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It isn't just a Thai woman thing. Most Thais have a signficant degree of body-shyness. Even in the gym, Thailand is the only place I have been that always has individual shower stalls with doors.

You must be joking! :o A large percentage of Thai women wear clothes as revealing as possible on Phuket! Funnily enough though, they still wear shorts and T-shirts on the beach!

You know what will be their answer to what you just said?

"same same but different" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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Interesting thread, except for the Posts that had to bring BG's into the discussion. :o


When we were on Kochang in 2004, and there were hordes of topless farangs, my teeruk wore a black bikini a few times. I am glad I got pictures, because it has not happened again.


Another strange fashion concept is the NOT wearing of sun hats by BKK women. It is hard to find a picture of a Chinese, VietNamese, or other Asian ladies withOUT a hat on in the sun.

'She' would wear them on KoChang, but refused in BKK. I have often wondered how the 'stigma' of wearing a sun hat came about? [Have you heard of the pills that some Thai women take to get whiter? -and there is all that ugly patchy baby powder- A sun hat would work better!]

After a few years in Canada, my wife and my daughter, were 'comfortable' with wearing sun hats out and about in Thailand last year, even IF they were in the slim majority.


ANOTHER thing is public affection. A kiss good bye gets you "PUBLIC PLACE!" After a few years in Canada, hugs and kisses is okay, and even 'smooching' on a park bench.


A successful business man I know was going with a lovely, inside and out, dress designer. After they got married she was telling my wife something 'excitedly' in Thai. My wife later told me that as part of the marriage agreement she would sleep au natural', which was a 'bone of contention' previously. She now seems very proud she would do something so 'outlandish'.

My wife will not sleep without something on. If she wears the big cotton night dresses, I know to not even try. If she has the pajamas on, 'things' are possible. If she wears one of the teddies, I better not even think of saying 'not tonight dear, I have a headache'!


Another thing, there are a LOT of farang women who will wear bikinis, and even less on beaches, but they are not nearly as open and honest and sexy as most Thai women.


Western ladies are not as 'Open , honest and sexy" as Thai ladies ? You have been exiled in Thailand too long , it is against thier upbringing (Culture ?) to speak out or ask questions . What was that about lying I constantly read on TV ? , your imports from the provinces may be sexy after some training , but as to the rest "Knees to navel is naughty " . The more 'Hi-so ' ladies I encountered seem to have spent too much time with Jehova Witnesses , they had 'Siamese' thighs . I guess that is why you need the 'Warning attire' , your lady is obviously 'Open and honest' and soooooo sexy . :o:D

Not being critical , your own observations . :D


Interesting thread, except for the Posts that had to bring BG's into the discussion. :D


(sbk)......The average Thai woman is modest and does not feel comfortable displaying alot of skin. That attitude is changing in the cities (but not so much in rural areas) so don't ask her to do something she clearly feels very uncomfortable doing.

(F1Fanatic)......You must be joking! :o A large percentage of Thai women wear clothes as revealing as possible on Phuket!

my comment......Phuket is hardly your average town for Thai women though and many of those Thai women are probably BG's

So whats the problem? All the bar girls near you covered up are they?

your imports from the provinces may be sexy after some training , . :o:D

Who are you talking about? My observations and conclusions come from the middle class and high society Thai women, what they have said, and what their men have said and emails they send my wife from Germany, London and Wisconsin. Except for a few brief encounters with BG's, hard to avoid, I do not not have enough experience to comment on them. From everything I have read, they seem anything but 'sexy'; more business and money people.

Before I first went to Thailand, I too had read in Stickman that the traditional non BG Thais were very 'strict'. or in your unpleasant terminology, tight as nuns.

That is, happily, SO untrue. Thai women and people have a certain 'honesty' that is refreshing.They can call someone who is fat, fat. They can say who is prettier than someone else. They are very open and honest about sexuality.

Sometimes I can't believe how lucky I am.


Can someone tell me what is up with Thai women and their old fashioned swimsuits?

What is up with all those farang women showing all that skin? Have they no shame or modesty?

As the man said discussing prostitution is against forum rules so let's stop please.

Im not discussing it I am discussing why Thais cover themsleves up this forum is getting ridicuolous the Thais who are mostly semi naked are the ones I CANT MENTION. I am not metnioning what they do I am mentioning their clothing however i see its a waste of time completely.

your imports from the provinces may be sexy after some training , . :o:D

Who are you talking about? My observations and conclusions come from the middle class and high society Thai women, what they have said, and what their men have said and emails they send my wife from Germany, London and Wisconsin. Except for a few brief encounters with BG's, hard to avoid, I do not not have enough experience to comment on them. From everything I have read, they seem anything but 'sexy'; more business and money people.

Before I first went to Thailand, I too had read in Stickman that the traditional non BG Thais were very 'strict'. or in your unpleasant terminology, tight as nuns.

That is, happily, SO untrue. Thai women and people have a certain 'honesty' that is refreshing.They can call someone who is fat, fat. They can say who is prettier than someone else. They are very open and honest about sexuality.

