'd hit him in the face with a pepper spray; he'd have almost certainly had the opportunity to make his escape. Of course there is a risk that you may inflict serious injuries on your assailant, but in my opinion, that's a second priority; you & your belongings come first.

A knife is a terrible example of a weapon to use in self defence & not one I would advocate; inflicting serious injuries are virtually unavoidable.

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I kicked a guys ass in Khon Kaen about 2 years ago,he had a knife and tried to rob me at the ATM.Unfortunately for him i have boxed for over 25 years,i beat him up pretty bad, the police were there in minutes i think they were close by.If it hadnt been for a tuk tuk driver i think i would have been in trouble with the police.The tuk tuk driver had seen everything.The damning thing was that the police never arrested him,it was like i had done something wrong.

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I kicked a guys ass in Khon Kaen about 2 years ago,he had a knife and tried to rob me at the ATM.Unfortunately for him i have boxed for over 25 years,i beat him up pretty bad, the police were there in minutes i think they were close by.If it hadnt been for a tuk tuk driver i think i would have been in trouble with the police.The tuk tuk driver had seen everything.The damning thing was that the police never arrested him,it was like i had done something wrong.

That's what friends are for? :o

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I don't completely agree that weapons are useless in untrained hands; if the OP found himself in combat with a trained assailant, perhaps. However, most mugging situations are opportunistic where the perpetrators are untrained scum bags. In the situation as described by the OP, he had the element of surprise, had he produced a leather billy or, a slapper from his pocket; he'd have had an easy opportunity to put his attacker down for the count. Similarly, if he'd hit him in the face with a pepper spray; he'd have almost certainly had the opportunity to make his escape. Of course there is a risk that you may inflict serious injuries on your assailant, but in my opinion, that's a second priority; you & your belongings come first.

A knife is a terrible example of a weapon to use in self defence & not one I would advocate; inflicting serious injuries are virtually unavoidable.

Yes, a pepper spray is much better than a knife.

With a knife, you must attack the guy, hence bring you to come closer to him; Although perhaps he is not an expert in martial art, but some people (especially the ones, who are living in a hard environment) will have enough agility to handle an attack by an untrained one.

You can use a pepper spray at a nice distance.

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This evening I wanted to do so sports so I went out for a bicycle ride.

I always take my wallet with credit cards, bank cards, drivers license and identity card with me.

I don't know why, but I had a strange feeling today, so for the first time I decided only to take money and 1 bankcard with me. I had a watch on.

When I came back it was already dark. A motorcycle tried to stop me, but it didn't stop. The area was deserted, there were no houses. He asked for my money. I said: "I have no money" (in Thai). I could keep him busy for a while by giving 2 times a 20 Baht bill. He acted several times as he would pull a gun and even counted down for the moment he would shoot. But I think he didn't have a gun. After that he tried to "ask" for my watch. I said I didn't want to give it. I could keep him busy a bit longer by trying to stop the cars that were passing (all while I was riding bicycle). Finally we passed a big gass station and I entered there. He got bored or scared and went away.

I had 2000B with me. He got 40 baht.

The owner of the gas station called the police. The police brought me home (about 15 kms down the road).

I live in Thailand for 1 year now. This is the second time I got robbed.

Do you have tips how you can protect yourself without violating the law and without making the situation more dangerous?

Where can I buy these things?

batons and the like are illegal in thailand, despite the fact that you can get them anywhere. pepper spray is a good idea. i suggest to you to take up aikido. here's the link to the aikido association in thailand:[email protected]. you also might want to buy a jo. it's a wooden stick that's used by several martial arts. if the police stop you with one of these you can tell them you've got it because of the dogs.

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This is the pepper spray I was talking about.


Here's a leather billy.


Khun Seymour is this stuff legal for farangs if so I want some for the DARN old Soi Dogs, bastards/bitches always try to bite me. Will use it on WOULD BE robbers in a heart beat. Please advise!!

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I went to ride bicycle again (again after dark). This time I took the money belt a fake wallet and pepperspray with me. I will only use the pepperspray if the trick with the fake wallet doesn't work and the thief wants to attack me.

I bought the cannon anti-attack (500B). I practiced a bit (without actually spraying) and I can use the bottle almost blindly (just by feeling its shape, and also while I ride bicycle). The bottle didn't have any warning about the fact it wouldn't work on some people. It's small and easy to take with me.

