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Thailand Warns Angelina Jolie Over Comments On Rohingyas

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Perhaps Thai officials take the ramblings of pop celebs more seriously than most governments. Wasn't the burning down of the Thai embassy in Cambodia some years back sparked by the remarks of a Thai movie star? I also think this is for domestic consumption.

As for Angelina Jolie, she is an actress, whose job is to learn lines and repeat them whilst acting a part ina oiece of fiction.

That's a joke right? She doesn't need a job.

If she chooses to use her spare time to help refugees, then good on her. Let's hope they both win an Oscar next week.


Silliness... :o

When a goodwill ambassador (who just happens to be a high profile celebrity) makes a critical statement about a country, doesn't it make some sense to see this as an opportunity to make good and actually try and do something to improve the situation? Instead of getting defensive and self-righteous, pretending to be above any sort of scrutiny by anyone... ?

What have they achieved? Absolutely nothing. Not only does this come across as an act of stupidity, but arrogance as well.

— Möe

As the latest Academic refugee to England this week already stated. Thailand is becoming a police state. This government is the worst thing Thailand could have overcome. Abhisit and Suthep may think that they are respected abroad, the truth is really very different.

I am sure neither of them believe they are respected abroad.


Without understanding all the specifics on this incident, I'm inclined to suggest that folks such as Jolie and others of her ilk, probably are not best suited to pass high profile comment internationally on the things they don't fully understand or know the true and exact details of, just like you and me really! I mean let's face it, it's fashionable for people who have achieved fame and fortune, movie stars in particular, to spread their time around a whole series of activities and their activity model would not be complete without some form of charitable or humanitarian association. This doesn't mean they are not good people or sincere about the things they are required to say, but do they really believe those things and do they really know the true picture, doubtful in my book.

Rather than taking the opportunity to take a swipe at the Thai approach to the problem of the Rohingya people can anyone suggest an alternative? These are an Islamic people. They were heading for an Islamic nation. Send them to Malaysia or Indonesia? Do they want them?

Do you want them going to the UK, Australia, US etc?

No I thought not. So, what to do? Send them on? Send them to the Muslem insurgents in the south of Thailand? Send them back?

How many Brits would like to send teh Muslems in the UK back to Arabic states?

See, it isn't as clear cut as you think.

When people ask "How did the Holocaust happen", posts like this give us a pretty good idea. I am sure many here agree with you too. Sad, sad, sad.


""It was a coincidence that the Rohingya was a hot news issue at the time. We must warn UNHCR that they should not comment on the matter because they have no mandate."

Unfortunately, truer words have never been spoken.

Clueless! They're shooting themselves in the foot. TIT.

again!! they must be running out of feet by now ( or maybe a long time ago )

but i understand: how dare a farang to critecize thailand on an obvious f$ck Up!! :o


How many Brits would like to send teh Muslems in the UK back to Arabic states?

See, it isn't as clear cut as you think.

only small minded self centred bigoted and prejudiced brits think like this - mostly fuelled by the gutter press - I suspect the vast majority of British people I know would dissassociate themselves with this allegation. I know gay muslims who fear for their lives even living away from their country - is the answer to that to send them back to almost certain death or at the very least abuse. The problems of the world are OUR problems - no country should try distance itself from that responsibility. Those that do are rightly criticised

Rather than taking the opportunity to take a swipe at the Thai approach to the problem of the Rohingya people can anyone suggest an alternative? These are an Islamic people. They were heading for an Islamic nation. Send them to Malaysia or Indonesia? Do they want them?

Do you want them going to the UK, Australia, US etc?

No I thought not. So, what to do? Send them on? Send them to the Muslem insurgents in the south of Thailand? Send them back?

How many Brits would like to send teh Muslems in the UK back to Arabic states?

See, it isn't as clear cut as you think.

Thank you for your final solution to this problem.

You could have chosen your words more carefully! Hitler had the "Final Solution"!

I jusr asked questions.

As for Angelina Jolie, she is an actress, whose job is to learn lines and repeat them whilst acting a part ina oiece of fiction.

