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G/f Trying To Rip Me Off


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It is sad that so many Isaaners find it perfectly acceptable to palm their children off with relatives whilst they go to work in hotels and entertainment business sectors. We all know what most are up to on the side.

With the money they pay back to the family they would be much better off paying a fraction of that money to a mia ban (Nanny) and living with the children themselves. Why many don't is that they tend to work long hours.

I know that Thailand does not have a social security system for the elderly. And this is why it happens, but parents should be parents to their children and not leave the paranting of their kids to their parents who obviously didn't do a wonderful job with them in the first place. Otherwise they would not be in a position where they can not or do not want to take care of their own children.

In answer to the OP's question. Most 'hotel workers' send about 2-6k a month back to the family. the kid sees about 500bt of that over the month, food, pencils and a little clothing.

It is sad.

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Is this in any way related to your recent thread "Swift Money Transfers, Do transfers to Thailand need a reason to be sent ?" ?

(PS: The answer is 'Yes')

actually the answer is no, the bank does not need an reason unless it is a large sum.

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Yes sent through Nationwide but then it goes to HSBC who do all the transfers, that the problem Nationwide wont give me the money back until they get it from HSBC. My argument is that I did the transfer with Nationwide so they should pay me then get the money from HSBC themselves,but they wont have it. You would not belive the amount of phone calls I've made over this.

I did not believe this when I first read it. I worked for HSBC for many years and did not know that Nationwide routed through HSBC. I still didn't believe it so I checked on Nationwide's website. Whilst there is nothing about this in the SWIFT payments out, they do say they use an agent for incoming SWIFT payments and the code MIDLBG22 should be quoted. I know that is HSBC's SWIFT code.

Irrelevant to the topic but my apologies for doubting andyg75


She says her and the ex are already sending B40k between them? Hmnnn, not for the boys but maybe getting a nice house built with accompanying brick shed to keep the buffalo warm on those chilly cool season evenings. Should only take a couple of years up north at that rate, less if she gets some kind farangs to assist?

I'd say B1000 per kid per month should be enough, and then some, especially if pooled.

No disrespect, but i have a feeling you should walk away with your emotions, sanity, and bank balance intact dude, while you still can.

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she replied he same same 20,000

If you hear any woman say "same same" dump her.

Why on earth do you think that you should have to give a Thai woman money? And for her family?

There's one born every minute.

I thought I made it clear I was not going to give her a penny . And never had any intention of giving her any. Wanted to know the average so I could ask her. " Who you trying kid 20,000 a month"

I have friend's with kids at school/uni in Bangkok. They both send them 10,000 a month for rent, books and food.

In Isarn, things are much cheaper. Also my friends are well off.

My Thai friends who send money to their kids - one at Mahasarakham Uni - 5,000 a month.

You are been shafted - accept it or change it.

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she replied he same same 20,000

If you hear any woman say "same same" dump her.

truer words were never spoke.

Sadly, so many don't and live to regret it- average 2-3 years later when the house has been built but often 5-10 years later. I know a couple of guys with "same same" wives who finally accepted that they made a mistake 16 years into marriage.

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Ive known my g/f for over a year now and she's never asked for money for anything, although I have sent her the odd few 1000 to pay for her text's she sends me.But resently she's been moody and not wanting to talk(on phone)so eventually I got it out of her that she was having trouble with her bank. She has 4 sons 2 of them live with her sister they are 15 and 17 and twin boys age 6 who live with her ex husbands sister. They all live up Isaan way. I have no idea what she earns, she works in the office of a holiday complex and is just a general dogsbody, I always thought about 8000 -9000 a month. But when I asked her how much she sends for the 4 sons every month she said 20,000, so I said what about your ex does he not contribute, she replied he same same 20,000. I said ok show me your bank details where it shows the money you send home, it went all quiet then a OK, so I wait and see.

