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Can You Listen To And Decode Morse?

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I need some help to decode a morse code wav file. only a few hundred letters

It is part of a pastime related to WWII Enigma Code Breaking

Since few may have this interest/skill, probably better PM me please for further info.

I have tried the programs available to "listen" and decode, with very limited success

Thank You



Jon, my morse is pretty rusty now!!

Here is a good strategy:

- Download one of the audio file editing programs that allows you to slow down the speed of the audio being played. Slow it right down so that you can pick out each letter, (these programs often give a graphical depiction of the audio file so that you can isolate each letter

- Then decipher each letter manually from a list of letters/numerals versus morse code equivalent.


I need some help to decode a morse code wav file. only a few hundred letters

It is part of a pastime related to WWII Enigma Code Breaking

Since few may have this interest/skill, probably better PM me please for further info.

I have tried the programs available to "listen" and decode, with very limited success

Thank You


I can do light (or could) at not too great a rate of wpm. I think moderator "endure" was a ships radio officer. He would certainly be capable , if willing, I should think. Give him a PM.


If the wav.file can be stopped and started, I could give it a try.  All midshipmen had to pass a Morse code test each year, but I am afraid that was so long ago that I would have to go slow and stop it oftent o get my bearings.



there are 2 ham radio guys who are members here, if I recall their names I'll PM you.

I know one is from Florida on hol here with his tgf. :o

Jon, my morse is pretty rusty now!!

Here is a good strategy:

- Download one of the audio file editing programs that allows you to slow down the speed of the audio being played. Slow it right down so that you can pick out each letter, (these programs often give a graphical depiction of the audio file so that you can isolate each letter

- Then decipher each letter manually from a list of letters/numerals versus morse code equivalent.


Thanks so much, this particular problem is quite rare in the pastime. I have managed to create a wav and mp3 files and tried a few auto decoders available..I have not looked for or tried the program types you refer to but if you know which one/s will do it please let me know.

However two kind guys have PM'd me and are working on it, so perhaps I won't have to dig so deep.

The decoding of the morse to text is of course just the beginning, the text is encrypted with the German

Naval Enigma, although the problem is a bit muddled the USS Bulao would not have had an Enigma.

If you have a lot of time and need some mental calisthenics

btw if you do solve the message, a trip to Sweden is needed to complete the whole task.


you don't need an account or have to login but if you wish

here's a throwaway ac

login hannieIII

pw bangkok21

If the wav.file can be stopped and started, I could give it a try. All midshipmen had to pass a Morse code test each year, but I am afraid that was so long ago that I would have to go slow and stop it oftent o get my bearings.

Thank you very much, I have tried a few players, all can stop it, but not slow it down.

If you would like the files I have captured wav and mpg pls PM me


there are 2 ham radio guys who are members here, if I recall their names I'll PM you.

I know one is from Florida on hol here with his tgf. :o

Can they help in buying and seasoning woks ?

Best Regards



I would volonteer but my speed is too slow. Call RAST, the Radio Amateur Society of Thailand! www.qsl.net/rast

I do not dare pass on friends' names as they may be too busy and it is not clear how long this would take.

Google FISTS, they are all about promoting Morse Code and someone might like to help you with your project.

Good luck!

Chris Hs0zfe / Kf6vci / Mi1esg


NCH Software - I use their Wavepad program - multiple formatt recording (and conversion from one formatt to another_ - slowing down a recording (down to bit level for digital recordings!!!) is possible with the free version.

If you want to send me the files I'll have a go. I used to do morse for a living.

Pleased to report that Mr.Endure did a perfect job, from what sounded to me just some very rapid beeps over white noise, very authentic I guess.



N59 17.883 E15 09.567


I wonder what expertise is NOT available thro' TV.

Thanks to all who offered help.

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