I worked in the entertainment industry for years, and yes some actresses are dumb bimbos, but others are actually very intelligent and very very sharp. All of them completely egotistical though, "let me tell you about myself...". I don't know which camp Angelina falls into, but everyone is entitled to an opinion, and her comments were not really provocative. The overreaction will get more press than her comment.

As already noted the Thai government machine of any 'colour' seems only to be able to make a crisis out of a drama.

It should be noted however, that reports have suggested that there had been exaggeration over the recent claims out of Indonesia, with the Arakan Project noting that key elements of the testimony was now being rebutted by the Rohingya themselves. Claims about some 20 deaths, 9 boats and maybe 1000+ refugees being put to sea having been detained for 2 months are now shown to be false.

However, there remains evidence of harsh treatment at the hands of the Thai authorities, which was substantiated by Indonesian doctors.

Given that Angelina's comments were very carefully phrased, and indeed praised the Thai authorities for their work, whilst simply asking them to extend the same level of 'understanding' to the Rohingya.

It would have been an opportunity for a PR savvy minister [edit or Permanent Secretary for that matter] to highlight the exaggerations whilst explaining how the programme was being extended. Face saved all round.


I think your comment is the best so far. This issue has more layers than an onion. I think it needs to be looked at carefully. I spoke to a "Rohingya" fisherman 3 weeks ago in Phuket who I know, he said there were some issues, but that on the whole the Thais' have been quite decent. Agree that the gvt could have scored a lot of points, by using Angelina's comments, but they just don't think like us here. :o

I reckon Abhisit is scared s-less of the military. He isn't powerful enough to challenge them. Given his situation, I really don't know what he can do differently if he hopes to stay as PM more than five minutes.

He's in the press as saying any perpetrators of violence towards the Rohingyas will be brought to justice. Don't hold your breath. They'll be in the same queue as the PAD leaders who occupied the airports.

Rather than taking the opportunity to take a swipe at the Thai approach to the problem of the Rohingya people can anyone suggest an alternative? These are an Islamic people. They were heading for an Islamic nation. Send them to Malaysia or Indonesia? Do they want them?

Do you want them going to the UK, Australia, US etc?

No I thought not. So, what to do? Send them on? Send them to the Muslem insurgents in the south of Thailand? Send them back?

How many Brits would like to send teh Muslems in the UK back to Arabic states?

See, it isn't as clear cut as you think.

Why wouldn't you want them in the US UK or Oz? Because they are Muslim? (are they?) Which "Islamic nation" were they heading to?

Sorry but your anti Muslim ramblings are not only offensive. they are hard to follow!


I am happy that she is bringing this situation back into the light. Thailand's military has treated these people abysmally and have broken a number of international laws.

This is about people who are leaving a very repressive regime and need to be treated humanely. They need to be screened and then solutions for their situation can be found. This will take time, but there are plenty of dollars given to the UN and other agencies to assist in these situation.

The Thai gov't has made so many excuses for it's policy of appeasement toward the Junta and now it has come around and is biting them in the a*ss.

Not all refugees need to be resettled. Some do because it may not be safe for them to ever return to their country of origin. In many situations, with enough international pressure, the home country can be pressured into improving conditions.

This has to be being played for Thai consumption. THere is no way they don't understand how this will be viewed in other countries.

... which is exactly what these "refugees" wanted.

These Rohingya know pretty well that they have no legal means to enter Thailand. For me the "Violation" of their human rights is just a false accusation to gain publicity and possibly refugee status.

May I remind the other posters that "wetbacks" crossing the border from Mexico into the US are also not really popular there ?

Europe has its struggles with illegal immigrants as well.

If you have a look at what is going on in the THai south, especially in the Hat Yai area you'll understand that particulary MUSLIM immigrants are not that welcome for a reason.

THailand is struggling hard with the impact of the world financial crisis and its internal woes, Ms. Jolie has neither done Thailand nor the UN or the Burmese refugees any good with her not very smart comments.

I'd be careful to make any accusations before more facts are known.

I'm assuming LazarusLong is just plain too lazy to fully read the news stories about this group of people or perhaps anti-islam.

Facts were that many of these people had wounds on the bodies that resemble abuse. Regardless of whether they have any legal rights or not to be in Thailand they still should be processed in a systematic way in which all aliens are. Instead they were towed in a boat out to sea and left with very little water and food.