I felt pretty safe. So, I am over it. Thanks to all for your advice.

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Flapper - sorry typing error - should read Slapper

slapper : English slang and colloquialisms used in the United Kingdom

Noun. 1. A sexually promiscuous woman. Derog.

I can guarantee if you always take a Slapper with you, you will never be robbed, at least not by anyone else. :o:D

I am wondering if those guys know the bike is probably worth more than their motorbike?

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only once have I been the victim of an attempted robbery and that was in Kuala Lumpur, I was there three years and I have been in Bangkok three years.

The situation in KL, i lived walking distance from my office in the centre, I went to the shopping mall on my way home. I am ex police and very aware of my surroundings and I kept seeing the same two guys. I started my walk home from the mall, along jalan alor where all the chinese outdoor restaurants are, I stopped and spoke with a few of the waiters who i knew and I noticed the guys had also stopped, i mentioned it to the waiters so they could keep an eye on it. I walked into a shop and watched out of the window and I could see them waiting. To get home from this position I needed to walk down an alley and as soon as i turned into the alley I stopped, when the guys appeared I was straight on them and after a few smacks their bravado went and the chinese guys came over and grabbed them, took their phones etc before the police came, it was two indonesian guys.

I always think that if someone came up and claimed to have a knife and a gun then I would want to see it before handing anything over, if I don't see it then i would expect a good hard slap would do the trick and make them back off, but to be honest I think the action i would take would depend on my mood at the time and my opinion of the fool trying to rob me. I am not a fighter, just trained to look after myself and was involved in many violent incidents as a police officer so I think this gives confidence,

Maybe my size has something to do with people keeping away or maybe i am just lucky, its a hard one. I think people need to do what they are comfortable with. if you fire pepper spray and miss are you capable of backing it up if they attack you? If not keep the pepper spray for the dogs and give over a small amount of cash

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Anyone know what the reaction of the BiB would be to using a can of that Cannon Anti Attack on the street urchins who try and wash your windshield?

My wife was recently stuck at the Sukhumvit/Asoke intersection when a pair of them approached and demanded money. When she refused to give it, they keyed the side of the car and ran away. I have been considering how best to deal with that situation in the future.

They generally pick on women driving alone at night. They're just children after all, and I would suspect are afraid of trying a stunt like that on someone who would be likely to run after them and kick their ass.

It's not exactly a mugging as the OP describes, but dam_n close. The urchins aren't actually threatening you with bodily harm, just serious property damage. If I found a can somewhere and my wife sprayed one or two of the miscreants the next time, what do you think the reaction would be by the various parties involved?

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when I retire in Thailand and live up in PakChong, I plan to have a cane with me.  A good hard wood with a metal cap on the end...a good and thick metal cap....  Good for dogs and people.  I can tell the police that my hips and knees hurt because my wife takes to the wat with her every weekend to meditate and that those tile floors are hard on my joints......I have guns and knives...An ASP baton, a sap, pepper spray blah blah blah, but it's in the USA with me now and I know I can't carry it legally in Thailand so I'm all for improvising since I don't plan to see the inside of a thai jail.

I like the idea of carry a fake wallet with expired cards and some small money.  I'm in law enforcement, but I hate confrontations and would rather diffuse the situation (in this case giving him my fake wallet) but you always have to be prepared to fight if they thief wants to do more than just take your money

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This is the pepper spray I was talking about.


Here's a leather billy.


Khun Seymour is this stuff legal for farangs if so I want some for the DARN old Soi Dogs, bastards/bitches always try to bite me. Will use it on WOULD BE robbers in a heart beat. Please advise!!

Several years ago I was stopped by security at Don Muang; in my haste I had left a can of this (wasn't discovered - pre-liquid ban) & a telescopic baton in my hand luggage. I wasn't detained, in fact, they were going to ask the crew if they'd permit the telescopic baton on board & retain it whilst I disembarked. I thought it best not to make an issue of this (flying to Singapore) & told them not to bother; I deposited it in the tub, along with the scissors, knives, nail clippers etc.

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You DID get robbed, not almost - they stole 40Baht from you.

I always carry a throw away wallet (and I don't wear a watch). If they want my wallet, they get the throw away one. Fake or out of date/cancelled cards and a few small notes. I never had caried a wallet, so keep money either in a money belt (for real money) or squashed down in my jeans pocket. Wife told me a long time ago, never to wear your gold or carry anything that is not needed - then if you get robbed you losse very little. I have a cheap Buddha pendant that I wear day to day, the gold is for special occasions only.