So does anyone know what would be the average a mum sends home to support just the 2 older boys to pay for food, clothing and school needs etc. Then at least I will have something to go on.As I've said I dont know much about Thai wages so just guessing on the 8000. I'm sure those boys dont live on 40,000 a month, that for sure. Thanks Andy.

Andyg75, I'll try not to hurt too much. Drop her like a hot tack! She's a lier!

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First met last year when visiting a relative who's married to Thai man. she's 40 I'm 52, came back 2 more times last year for 3 weeks at a time.I'm semi retired so was planning on coming back this year for 3 or 4 more trips at 3 weeks a time (but who knows) Ive a good friend in KL so might try there.Ive been working non stop for many years so a lot of traveling to catch up on.

The heart is a funny thing. The head is much smarter and the fact that your topic title uses the phrase 'rip off' suggests that you think you are being ripped off.

My g/f had a son, who sadly died, and she was sending 1,000 baht a month for sister to look after him. She was earning 6,000 Bt p.m. + tips as a bar cashier and paid 2,000 pm shared rent.

The 20,000 is therefore way-off the mark. The Thais are masters at extracting cash for all sorts of good causes. i really believe that they think that money grows on trees in Farang countries and we have a never ending supply of cash. ....... Chaimai, good to see someone answering a genuine blogger with a genuine question in an intelligent manner. This blogger is obviously new to the Thai system or rather the Thai girlfrend scenario, and was asking for genuine guidance, what a shame that the more unintelligent crass blogger have to find their way around the keyboards making ridiculous comments. I look forward to looking at more of your comments Chaimai, well done.

I have observed over the last 2 decades here in Thailand bloggers that have made lurid obscene comments after someone has died, do they not have the comprehension that family and friends also might look at these forums, imagine if that happened to one of their loved ones, where has the worlds compassion and sensitivity gone to eh!!

She hasn't been quick off the mark to work the conversation round to money. Either set down exactly what you are prepared to pay your girlfriend to help support her (your obligation) or follow your instincts and move on.

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Andyg75, I'll try not to hurt too much. Drop her like a hot tack! She's a lier!

Why does he have to drop her?, …just a simple “NO” will do the trick.

I’m sure she will walk off all by herself soon enough, if she doesn’t like his answer. :o

Edited by teacup
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Andy you have had mixed responses but I think you know the answer 20,000THB seems well over the norm.

I would ask to see her monthly pay check (salary) it would be interesting to hear her explain how she was able to send twently thousand a month previously. Thai's seem to be able to justify white lies without thinking about the consequences, she could loose someone that can provide a good life for her if she is faithful, caring and trueful.

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Andy you have had mixed responses but I think you know the answer 20,000THB seems well over the norm.

I would ask to see her monthly pay check (salary) it would be interesting to hear her explain how she was able to send twently thousand a month previously. Thai's seem to be able to justify white lies without thinking about the consequences, she could loose someone that can provide a good life for her if she is faithful, caring and trueful.

CMS very good point indeed. For most part Thais only live for the day, they are not long term thinkers. Its all about what they can get today, and bugger the consequences. Andy should dump this thing ASAP.

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...For most part Thais only live for the day, they are not long term thinkers. Its all about what they can get today, and bugger the consequences. ...

Maybe you should qualify that statement that it applies only to the Thais you have dealt with, and may not be true in general. Suspect this more an socio-economic thing then nationality or cultural.


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Andy you have had mixed responses but I think you know the answer 20,000THB seems well over the norm.

I would ask to see her monthly pay check (salary) it would be interesting to hear her explain how she was able to send twently thousand a month previously. Thai's seem to be able to justify white lies without thinking about the consequences, she could loose someone that can provide a good life for her if she is faithful, caring and trueful.

a few good and worthwhile replies amongst this, wishing you well andy mate, better to get back on that plane with a healthy bangkok then being suckered, I have lived for a couple of decades up here in Nong Khai and I would live very well on that amount. Usually I eat out every day with my wife and we would spend approx 1400B a week in small restaurants nothing flash but more than adequate. Good Luck :o
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...For most part Thais only live for the day, they are not long term thinkers. Its all about what they can get today, and bugger the consequences. ...