Comparing refugees from Myanmar with economic immigrants from Mexico into US is like comparing apples and durians.

Who cares if Thailand is struggling with crisis of their own making. They still should abide by standards governing international humanitarian rights. Perhaps Thailand should blame themselves for supporting the devil next door which creates this refugee problem.

Thai govt warns Jolie and UNHCR over comments on Rohingyas


BANGKOK: -- Thai government is not happy with US actress Angelina Jolie and the United Nations High Commission for Refugees for criticising that Thai government did not respect Rohingya boat people's human rights

Thai Foreign Ministry's Permanent Secretary Virasakdi Futrakul said the Rohingya's presence in Thailand is a hot issue. ""It was a coincidence that the Rohingya was a hot news issue at the time. We must warn UNHCR that they should not comment on the matter because they have no mandate."

The warning came after UNHCR's goodwill ambassador Jolie who visited Burmese camps along Thai border last week criticised Thai government of ignoring the plight of Rohinyas and suggested that Thai government should take better care of the Burmese ethnics.

Virasakdi told reporters that Angelina was not focused on the Rohingya, but was visiting Burmese refugee camps.

"The UNHCR should not have brought Jolie, its goodwill ambassador, to one of the nine refugee camps stringing the border which are run by Thailand's interior ministry."

"The Thai government will issue a reprimand letter to UNHCR, asking why it allowed Angelina Jolie to visit the refugee camps," Virasakdi told reporters.

-- The Nation 2009-02-11

Hmm ... I wonder if they have something they want to hide.


From a more balanced AFP article...

While touring the northern Ban Mai Nai Soi camp home to 18,000 refugees from Myanmar, Jolie said she hoped Thailand would be "just as generous to the Rohingya refugees who are now arriving on their shores."

Hundreds of Rohingya have been found adrift at sea off the coasts of India and Indonesia in the last few months, with many of the migrants giving similar accounts of mistreatment and abandonment at the hands of the Thais.

Thailand has denied the claims of cruelty, but has taken a harsh stance toward the boat people. They insist the Rohingya are economic migrants and say they will not be offered any refuge in the kingdom.

"We have the right to arrest them ... we will not set up holding centres for the Rohingya but will put them in prisons," said Virasakdi.

Jolie is saying that the camps she visited are pretty good and she hoped the Thai government would extend the same treatment to the Rohingyas. The government's reply is that the Rohingyas are leaving Burma for economic reasons so it's not the same situation.

A little research shows that the Rohingyas have been fleeing Burma since the 70s, mostly into neighboring Bangladesh but also into many other countries in the region. It's only the recent controversy regarding some treatment of a particular group of Rohingyas that has made it topical. So it's little wonder that the (rather terse) reply from the goverment also points out that the only reason she's mentioning them is because it was on the news lately.

It is a shame that Abhisit is showing himself to be weak in the human rights area in the eyes of the rest of the world in a way that could totally colour international opinion of him. Admittedly he is not actively pursuing murderous policies like Thaksin but neither is he willing to investigate the Rohingya allegations which he must know in his heart are very likely to be true. No action yet on the coroner's murder verdict on the iman in military custody in the South either.

The Thai military is not answerable to the Thai Government. Remember Prem's words.

Indeed, Abhisit has assigned (or at least we are led to believe he has assigned) the very same shadowy military unit accused of the atrocities; the ISOC, to investigate the allegations for themselves.

The fox investigating the chicken coup.


Say what you may but Angelina Jolie a high school drop out with a history of mental problems who grew up to be a sexy B grade actress and is now dictating immigration policy in Thailand. I just don't get it, why would the Thai government even acknowledge her visit?


why doesn't Jolie apologize to Jeniffer first, instead of interfering with Thailand's sovereignty?

if anybody in any way wants to help these Burmese people; get an army together, invade Burma and kill the generals, that's the only way to really solve anything ... of course whining to Thailand that they should help those few refugees is more PC ... makes her look good, but doesn't solve anything

dam_n, I wish my country would drag all those low life immigrants out of my country!!


