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Udon Bike Week Ride


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They actually had this sit up for 0700 I think we go under way around 0900. It was funny we were picking up riders on the way who were late

Sorry Guys this is a new system for me until I learn how to use good a it's going to get.


From the Chese Wat to the 7-11 5 klms fuel, Then down 22 to Ban Cahing, boring ride really but the Harley's made it interesting with the speeds. :o

Got to Ban Chaing, they had a lunch set up for us. I Budhist Monk pray for this is a special Budhist weekend. I got my string with a special prayor Hey you know guys these days I be need all the help I can get.

We planted a tree not exactly sure why. But, it sure can't hurt. My apologies guys actually lost some photos in this process and I have no idea why. One of which was of Pops in front of his shop waving like crazy, That one I miss :mad: Now where is that on off thingy???????

Met the Nagas from Chon Buri at the their hotel never saw them agian. I did hook up the Bangkok riders and a special thanks to anthonyr-1

I'll try to add some party photos later and see if I have better luck.

See everyone in Khon Kean in two weeks can't make Pattaya

Edited by ray23
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