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Website Of Immigration Timbuktu Or Thailand?

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Some questions,the website http://www.imm3.police.go.th/eng/index.html,belongs to which country,if it is thailand,is it really from the Royal Thai Police,or is it just a guy who made a joke?Anyways i talked to 5 people from the immigration 3 of room 102,nobody of them knows that website.and by the way if there would be really an official website of the immigration,then it would be meaningless,because right is what an immigration officer is telling u,and not any website from internet.oh before i forget,the informations on this website are not complete or wrong special about requirements for foreigner to extend their visa[sometimes they are sometimes they not,i guess depending on the mood of the immigration officer]Example:http://www.imm3.police.go.th/eng/application.html#04

in this case they forgot to write that a birthcertificate is not enough,or that u need a health certificate,or that depending on the officer a document certified by ur homeland embassy about ur pension is sometimes enough and sometimes not.

And if u have all they want,u dont have to worry they will find something else to make ur day,ok enough i live over 4 years here and i know about all those stuff,but sorry to say that,it really pi..... me off,that at the immigration here is nothing sure or certain,and i would really love to know why it is like this,i think if a guy have the required papers then leave him alone and give him his visa,and if not then tell him waht kind of papers more he needs,but without changing the rules weekly or daily,and im curious isnt there any plalce here where somebody can complain about immigration doing without getting kicked out of the country?

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This is true. Each immigration office contradicts all the others and dismisses all websites as wrong. There is little coordination. The best thing to do is go to the same one (person if possible) every time. Stick with Bangkok, Suan Plu.

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Luckily it is not my problem anymore,i solved my problems in November,i just tried to help a friend,my friend is thinking now im totally stoned how i can tell him so much bull shit,in my case they wanted a guaruntee paper for my daughter,but not a bank book in at a thaibank,fine for me i brought what they wanted,in his case,the birth certificate was enough,but not the document from german embassy what is saying how much pension[65000baht per month],so also in my case they wanted a health certificate,in his case not,ohhhhh whatever

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curious isnt there any plalce here where somebody can complain about immigration doing without getting kicked out of the country?

Suan Plu has a suggestions box. No idea if they read the contents, but you could try. If you choose to do so, I would advise you make some positive suggestions and even praise a few things that they do well, rather than just rip into them. Personally, I have always enjoyed very good service from their office.

Good luck,


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The site you refer to is based in Scanadanvia and run by two scandanavians.

Its information should be treated as suspect.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs site will give you the most accurate information,

or this site, of course.  :o

I don't think so. The site mentioned was not the Nong Khai site but the police site for Division 3 Immigration here in Bangkok.

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ok Lopburi,but then how come nobody who works there want to know that site,and if the informations on this site are 100% complete and correct,then why so many people have problems?im telling u why,because it is incomplete so the immigration officer can add some more if he or she doesnt like u

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Hi Lopburi me again,i tell u what p.......me of,in my case a birthcertificate was not enough i had to get Guarunteepapers for more than 15000baht and had to made a trip to KL so all together almost 25000baht,fine.in my case a document from my embassy about my pension was enough,in my friends case birthcertificate enough,but not the document from embassy.

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On the site you are so upset about they clearly say additional documents may be required. That is why you do not see most people here claiming to know everything that might be required when they answer questions. All anyone can provide are the normal items - when superior officials might have questions the officer taking proof will ask for more.

8. The officials reserve the rights to examine or ask for additional documents if necessary
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Hi Lopburi,sorry ur wrong,example it says,bankbook,statements,blabla,"or"proof of income,again "or",so that means for me u have a bankbook "or"other proof of income,also why not tell the people to bring eveything what they want,im sure the people will bring what they want,so they dont have to go there 2,3 or more times,is that so hard?And sorry i think u dont get the point,ok he or she has the right to ask for additional documents but then please when i go an additional time there i dont want them to require another document,so again,write all the documents they need or might need on this webisite,and people will be thankful and happy

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