1) The Thai public will side with a voluptuous dark-haired actress over a stale bureaucrat every time.

2) Anyone who says that Burmese Rohingyas are faking claims of abuse in order to get sympathy in Thailand has no idea what he is talking about. The plight of Rohingas has been thoroughly documented by dozens of independent sources since the late 1980s. Google it.


Thailand are just more aware of the need to conform to international humanitarian issues as compared to Myanmar. Cambodia is still shaking from a dark historical occurance.

(And the foreign minister's comment is spot on for Anglena Jolie, but not the UN, as they mutually lever their ways to persuasive success).

How this will affect Thailand will be interesting, at least as tensions with Cambodia are high and straining, while Myanmar pumps metamphetamines in to kill off the Thais and destroy the societial structure.

If you've ever played the original board of RISK, you know that if you capture Siam, you are in an advantageous position, given that your Army is strong enough...

If both attacked in the sublime ways as they do in real life; from drugs to weapons trades, business or misunderstanding, what would Laos be doing?

What do these countries have in common?

By then, the whole Thai government is upside down (or missing, again) because of another coup (The last one being 'silent'; as the military bent Somchai's ear.....) but I would agree too, agree given my options!

The military has to have the power, because they understand the full importance of national security (in this extreme situation, also attacked on the inside) so they can continue to employ the opportunity to profit and if anything did go wrong, the Prime Minister cops the blame, anyway.

The good life, ya know.

So, who is the real PAD?? And why not charged already?? Not defending the red shirts, but if it were them at the airport, they would be all locked up by now.

I still believe the country must not accept Thaksin back as PM ever in its history, even if done wrong or he was/is guilty. I am most sorry for Abhisit, who has clearly run into the same closing dead end as Abhisit has.

I think Abhisit is trying to stand well with some incompetent ministers and the military and all of course, in the media; the biggest think tank scandal ever to be employed as a persuasive device.

Taksin, like Abhisit was probably a good guy too, but their days are always numbered, or if not, Taksin and Abhisit get the blame.

The most significant thing Thaksin ever did was rearrange his generals.

Now are you red or yellow? Or how about aware.



I find it interesting the need of some posters to lower themselves to inane, childish and denigrating comments about someone rather than address the real issues at hand. But, I guess its easier to criticize and insult than to actually post something topical, isn't it?

I find it interesting the need of some posters to lower themselves to inane, childish and denigrating comments about someone rather than address the real issues at hand. But, I guess its easier to criticize and insult than to actually post something topical, isn't it?

and how is your post not a personal off-topic attack and how is it in any way contributing to the problem?


ow, you were just talking about yourself then?

I find it interesting the need of some posters to lower themselves to inane, childish and denigrating comments about someone rather than address the real issues at hand. But, I guess its easier to criticize and insult than to actually post something topical, isn't it?

Sorry Mr. Moderator, which post number do you refer to in your above comment?

Thai govt warns Jolie and UNHCR over comments on Rohingyas


BANGKOK: -- Thai government is not happy with US actress Angelina Jolie and the United Nations High Commission for Refugees for criticising that Thai government did not respect Rohingya boat people's human rights

Thai Foreign Ministry's Permanent Secretary Virasakdi Futrakul said the Rohingya's presence in Thailand is a hot issue. ""It was a coincidence that the Rohingya was a hot news issue at the time. We must warn UNHCR that they should not comment on the matter because they have no mandate."

The warning came after UNHCR's goodwill ambassador Jolie who visited Burmese camps along Thai border last week criticised Thai government of ignoring the plight of Rohinyas and suggested that Thai government should take better care of the Burmese ethnics.

Virasakdi told reporters that Angelina was not focused on the Rohingya, but was visiting Burmese refugee camps.

Sorry for this partial post, IP Star is playing up again.

I find it interesting the need of some posters to lower themselves to inane, childish and denigrating comments about someone rather than address the real issues at hand. But, I guess its easier to criticize and insult than to actually post something topical, isn't it?

and how is your post not a personal off-topic attack and how is it in any way contributing to the problem?


ow, you were just talking about yourself then?

Both yourself and Monkeyman are going to find out the hard way that it doesn't pay to belittle a moderator.... :o

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