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Kind-hearted Cabbie Returns Left Cash To Old Woman


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Kind-hearted cabbie

BANGKOK: -- A taxi driver returned gold necklaces and a wad of Bt1,000 notes to a 62-year-old woman at the FM91 police traffic radio station yesterday morning.

Cabbie Suchart Thiansomprasong, 42, handed a bag with Bt16,500 in cash and two gold necklaces to Thanom Ditcharoen, who left the items in his taxi on Sunday evening.

Thanom said that after a family trip in a blue taxi from Bangkok to their hometown, Saraburi, she realised the bag was lost but had no information on the taxi. She reported the loss to police the next day but later learned that the cabbie had already contacted FM91. "It's great to find out there are still good-hearted people around," said Thanom. "Society would be a happy and harmonious place if everyone behaved like this." Thanom handed Suchart a reward of Bt5,000.

Suchart said he found the bag as he was putting his shopping into the trunk on Tuesday afternoon, so he called the 1644 traffic hotline. "I wanted to return the valuables to their rightful owner," said Suchart. "I understand that anyone would want to get his or her lost items back." He urged passengers to snap their taxi license numbers with a phone so they could contact the driver if anything got left behind.

-- The Nation 2009-02-11

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There are many a good deed done in Thailand, but seldom reported.

Nice to see ThaiVisaDotCom is doing it's bit to cheer us up at this hour of world misery :o

Thank you "george". :D

Yours truly,

Kan Win :D

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He urged passengers to snap their taxi license numbers with a phone so they could contact the driver if anything got left behind.

-- The Nation 2009-02-11

I've tried to do that twice. Both times the drivers became hostile.

Anyway, I love these TAT moments. :o

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Yackle! I will have to tell my mate about the above. He left his cheap assed, 500 baht, 2 year old phone on the taxi car seat, walked 2 paces, realised it was gone and turned around to open the taxi door. The taxi driver roared off with him banging on the door, oops, too late, gone. Reckon the driver must have made at least 100 baht on that little deal. He probably spent more on gas, peeling away from the gutter and taking a detour to MBK to sell it.

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That have happened to me twice as well (drunk, tired and dumb is not a good combo). I've lost many mobiles in Thai taxis never even got one back. In April 2006 I even lost my laptop in a taxi. How? I was on my way to Don Muang with my laptop laying on the seat beside me. Suddenly the engine stopped the driver asked if I could go out and give it a push. Drunk and naive I got out and started to push the car. 5 seconds later the car drove off with the laptop. I went to the police. What do you think they did about it? Yupp, nothing.

Edited by Hawkup2000
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Last year I left a new Samsung mobile phone, and a new Samsung digital camera in the back of a cab at Don Meung. Filed a police report for insurance purposes not expecting to see it again, but was shocked to get a call a few days later from the same radio station above. Would've liked to have given a reward to the driver but he hadnt left any contact details.

Oh and on the the way to the airport to get it back I got stopped by the police at Thapae Gate (no helmet) and the officers unexpectedly let me off when I explained where I was going.

Edited by Jay111s
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The amount here is not great so the story is believable.

In the past, usually following some bad press, e.g. taxi driver rapes and murders foreign tourist, the police have colluded with a taxi driver to falsify identical stories to this but involving far more money in order to restore the image of Bangkok taxi drivers.

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