Maybe you should qualify that statement that it applies only to the Thais you have dealt with, and may not be true in general. Suspect this more an socio-economic thing then nationality or cultural.


It's true in general at all different levels of society.

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.......she sends for the 4 sons every month she said 20,000, so I said what about your ex does he not contribute,

she replied he same same 20,000

Most Thais would die to have 40K a month to live on............... :o

If you feel inclined I would suggest you offer to pay school fees, against receipts.

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C'mon guys, do you really believe this story ? :o

The OP is obviously a Troll waiting for the usual slagging off of Thai women, can't we have a thread that slags off the stupidity of Farangs that start Troll threads that backfire on themselves ?

I dunno about any poster here on this Forum except one, and I respect him and his opinion cos I know he actually stays in Thailand, and guess what, he don't moan!!! Hi G, I'll be back soon !

So many of the obvious bozos who post here have not one iota of a clue, and if a clue dropped out of a tree at thier feet and announced " I'm a clue ", they still wouldn't have a clue.

For the life of me I cannot understand the continual putting down of Thai people and how bad Thailand is, then the same people crying cos Visa restrictions make staying in Thailand more difficult. :D

Look I know you lot will slag me off for the simplicity of this, but................... If you're not happy, why do you stay, I know I wouldn't , so what forces you to live an unhappy life in a place you are obviosuly unhappy, isn't that why you left your home country, to go to a place where you'd be happy ?

So what makes you unable to leave this one, I understand the airport blockade finished months ago, so........................?

If you think living in Thailand is such a problem, try having a home , Family, and everything you care for in Thailand and have to work overseas for a few months at a time instead of wasting your life sitting on a chair behind your PC complaining, and alienating all those around you, how do you think your Thai wife feels about the way you see her country ?

If someone came up to you xxx years ago and said... " In xxx years time you'll be living in Thailand, you'll be so bitter and twisted you will spend the majority of your time on internet forums complaining about your choice of destination, complaining about Thai people, complaining about everything that you wanted to leave your homeland for.............

You would have laughed at them, said they were crazy, you would have said if you wasn't happy no way would you stay in a country, that's the reason you're leaving your own country, cos you're not happy.

Yet on this forum, I see many many threads aimed at dissing Thai people, dissing Thailand in general, when I bring this up I'm call a Thai Apologist, yet the dissing crowd are what, all knowing, should I be as unhappy as they are to keep the status quo ?

Back to the OP, is your Thai GF trying to rip you off, let me tell you something, you come across as so stupid, I doubt you have ever applied for a passport and found your way to Heathrow, let alone made it all the way to Thailand without wetting your pants.

Pathetic. :D

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Yet on this forum, I see many many threads aimed at dissing Thai people, dissing Thailand in general, when I bring this up I'm call a Thai Apologist, yet the dissing crowd are what, all knowing, should I be as unhappy as they are to keep the status quo ?

Back to the OP, is your Thai GF trying to rip you off, let me tell you something, you come across as so stupid, I doubt you have ever applied for a passport and found your way to Heathrow, let alone made it all the way to Thailand without wetting your pants.

Pathetic. :o

You were only accused of being a Thai apologist because of imbalanced rants like this !

Yours was a disproportionate response to the OP, whether he is a troll or not. Certainly, comments about the passport only make you look stupid when the OP has stated that he has visited Thailand on a number of occasions.