Sometimes I can't believe how lucky I am.

OK he is dicussing what he shouldnt :D

your imports from the provinces may be sexy after some training , . :o:D

Who are you talking about? My observations and conclusions come from the middle class and high society Thai women, what they have said, and what their men have said and emails they send my wife from Germany, London and Wisconsin. Except for a few brief encounters with BG's, hard to avoid, I do not not have enough experience to comment on them. From everything I have read, they seem anything but 'sexy'; more business and money people.

Before I first went to Thailand, I too had read in Stickman that the traditional non BG Thais were very 'strict'. or in your unpleasant terminology, tight as nuns.

That is, happily, SO untrue. Thai women and people have a certain 'honesty' that is refreshing.They can call someone who is fat, fat. They can say who is prettier than someone else. They are very open and honest about sexuality.

Sometimes I can't believe how lucky I am.

OK he is dicussing what he shouldnt :D


I don't know any local woman where I live, young or old, who would wear a bikini on the beach. To assume that the girls you see wearing skimpy clothes in Phuket is somehow indicative of Thai women as a whole is either extremely naive, blinkered or ignorant.

If you bothered reading my post you'd see that I said that even the Thai women on Phuket stick to shorts and T-shirts on the beach! As for the rest of your post, I suspect that most people on TV live in tourist areas or Isaan. Either way, to suggest that the Thai women in these areas are very shy and virtuous is extremely naive, blinkered or ignorant.

I believe the term I used was modest. Suggest you take your prejudices out for an airing every now and then. :o

Seems I am not the only one who doesn't read people's posts in their entirety.

Yes, but you're missing the point! Event the b/gs wear shorts and T-shirt on the beach. Go figure!

I don't know any local woman where I live, young or old, who would wear a bikini on the beach. To assume that the girls you see wearing skimpy clothes in Phuket is somehow indicative of Thai women as a whole is either extremely naive, blinkered or ignorant.

If you bothered reading my post you'd see that I said that even the Thai women on Phuket stick to shorts and T-shirts on the beach! As for the rest of your post, I suspect that most people on TV live in tourist areas or Isaan. Either way, to suggest that the Thai women in these areas are very shy and virtuous is extremely naive, blinkered or ignorant.

I believe the term I used was modest. Suggest you take your prejudices out for an airing every now and then. :D

Seems I am not the only one who doesn't read people's posts in their entirety.

F1finatics husband of 20 odd years ran off with a BG after they made there dream move to phuket? Need i say more?

OP best thing for you is to ask your wife rather than ask a bunch of people who think they know more about thai culture than thai people!

Far closer to 30 years, but what's your point? Do you disagree with what I said?? :o

Please stop 'stalking' me on TV. I can't believe you haven't got better things to do! Or then again, perhaps you haven't! :D Very sad.


without wanting to get into a fashion debate,i really like the thai modesty/shyness when on the beach.dont get me wrong i love looking at bikini clad girls too.what i really find disgusting is overweight western women walking around or sun bathing wearing just a bikini bottom.Its like they're saying "<deleted> you" just because i'm flabby,overweight or just obese,i dont care what anyone thinks and i'll do what i like even if it means defying gravity!

without wanting to get into a fashion debate,i really like the thai modesty/shyness when on the beach.dont get me wrong i love looking at bikini clad girls too.what i really find disgusting is overweight western women walking around or sun bathing wearing just a bikini bottom.Its like they're saying "<deleted> you" just because i'm flabby,overweight or just obese,i dont care what anyone thinks and i'll do what i like even if it means defying gravity!

I've never been to Koh Samui but can't believe it's that common! It's v rare to see a Western woman on Phuket walking around or sunbathing topless, regardless of how attractive/unattractive they are! Most tourists come here knowing it's definetely 'not OK'!

without wanting to get into a fashion debate,i really like the thai modesty/shyness when on the beach.dont get me wrong i love looking at bikini clad girls too.what i really find disgusting is overweight western women walking around or sun bathing wearing just a bikini bottom.Its like they're saying "<deleted> you" just because i'm flabby,overweight or just obese,i dont care what anyone thinks and i'll do what i like even if it means defying gravity!

I've never been to Koh Samui but can't believe it's that common! It's v rare to see a Western woman on Phuket walking around or sunbathing topless, regardless of how attractive/unattractive they are! Most tourists come here knowing it's definetely 'not OK'!

well F1 i've seen them many times on chaweng beach and fisherman village beach and i really think its very "not on" especially knowing the thai culture norms.many of the beach massage ladies will point and giggle and i know both thai men and women alike find it offensive.


Equally disgusting are fat western men who insist on going shirtless or even worse shirtless and in a speedo with no concept of local (or anyone else for that matter) sensibilities.

Equally disgusting are fat western men who insist on going shirtless or even worse shirtless and in a speedo with no concept of local (or anyone else for that matter) sensibilities.

