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Multi Entry O Visa - Getting Back In To Thailand After 12 Months

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I am a single, male, British citizen, aged 65, and I am living in Chiang Mai.

I have a Non-Immigrant, multi-entry, category 'O' visa, issued by the Hull Thai Consulate in England, which expires on 30th June this year.

My passport is currently stamped as admitted to 29th March 2009, following previous 'visa runs'.

I am going to Kuala Lumpur on 26th March and returning to Thailand on 30th March. This should result in a stamp admitting me to about 27th June.

I understand from previous posts that I can do another 'visa run' before 27th June and get a further 90 days to stay in Thailand.

My question is: If I subsequently leave Thailand to visit the UK in order to undertake some personal issues, like trying to sell my house, will I still be able to get back in to Thailand provided, it is within the 90 days allowed after my 'visa run' in June? May be this is where the visa expiry date does matter!?

If I do manage to sell my house I may have enough equity share left to meet the 800,000 baht rule, which means I would then apply for a retirement extension, I guess, but this is full of 'ifs' and 'buts', given the current economic downturn!

Advices please!

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As you say. Do a border run just before the Visa expires and you will get another 90 days. If you then leave your permision to stay will be finished. Unless you get a Re Entry Permit from Immigration (1,000 Baht) This will keep your permision to stay date alive. It does not add days.

Personally I would go back to Hull and get another Visa. Up to you.

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As you say. Do a border run just before the Visa expires and you will get another 90 days. If you then leave your permision to stay will be finished. Unless you get a Re Entry Permit from Immigration (1,000 Baht) This will keep your permision to stay date alive. It does not add days.

Personally I would go back to Hull and get another Visa. Up to you.

Thanks for that. Yes, another visa from Hull seems to be most sensible, unless I get my house sold quickly and at a reasonable price. Some hopes!


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If you want to get a retirement extension when you return to Thailand you will need a visa of some kind. There would be no reason to get multiple entry and if you had no visa when your entered you would have to do a change of visa status to get a non-o.

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get you o visa from hull renewed while you are trying to sell your house, you can then change it over while you are in pattaya, not for getting 8oo,ooo baht has to be in bank for 3 months before you can change visa, you may have to do 1 visa run while money is in bank, good luck selling house l have decied to wait till house prices go back up a bit to do same.

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