Grow up and remember that there are stupid Thais and stupid Farangs, there are Thais that will rip you off as soon as look at you and there are Thais that will give you their last Satang. There are Thais that look and treat every foreigner with contempt and there are Thais that will welcome you into their homes and family with open arms. There are Falangs who are kind, generous, loving and totally respectful of the Thais and their culture, there are Falangs who I wouldn't shake hands with for fear of losing my watch - or even my hand ! There are Falangs who are grateful to enjoy the many delights that this country offers and there are Falangs who treat with contempt the country, it's culture and it's people.

It is NEVER as one-sided as you make out.

In this case I actually believe the OP is genuine (the Nationwide/HSBC story convinced me of that) and I think he is smart enough to take the earlier advice to say "No". It is then up to him how he wishes to run his relationships.

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she replied he same same 20,000

If you hear any woman say "same same" dump her.

Why on earth do you think that you should have to give a Thai woman money? And for her family?

There's one born every minute.

I thought I made it clear I was not going to give her a penny . And never had any intention of giving her any. Wanted to know the average so I could ask her. " Who you trying kid 20,000 a month"

How much would you send to Dorris in South Dakoda with twin 6 year old ankle biters and a couple of teenage boys! They anwers in the answer!

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I dont see anyone on this thread bitching about thailand,just giving advice/opinions that the OP asked for.you got ants in your pants?

He's bored with driving up and down mountains in Loei to justify his buying a 4x4 SUV.

SWallow your pride and buy a normal car and maybe one of those vacuum pumps :o

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My farang friend and his Thai wife looked after his wife's sisters' and brothers' kids at their family home in Buriram whilst the sisters and brothers all worked in Bangkok earning from 4000 - 10000 per month. They sent back between 600 - 1500 Bhat each month per kid to pay for all the food, clothes and odds/sods kids need.

Any shortcomings was taken up by my buddy and his wife. The kids were aged between 7-13 years old.

To the OP, I would say that the 'guestimates' that your TGF earns about 5-8k for her jobs are about right and that the kids would 'require' somewhere between 1,000 - 2,000 per month. Of course, there are many variables and please don't accept this as gospel.

All the best,


Edited by Jim's_a_Thai_Fox
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I dont see anyone on this thread bitching about thailand,just giving advice/opinions that the OP asked for.you got ants in your pants?

He's bored with driving up and down mountains in Loei to justify his buying a 4x4 SUV.

SWallow your pride and buy a normal car and maybe one of those vacuum pumps :D


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I married a 65 year old Thai women who had 12 children by all different husbands, she tells me she needs me to pay her 200,000 baht per month. I'm 29 years old and it's my first time in Thailand.

I will ask the members here cos I know they know so much, should I pay or should I not pay, I'm losing sleep over this and I just know that you guys can help me.

What would you do ?


WE will have posts liike this soon, and you jerks will be posting replies...lol :o:D

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I dont see anyone on this thread bitching about thailand,just giving advice/opinions that the OP asked for.you got ants in your pants?

He's bored with driving up and down mountains in Loei to justify his buying a 4x4 SUV.

SWallow your pride and buy a normal car and maybe one of those vacuum pumps :o

Neeranam, I've already seen you in Big C car park Khon Kaen having your Photograph taken next to a Fortuner, so you can send it to the folks back home.

Nee, when I'm back mate you're more than welcome to join me and my 15 GF's in MK Suki, if the wife allows it that is!!

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I dont see anyone on this thread bitching about thailand,just giving advice/opinions that the OP asked for.you got ants in your pants?

He's bored with driving up and down mountains in Loei to justify his buying a 4x4 SUV.

SWallow your pride and buy a normal car and maybe one of those vacuum pumps :o

Neeranam, I've already seen you in Big C car park Khon Kaen having your Photograph taken next to a Fortuner, so you can send it to the folks back home.

Nee, when I'm back mate you're more than welcome to join me and my 15 GF's in MK Suki, if the wife allows it that is!!

I'd be willing to trade my sportscar for your fortuner plus of course you give me a couple of hundred thousand.

With the kids getting bigger, I'm looking for something bigger.

Big C Suki - it's a deal.

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