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Very Big Well Done


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Well done you all out there working so hard and showing such care and bravery in such a sad time.

I am here in UK and read all the time how much you are all doing out there it breaks my heart to read some of the things, but what youy guys are alll doing to help is so amazing.

There is nothing I can do phiysicly to help other than write this short note and I appoligise for not being able to come over to help.

I have written a short poem hope it helps


So sad at times is life, hard to move forward so easily knocked back

There will be a light at the end of the tunnel just a long way off

It seams the harder we look for it the further away it gets

The sader we feel the harder it gets

But there is always a light at the end of the tunnel

The times we unite as one big person helping and loving caring for each other no

Mater the situation or how hard it is, no matter what the barriers, as one we rise

Above it together

Joined together as a strong force the end of the tunnel will be found,

Stick together and keep strong

I am so so sorry for all people involved in this sad disaster and please bevieve me when I say, I think of you all each day in my prayers and admire your care devotion and love to all the people you touch on each day. You are all so brave.

God bless you all.

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