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Troll Campaign At Tv Or Just My Imagination?


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I don't hang out at TV much like some, but in the last couple of weeks or so in the few forums I generally visit, there has been a notable amount of postings which all seem to share the hallmarks of a organized troll campaign. There are always posts of course which others will object to, but I am not talking about that. I am talking about posts which while superficially varied (these posts have ranged from being neutral, passionately biased, to simply rants), all share a common component of creating division without enlightenment. Their deliveries have all the hall marks of being honed by consultations and years of experience in how to best present material to manipulate others.

This is old stuff, but for all of that it generally proves surprisingly successful in driving out those who are looking for venues which promote open and free discussions. The self admitted goal of these noble social manipulators is to eventually control the majority of the threads by harassing and driving out those not of their persuasion; and then, for all intents and purposes the forum is dead. The only protection from these onslaughts are dedicated moderators who are ruthless in protecting their turf. However, major organized campaigns are always preceded by infiltration of moles, some of whom become long time trusted members and of course become moderators as well. Of the forums I've seen this happen to, only one survived intact due to the fact that it was small with a dedicated group of followers who were supportive of the steps the owner/moderator took to combat the take over attempt. TV is so large it would take a while for the whole process to wend its way to conclusion, but if a campaign is on, wend it will. Lookout George, they might be gunning for you...

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Hardly noticed. We have some newbies since the Nation closed its web forum, I believe. We heard there was an impending invasion of agfasybliks flying in from Quadrant E9b, but they were intercepted in star system 90210.

Is that next to the Jennie Garth nebula ? :o

TV has a pretty good group of people at all levels looking after it's interests. Trolls in general don't last long but every once in a while, even long standing members may toss up a "troll" post (knowingly or not). I doubt it's a symptom of "sleeper agents" intent on bringing down the forum. Such a campaign would require a huge network of dedicated people, committed to a common cause, working in concert along an organized time line.

It would be unlikely that these people would be getting paid, so their motivation would have to be political (or religious/spiritual) in order to bind them to this singular purpose. However, even people united by a common cause and purpose, need to have a worthwhile goal to achieve. It is highly unlikely that bringing down a site like TV would be sufficient enough to keep such a group dedicated to the task long enough to have any significant impact.

What we do have here, is a very large, very popular site, populated by a very large and diverse group of members from all walks of life. Take any similar group in any similar place, and you will find some that troublemakers. Some that are peacemakers, some that are homemakers and some that are lawbreakers.

Some will be angels, some will be devils, some will walk the middle path and others will continuously push the boundaries.

A conspiracy of infiltrating moles over long periods of time sounds more like an Illuminati world domination plot, than an attempt to take down a web forum.

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There does seem to be more farangs being racist towards some thais,and they seem to live in Bangkok,so are they being influenced by the hi-so thais,gf/wife,even thai bf,or the education facility,meaning some are teachers.The posts of white skinned thai are better,or isaan people are thick.are disgusting and should not be allowed.Go onto the issan frums andthey are all a good bunch of people,not interested in skin colour or descriminating against the hi-so Bangkokonians.

Considering these racists think they are intelligent too is even more worrying,but one day the mods will have to start banning them and maybe lose some advertisement money too.

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kerryd --

Now you'll have the tin hat brigade (the "there never was a landing on the moon" and the "US was behind 9-11" folks) out in force!

I still expect to be the first man to actually walk on the moon ! :D

Besides which, this is all a part of my (not so) secret plan for world domination ! I would have probably conquered the world years ago, had I not discovered Pattaya first ! :o

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Nah, most of our obsessive twinkies are sad old b*stards who aren't really functional enough to be that much trouble- I guess they hang out trying to feel important here instead of having a life. They're so desperate for attention, they might even start a thread hoping that someone had 'noticed' their 'efforts.' Seems to me they need a 12-step group or something.

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Nah, most of our obsessive twinkies are sad old b*stards who aren't really functional enough to be that much trouble- I guess they hang out trying to feel important here instead of having a life. They're so desperate for attention, they might even start a thread hoping that someone had 'noticed' their 'efforts.' Seems to me they need a 12-step group or something.

Thats interesting,how do you find out their ages to presume this???

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