:o:D :D

Can someone tell me what is up with Thai women and their old fashioned swimsuits? It seems that most Thai women prefer not to wear swimsuits at the beach but opt for the more conservative tshirt and shorts instead. Either that or a one piece which would have been worn in an early 1960's beach movie. Thus has been the story with my fiancee as well as the the last few women I have dated. Their bodies would have made proud any any string bikini but I was sadly disappointed when they chose to overdress.

I took my fiancee to Suan Siam and we rented swimsuits. What they gave us was something my grannie and gramps would have felt comfy in. Rats!

Yes, cuturally the average Thai woman is a little more conseravative when it comes to swimwear - you wouldn't think it if you went down to Patong or Pattaya beach (but a lot of them are "bright lights" girls - so hardly suprizing).

But here's a laugh - my grandmother used to crochet 2 piece bikini's for a shop in Phuket and a shop in Pattaya in the late 60's and early 70's !!!!!!!!!!! - which were then worn - you guessed it - underneath a t-shirt! (a longgggg... t-shirt)

Equally disgusting are fat western men who insist on going shirtless or even worse shirtless and in a speedo with no concept of local (or anyone else for that matter) sensibilities.

...the usual sight on Samui.

A variety are fat western shirtless man in shorts and city shoes and socks. Nothing against them, just a funny sight.


I think some posters are mixing up conservative dress with sexuality.

Within the walls of the bedroom, I think Thai women (and men) are just a sexually active, repressed, daring, shy, imaginative, and naive as people throughout the world.

However, there is little doubt that Thais have mroe body shyness than people from most cultures. Sure, some Thai women will wear a bikini on teh beach, but a far larger number will not when compared to women from Europe, North American, Brazil, Japan, Australia, and other places.  I am ratehr surprised that thee are posters here who can disagree with that, at least posters who have actually spent time on a Thai beach.

Then I have met Thai women who have shown me photos of them in a bikini.  When I have dutifully expressed my admiration of the photo, I usually find out that the photo was taken abroad, and they would never wear a bikini here in Thailand.

What is up with all those farang women showing all that skin? Have they no shame or modesty?


In fact in most Western countries, whenever a little sunshine appears, they take off most or all their clothes.

I regard this as a serious case of sexual harassment: I just don't want to see asses and tits when not asked for.

Therefore I appreciate the modesty in Thailand and Asia.


Should you wish to preserve your dignity , may I suggest you do not frequent nudist habitats , having toured a lot of north America , I did not find nudism as prevalent as you espouse , in fact , I never saw a nud_e on any beach i visited , from Nova Scotia down to Florida . During my 35 years in europe , I never espied one there either , mind you , I never went to a beach in Holland . :o



Context is everything. Europe, Australia, America, always willing to wear a bikini, anywhere there are Thai's around out comes the full coverage.

Not that many years ago actually when rude northerners discovered southern Europes beaches, and invaded them with what was then looked upon as pure sin by the local female population.

without wanting to get into a fashion debate,i really like the thai modesty/shyness when on the beach.dont get me wrong i love looking at bikini clad girls too.what i really find disgusting is overweight western women walking around or sun bathing wearing just a bikini bottom.Its like they're saying "<deleted> you" just because i'm flabby,overweight or just obese,i dont care what anyone thinks and i'll do what i like even if it means defying gravity!

I saw that on one of the swimming pools in Khao San Rd once. Two 50 year old topless European women sunbathing. The Thai serving staff looked a little shocked.


"Body shyness" as mentioned is not only typical for Thai women, but for Asian women in general. I saw many bathing in clothes. Is it shyness or wanting to be exclusive for the one you are with? Or even for the woman herself?

And about: what is sexy and what's not: well there is also a huge difference in what is seen as sexy in the West and East.

Not that many years ago actually when rude northerners discovered southern Europes beaches, and invaded them with what was then looked upon as pure sin by the local female population.

That was over 40 years ago. And since that first shock Southern Europeans made a huge industry out of that...

In many European countries the weather is cold without sun for weeks or months. Even summer can be cold. Human beings need light and warmth. So they are longing for that in their holidays. Easy understandable.

During my 35 years in europe , I never espied one there either , mind you , I never went to a beach in Holland . :o


I spent 4 years in Germany and everywhere I turned I saw nud_e beaches. Some were "topless" and others were full-blown, butt-naked beaches (quarries) full of families from the grandparents to the grandkids. (Then there were the nud_e saunas and spas as well)

Many of my Thai friends rarely go to the beach at all, and when they do they cover up almost everything. Some will wear shorts. Most wear long sleeves and sun hats.

But it wasn't a "modesty" or "conservative values" thing. It was a "don't want to get too much sun and look black" thing. Didn't want to end up looking like poor rice farmers (which is what the of their families are still doing).


A few years ago in England the company Iworked for brought 10 girls from their factory in Thailand over to the UK for three months training. Whilst there one of the English workers invited them to go swimming at the local pool. When they accepted she begged and borrowed 10 swimsuits for them to use.

When they got changed they all wore the swimsuits...................then they all put tee shirts and shorts on top, explaining that they would never go swimming in Thailand wearing just a swimsuit.

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