Having said that I have never been mugged - have been pick-pocketed a few times (though in the UK and Phillipines, never in Thailand!). I rarely go placed on my own either - I don't ride a push bike - I am usually goin to 7-11 if I am, and only take enough to buy what I'm after.

Anything you want to take against someone is likely to cause you to get shot - either by the muggers or the police - so don't. Only thing that you can take to help with safety is some other people, friends or family.

If you have to ride a bike, is there not a club you can join to ride in groups?

I agree. I carry a fake wallet. My girl has been pick pocketed at the night market to which they stole her phone. I keep my valuables in my front pocket such as cell phone, real money and credit card. Back pocket for throw away wallet. But I also always travel with a thai and stick to well lite streets on the main roads. If I have to venture off its taxi time. Another is to not act drunk or disabled.....when approached just give the international no wave..don't think he is going to tackle you so just keep walking...after going to Cambodia and the vultures there I was happy to get back to Bangkok.

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I have a serious parang (two actually) in my car, used legitimately ? for bushwhacking in the boonies.

The smaller one can fit in my backpack.

My telescopic sticks have a selection of ends, some pointed and weighty handles, One is always with me, largely for dogs, but as most have pointed out there's no defense against a gun, except a talisman.

I think I can prove peaceful usage but perhaps I'd still get done.

Thoughts of pundits please.

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I have a serious parang (two actually) in my car, used legitimately ? for bushwhacking in the boonies.

The smaller one can fit in my backpack.

My telescopic sticks have a selection of ends, some pointed and weighty handles, One is always with me, largely for dogs, but as most have pointed out there's no defense against a gun, except a talisman.

I think I can prove peaceful usage but perhaps I'd still get done.

Thoughts of pundits please.

A friend of mine (in Australia) carries a large, rugged, flashlight in the front seat of his car, as a defensive weapon - but one which is obviously legal. Gotta have a flashlight just in case you break down at night, don't you?

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You already have the answer to your question of what you should do. You now know it is a dangerous area. Riding and walking around by yourslef in possible dangerous areas is just asking for it, really. The difference between people who get mugged or not is where they hang out at night.

I think you know this already and know it's not wise to walk or ride a bicycle a night in most cities of the world where there are not many people.. Find a safe area and ride during the day if you have to. Or better yet just find a nice gym for riding during the day and drive around in a fast car with tinted windows the rest of the time :o

Even Thai people know not to travel around late at night in their own country. It's common sense in most parts of the world. Thailand is generally quite safe, I have never really felt theatened. But I know not to parade myself around at night in deserted areas. This could have happened to you anywhere including outside my room in Sydney 15 minutes from the beach so don't think of yourself as unlucky in thailand.

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Final comment on weapons, they are useless if you don't know how to use them, in all likelihood they will be taken off you and used against you. Even a knife, what are you going to do with it? Slash his arms, think that will stop someone? Only untrained way to use it to stop someone is to stick them with it, and if they die do your imagine the BIB will turn a blind eye?

I don't completely agree that weapons are useless in untrained hands; if the OP found himself in combat with a trained assailant, perhaps. However, most mugging situations are opportunistic where the perpetrators are untrained scum bags. In the situation as described by the OP, he had the element of surprise, had he produced a leather billy or, a slapper from his pocket; he'd have had an easy opportunity to put his attacker down for the count. Similarly, if he'd hit him in the face with a pepper spray; he'd have almost certainly had the opportunity to make his escape. Of course there is a risk that you may inflict serious injuries on your assailant, but in my opinion, that's a second priority; you & your belongings come first.

A knife is a terrible example of a weapon to use in self defence & not one I would advocate; inflicting serious injuries are virtually unavoidable.

I once went on a fire training course and the fireman was demonstrating how to correctly use an extinguisher on a fire. His first words struck a chord and stuck with me to be applied in many situations - and particularly the one above. "If you are not comfortable with using the extinguisher, don't do it. Just leave as quickly as you can."

This applies to the use of a weapon and it is the basic 'fight or flight' instinct. Some of us will fight because we are comfortable (or stupid) enough to do so. Others should just get the <deleted> out of there. If you are not made to fight, all you will do is get into more trouble. At best, one distracting strike to gain time and then as we say in the north 'leg it'.

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