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"black Man" Toilet Cleaner, Mops, Dusters Etc Etc


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Darlie toothpaste used to show a black man with shiny white teeth.

and it was called "Darkie". I took several tubes back to the UK for black friends, none were remotely offended (and they're still friends) :o

EDIT 555 tritex :D and agree 100%

Kudos to them. Nice one.

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I'm black. It does not offend me at all.

Of all the things I'm grateful on life for, I am absolutely thankful for having been raised in Africa. Such issues don't come up.

I mean if it was an Asian man on the Toothpaste and probably call the paste 'Thai-Paste', would that have been racist? If it was a white person cleaning the loo, would it have been racist?

If it was a woman, would it have been 'sexist'?

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Seen in Big C, Pattaya a couple of days ago. No-one seemed shocked or outraged...


and i thought the only reason i didn't shop there was the poor quality goods and hords of extended families having a day out at big c.

on a more serious note, i can recall watching the olympics on thai tv and the commentators would ofter refer to certain african athletes like "ooh-----hooo, kon dum mak mak' followed by laughter.

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Seen in Big C, Pattaya a couple of days ago. No-one seemed shocked or outraged...


i am more offended by the bear playing guitar. don't they realize that the asian bear is a protected species?

whats next, cute pictures of wet cats? the horror.

if you are looking for something to take offense with, be assured you will find it.

meanwhile i am off to search for a neutral font color. some cultures find black unlucky.

Edited by t.s
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Seen in Big C, Pattaya a couple of days ago. No-one seemed shocked or outraged...


and i thought the only reason i didn't shop there was the poor quality goods and hords of extended families having a day out at big c.

on a more serious note, i can recall watching the olympics on thai tv and the commentators would ofter refer to certain african athletes like "ooh-----hooo, kon dum mak mak' followed by laughter.

wood e bee charged to git ento gullivars

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am sure this must of comed up before, but i am fairly new to this. So i just have to ask what you guys think of this "Black Man" toliet brush , mops, etc etc????? What is that about? i am not black but still offended by this, ay more racist comments about thais, pls feel free to post>


(It actually has a picture of a black "slave" looking man holding a duster etc) WOW :wai:

Yes, it has come up before. And if you're sensitive to that, then I think Thailand is not the place for you.


Don't you think he looks a bit like Obama?


Could be a new Obama catch-phrase "I'm going to clean up US politics!" :D

Wow,i didn't know Obama endorsed products.......... :D

But Obama isn't black?

Weel, the mop company had wanted a café créme colour, but they couldn't afford it.

...and Mr Muscle is Caucasian. Problem is? :D


I'm sorry, the point was?


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Darlie toothpaste used to show a black man with shiny white teeth.

Still does, and it used to be called 'Darkie' toopthpaste before it was changed to Darlie because of coomplaints over racism.

I'd always wondered why nobody had sussed the 'Khon Dam' brands of cleaning stuff and wellies.

Now someone's let the cat out of the bag I guess they'll be changed too???

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  • 1 year later...

Cute, I guess if it where up too the majority of the posters here we would still have these lovely gems too..

Brush off common curtosy as being overly sensitive or "PC" if you want too but some shit like these and "Black Man" Cleaning products is ignorant and racist period. Like if someone made brand of rice with a buck toothed slanted eyed Asian charecture and called it "Yellow man rice" or perhaps a line of safes and cash registers under the brand name of "Little Jew" with a big nosed jew charecture eating a bagel or some shit.

It's wrong thats why it's changing, slower in some places than others, sure, but changing all the same.


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