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I have a few skin tags under my armpits, and they are becoming a bit sore, could anyone sugest a place in Bangkok where I could get them properly removed?

Suppose I could do it myself but I'm a wimp and want it doing properly.




I've used scissors on some, dry ice on others. Either method works, although mine bleed a lot when I cut them off. For some reason, the ones I've hit with dry ice seem to shrink away slowly over time, not scab up and fall off.

I think using big nail clippers would be the best way, though.


Sterilise the area and a new set of nail clippers and clip away - or get someone to do it for you so as not to chop half your armpit away at the same time.


They had a doctor talking about this on Radio 4. He was saying one method is to starve the blood supply using string. i.e. tie them off. The skin dies and they drop off.

I'm sure cutting them off is totally not a good idea.


I would go to see Dr. Natapat....she owns the Profound Apex clinics. She also is a Bumrungrad Hosp. 1 day a week. She is a very skilled and well trained dermatologist. She did a few moles for me and I have been going to her for years for any skin problems and regular skin cancer screenings . She has a few clinics in BKK and other cities in Thailand. Make sure to make your appt. with her.

Strewth, I was thinking at least a general anaesthetic :o

Doesn't hurt much. You may be able to find spray-on locals in Thailand if you're really pain-intolerant. (I've never looked for them anywhere, but I think I've seen them advertised in the U.S.)

The main problem IMHO is the bleeding. I've found that cutting them off in the shower, then scrubbing, helps to stop it; maybe it's the water making the tissues swell up, or maybe it's the soap.

Good point about disinfecting first -- one of the great uses of vodka. :D (I'd rather not risk rubbing alcohol when it might be entering into my bloodstream. Last time I cleaned my toothbrush with it, I had a headache for hours as a result.)


My friend used to have one on his shoulder, he disinfected the area, disinfected a piece of string, froze the area with deoderant (very professional I know) and tied the string around it as tight as he could. He left it like that for a few hours, froze it again with deoderant, and flicked it off. Worked a treat.

Obviousley I would not recommend this method, however i'm just letting you know of this backyard method 5555555.


String was what doctors used to use in the 'olden days'........twisting to cut of blood supply works too as I found by misadventure......it can be a bit painfull at first though......but heck go to the doc and get it done painlessly it is cheap in Thailand so why not !


Well I have had it removed, actually there were two, but I ignored all the advice and went to Samitivej Hospital on Sukhumvit 49, basically because I am lazy and it's only a ten minute walk from my condo, it was painful and had gone a funny colour.

First of all the nurse took my blood pressure, not sure why but probably to rack up the cost, the doctor took a look and said he could remove it straight away, which he did quickly and painlessly. I was a little surprised by the price, 6116 Baht made up of antibiotics 207, medical supplies 1710, histopathogy 899, nursing charge 100, other medical charges 200 and physician fee 3000. Bit more than I expected, but hey ho it's done now.

Had to go back to have the stitches out, it was quite big, expected it to be included in the price but no another 989 Baht, not much but they certainly know how to charge. Medical supplies 79, not sure what they were - probably the gloves, nursing charge 210 - absolutely no idea, can only assume to escort me to the cashiers, other medical charges - again absolutely no idea, and physician fee 500.

It's not going to break the bank but I probably would try somewhere else next time.



Are you sure they weren't moles, not skin tags? Skin tags have the same color as the base skin. I once had a large mole and it bled once and I had it surgically removed which was a real but minor surgical procedure involving stitches. I have skin tags and was told by one clinic, 200 baht for the small ones, up to 400 baht for the larger ones, to be burned off by laser. But I have been too lazy to bother as they are just cosmetic issues. Skin tags can get irritated and become painful usually by rubbing with clothing.


Certainly not a mole, the doctor said skin tag, it used to be the same colour as the skin but had become infected, probably as you say by rubbing against clothing.


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